
Chapter 17 - Dishonorable.

The mist started forming around the trio as Tendo did the jutsu.

Kakashi: "Hm? He did that jutsu huh? Okay, I'll trust them and leave it up to him and sasuke. Zabuza! Here I come!"

Tendo did this jutsu for two reasons. One, he wanted to block Haku's vision so he couldn't see Zabuza dying and try to run away and save him. Two, he wanted to block Kakashi's vision so he wouldn't be able to pick up that he was just using Sasuke as bait in the fight.

Tendo: "Sasuke, fight him up close. I'll provide support with long-range attacks from within the mist. He wouldn't even be able to see them coming."

Sasuke: "Understood. Let's go!"

And just like that, the fight between Sasuke and Haku was started. Tendo was just walking silently in the mist throwing senbon at Haku whenever he was getting too drawn into the fight with Sasuke. Haku got scratched by some of them and he was already poisoned. His speed was slowing down significantly as he continued and he knew that he couldn't go on like this if he didn't do something fast.

Haku: "Special Jutsu: Demonic Ice Mirrors!"

Tendo: 'That's it! The main jutsu I came here for.'

Multiple mirrors started to form around Sasuke and then Haku walked into one them, causing his reflection to appear on all of them. Sasuke didn't know how to react and quickly got blitzed by Haku's unrelenting ȧssault. His body was injured all over and it was even a struggle to move at this point. Sakura tried to help him by throwing a random kunai into the mist at Haku, but her efforts were null because she missed entirely. That's when a shuriken came flying out of nowhere, hitting Haku on the back of the head and it caused him to fall down. Naruto had arrived.

The fight continued as Tendo had already opened the way to Naruto so that he could see Haku coming out of the mirror a moment before. Tendo kept up his role of throwing a few senbon every few seconds but he had also entered and landed a few hits on Haku when he was distracted. Not long after, Sasuke finally went down and was seemingly dead. Naruto lost a bit of himself to the Nine-Tails and the Beast's chakra started to spiral out of control. The mist was blown away by the force of the chakra and that's when everyone saw what was happening.

Kakashi: 'Hm! What's that jutsu? Naruto?!'

Sakura: "Sasukeeeeeeeee!"

Naruto flew into a rage and started beating up Haku as Kakashi summoned his dogs to capture Zabuza in place so that he could finally finish him off.

Tendo: 'Finally, now is the time for me to really strike. Ice Style: Hidden Crystal Mist Jutsu.'

As soon as the Nine-Tails receded back into Naruto, the mist came down again, this time with the Ice Crystals freezing Haku's already damaged body. Tendo flickered out of the mist and appeared in front of Haku and Naruto.

Haku: "S-so you finally s-show yourself, coward?"

Tendo: "A coward?"

Haku: "You fight from the shadows where you are safe while your comrades risked their lives to defeat me. The definition of a coward."

Tendo: "Who told them to risk their lives? I'm not their sensei. I only have one life and until I have the ability to come back from the dead, I wouldn't waste it on a petty belief like having honor in a fight. Honor wouldn't save you from death."

Naruto: 'He was hiding while Sasuke was out here fighting? What a scumbag!'

Tendo flickered towards Haku as a blue aura appeared around him.

Tendo: "Try to stay alive."

Tendo's hand moved extremely fast as he punched towards Haku. Haku raised his hands to block but unfortunately for him since he was already exhausted, poisoned, and severely injured so he didn't have anywhere near the physical strength to block Tendo's punch. Combine that with the Ice slowing him down even more and he was just a standing punching bag.

The punch pushed Haku's hand back into his brėȧstplate, sending him back a few feet with immense force. As soon as he landed, Tendo flickered over his body and grabbed him by his hair, throwing him into the air.

Tendo: 'Water Stream Fist.'

Tendo started delivering multiple punches all over Haku's body, his immense physical strength breaking Haku's bones with every few hits. Unknowingly, the mist started to clear from the wind generated by Tendo's hits and that's when everyone caught sight of the beating that was going on.

Haku: 'I cannot defeat this boy. I'm sorry Zabuza.'

Zabuza: 'Haku...'

Kakashi just started running forward with his Lightning Blade to kill Zabuza and with a sudden surge of vigor, Haku managed to dodge a punch mid-air and made a hand sign with his only working hand.

Haku: 'T-the last thing I can do is to give this life for Zabuza! I must h-hurry!'

He flickered away with the last of his chakra and tried to hurry towards Zabuza. But, Tendo was already prepared for such an event. He used the chains on his hands and threw the front part of it at Haku's neck. As soon as it passed his neck, Tendo moved extremely quickly and appeared next to Haku, grabbing the chain and pulling it around his neck. As Tendo was strangling Haku, the lightning blade hit Zabuza in the ċhėst, killing him on impact.

Haku: ""

Tendo put his foot on Haku's back and watched as the tears came out of his eyes.

Naruto: "Hey! Zabuza's already dead! There's no need to-"

Crack! Tendo broke Haku's spine in half, causing his body to fall back in a horrific position. As Haku's lifeless body fell to the ground, Tendo ripped the chains off of him in such a manner that it shredded the skin on his neck, poisoning him even more as he delivered one final punch to the head. Boom! A small crater appeared in the ground with Haku's head stuck in it.

Tendo: "Where is your honor now?"


[Haku was killed. 50 points gained.]

Tendo shook his head in disappointment and then kneeled down close to the body and put his hand on his neck to start absorbing his chakra. He had followed his master's instructions from before when he delivered all those hits to Haku.

Tendo: 'He did say, always double-tap.'


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