
Chapter 25 - The Chunin Exams Begin.

One week later, Tendo could be seen walking through the hallways of the academy with Anko by his side. He was wearing a black high collar, short-sleeved shirt with the Senju emblem on the back of it. He had bandages wrapped around the exposed parts of his arms, stopping at his palms so as to not impede his movements. He was also wearing shorts that stopped at his knees and bandages wrapped down to his ankles, stopping just above his feet to make sure he could feel the vibrations of the ground properly.

Anko: "That Senju clan sure is ruthless with their training huh? There are bandages all over you and that ridiculous scar on your face, how did that even happen?"

Tendo: "Anko, we're already at the entrance to the exam room, stop asking questions, and allow me to go in."

Anko: "Tendo why are you so rude to me?! Your own sensei?! Fine! Just go in and do your exams, I'll have a good surprise for you later hehe."

Tendo already knew she was probably talking about her being the proctor of the second part of the exams so he wasn't worried about her words. As he entered the room, he felt most of the eyes in the room turn towards him. It didn't help that the chairs were all facing the door so everyone didn't have a choice but to look at him. He heard shouting to the side and saw Ino and Team 7 arguing but he didn't bother with them. He quickly walked through the chairs and found a seat in a corner where he didn't have to worry about being disturbed too much. As was sitting down, he couldn't help but think about what the old man said to him as he sent him off.

Ryutama: "You don't need to blindfold yourself in the written exams but as soon as that section is complete, use it. If you fail, dont come back here at all! If you pass, your training will become even more difficult! Now go and make the Senju Clan proud!"

Tendo sighed when he thought of Ryutama's words. He still couldn't figure out why this old man was so adamant about training him in this manner. But his train of thought was soon interrupted when he heard sounds of fighting coming not too far away from him. Looking across the room, he saw the sound ninja fighting against a young man with grey hair that looked slightly older than him.

Tendo: 'Those sound ninja vs. Kabuto huh? For sound ninjas, they move extremely slow. I know that weird ability from my byakugan isn't activated either. Hm, then they're nothing special compared to the speed of the punches of those two back home. I'm confident I can beat all of them before they even move. I expected more from the elite genin from the sound.'

As Tendo came out of his thoughts, a puff of smoke appeared suddenly in the front of the room. Several shinobi appeared out of it and a black-clothed man with gray under clothing stepped out. It seemed like he was their leader.

????: Sorry to keep you guys waiting! I'm Ibiki Morino, the examiner for the first test of the chunin exam. You guys from Otogakure, no doing as you please before the exam! Or do you want to be failed already?"

The sound ninjas stepped back immediately and the one that acted as the leader of them, known as Dosu, answered in a slightly panicked tone:

Dosu: "I apologize. It's our first time taking the exams so we flipped out."

Ibiki: "Is that so..? Then it's high time someone laid down a few ground rules, shall we? From this point on, there will be no more fighting without the express permission from the examining officers. And even if that permission is granted, anything that endangers another applicant's life is strictly forbidden! Any of you little piglets that break that rule is out of this exam. Disqualified immediately. No second chances. Do I make myself clear?!"

The room got extremely quiet as everyone looked intently Ibiki.

Ibiki: "Good. We will now begin the first part of the Chunin Exams. Turn in your written applications, take one of these seating ȧssignment cards, and directly report to the seat indicated. When everyone's seated, we'll pass out the written part of the test."

Ibiki then started to explain the rules of the test, telling the examinees about how much points they needed to pass the exam as a team. They had to get ten points each and thirty points as a team without any deductions. Each correctly answered question was one point and every question they missed, they lost one point. Tendo had to get thirty points by himself so he expected thirty questions on his paper and that's exactly what he got.

Ibiki: "You have one hour, starting now!"

Tendo knew this was a test designed for the examinees to cheat extremely well and to not get caught doing it. It was a simulation of a real-world simulation where teaching the genin how to gather information secretly was the aim. The questions on his paper weren't hard as he had memorized most aspects of it already. Most of it, if not everything was already taught in the Academy. It wasn't long until he finished answering his questions and they had about 15 minutes left. Multiple participants had already been disqualified from the test and the remaining participants couldn't help but feel nervous.

Ibiki: "Alright, time for the final question! Before we get to the question though, I am adding one new rule. First, you must choose whether to accept or reject this question. If you reject the question then you and your teammates fail immediately! If you try to answer the question and you get it wrong, you will never be permitted to apply for the Chunin exams never again. And when I say never, I mean it."

Examinees were trying to reason with Ibiki, but he wasn't budging in his stance. There was no leeway for a change of rules. After asking who wants to reject the question once again, some participants ended up leaving. A while later, Naruto ended up giving a speech that motivated most of the people in the room to stay and take their chances with the last question.

Ibiki: "Alright, good! All of you who are still remaining in this room all pass the first part of the exam!"

Tendo sat there nonchalantly as Ibiki said that, deep in his thoughts.

Tendo: 'All the questions everyone answered were for nothing huh? But I have a feeling that it won't be the same scenario for me. They'll probably grade my papers normally and then ill be able to pass if my questions are correct.'

And almost like it was a prediction, Ibiki raised his finger and pointed it at Tendo.

Ibiki: "All except you in the one-man team, Tendo Senju. Hand up your papers, you will be ȧssessed normally!"

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