
Chapter 32 - Time To Finish This.(2)

Zaku: "What mark are you talking about, Dosu?"

Dosu: "Don't you see it? That's the curse mark! that he's holding Sasuke up like that...There's one on him too?!"

Dosu knew that there was only one man that had the ability to give someone a curse mark, and that was his master, Orochimaru.

Dosu: 'What is Orochimaru up to?! I thought he wanted us to kill Sasuke! Now he's given him a curse mark?! Damn! And what's up with this other guy? Does he want to kill Sasuke too?!'

Dosu was indecisive about what he wanted to do. On one hand, he wanted to kill Sasuke but on the other hand, Sasuke had a curse mark so that meant he was linked to Orochimaru in some way. As Dosu was contemplating his choices, Tendo already began to absorb Sasuke's chakra since no one was gonna stop him. He knew Sasuke's curse mark will go out control faster if he absorbs his chakra but even a curse mark enhanced sasuke wasn't a match for him.


[Life Steal upgraded. Host is now able to gain Chakra Affinities by absorbing the chakra of any Shinobi. If Host already has said chakra nature, it will be empowered instead. Host is now also able to absorb energy from plants, animals, and rocks.]

[Fire and Lightning Affinities gained.]

Tendo: 'Oh? No wonder I wasn't gaining any of those before. I was wondering about that. I didn't know the system told me when Life Steal upgrades, good to know. Now, since I finally unlocked the ability to absorb Nature, I can become a sage when I'm ready. I'll just try to make Senjutsu chakra until then in my free time.'

Tendo threw Sasuke to the ground and went over and grabbed Naruto. Sasuke's chakra wasn't anything special except for the Indra part of it so it didn't cause any pain. He had just started absorbing Naruto's chakra when he felt something latch onto him. Looking down, he saw someone's shadow connected to his.

Shikamaru: "Go, Choji! I have him trapped! Ino! Go wake Sakura up now!"

Choji: "Okay Shikamaru! HAAHHHH!! HUMAN BOULDERRRR!!"

Ino: "On it!"

Choji started his Human Expansion Jutsu and started rolling himself in one position to activate his Human Boulder. He rolled towards Tendo to knock him away and hopefully save Team 7 at the same time. Tendo scoffed at how pathetic Shikamaru's shadow possession was and just moved one of his fingers, exerting a bit of his chakra and the jutsu was broken.

Shikamaru: "I knew this guy had to be a freak! His chakra is off the charts! Choji! Be careful!"

It was too late, Choji had already appeared in front of Tendo. Tendo stretched out his free hand and with a precise gripping motion, stopped the human boulder in it's tracks by grabbing Choji's face.

Choji: "Mmphhh! go!"

Choji started to exert his strength, hoping to push Tendo away with his massive body. But unfortunately for him, he wasn't even close to Tendo's physical strength. Tendo slowed down on absorbing Naruto's chakra and squeezed Choji's face even harder, absorbing his instead.

Tendo: 'If I recall correctly, the Akimichi clan has Yang Release because of how they expand their bodies to ridiculous lengths. So I should be able to gain it from doing this. Shikamaru has Yin Release from his Shadow Possession Jutsu. That's going to be another one that I absorb.'

[Yang Release Gained.] {A/N: This doesn't mean he'll combine them and make wood style. That's not how it works. Yang and Yin release are mostly going to be used as support affinities. You'll see what I mean in later chapters. Also, this doesn't make him a God. This is just another thing he needs to train with.}

Tendo threw Choji in a random direction and turned his attention back to Naruto. Naruto's Uzumaki chakra pool was very large but it wasn't long until Tendo absorbed it all. Thats when he got to the Nine-Tails Chakra. At first, because of all the pain he experienced in the last few hours, he shrugged off the pain of absorbing this chakra. But soon after the pain got ramped up significantly more than when he was absorbing Shukaku. Normally, he would start to take it slow but this time, he knew how to integrate and suppress the Tailed Beast Chakra.

Shukaku: "Huh?! You're letting that damn arrogant fox in here?! Do you want to explode and die from having both of us here?!"

Tendo: 'Shut up raccoon. Enjoy the company while you can.'

Tendo then continued to ignore the Shukaku and kept absorbing Naruto's chakra. His curse mark was spinning steadily, trying to take over his body and then receding as Tendo's will pushed it back. This was a process that was happening repeatedly as everything else was going on. Not too long after, Tendo dropped Naruto on the ground and felt the Nine-Tails Chakra coursing through him. He felt the beast forming but he knew it wasn't time for it to start talking yet. He even felt something weird forming on his face but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.

Tendo: 'My body feels better than ever. I can feel those scars that I had gotten from my training closing up. This is the total opposite of what I expected.'


[Wind release empowered. Fire release empowered. Host is now 'host' to a second tailed beast.]

Tendo: 'Perfect. The Shukaku told me I was special. I doubt those two old men back at the clan will know what that means, so I'll take a chance and ask the system, maybe it knows something. System, how am I a special Jinchuriki?'

[The host is special because of the nature in which you got the tailed beasts. They weren't sealed into you but you absorbed their chakra directly instead. So their cells and chakra are directly integrated into yours, making you a kind of 'Pseudo Tailed Beast'. Their features will start to show on you more after their chakra gets more and more ingrained in your body. So instead of you having two beings inside of you, all of you are essentially one being. Is everything understood?] {A/N: This is just me explaining to you readers the logic I'm following here because I'm sure most of you wanted to know how the hell these tailed beasts haven't broken out of Tendo yet. Feel free to ask questions in the comments if you don't understand it fully yet.}

Tendo: 'So that's it huh? Interesting. That's certainly a new thing. No wonder it's so easy for me to also suppress the curse mark. I'll explore the new nature of my body later, I still have a few things to do.'

Tendo turned his attention to Shikamaru. Him, Ino, and Sakura were dragging Choji's unconscious body away. As Tendo was going to move towards them, he heard a voice from a tree above him.

Neji: "So, it's you again. Tenten, be careful. Tendo Senju is trouble to deal with. Lee already defeated too. Tendo, we're here to collect our teammate. If you want to stop us, we'll have to fight."

Tendo: "Do as you please, just don't interfere with my plans. You know what will happen right Neji?"

Neji: "...."

Neji couldn't say anything back to Tendo as he knew that even with all the training he had done with Guy, he couldn't afford to fight against the freak in front of him. Tendo turned his attention away from him and flickered behind Shikamaru, sweeping him off of his feet and grabbing him by the back of his head. He then slammed him into the ground face first and started absorbing his chakra.

Ino: "Shikamaruuuuu! Noooo! I've had enough of you Tendo Senju! I'll make you pay myself! Mind Transfer Jutsu!"

As soon as Ino's mind transferred itself into Tendo, she froze with fear at what was going on in his mind. In Tendo's consciousness, Shukaku was staring at Ino with a sadistic and evil smile on his face.

Ino: "W-what t-the hell..?"

Shukaku: "Welcome to the mind of this freak little girl. How would you like to die? Have your consciousness crushed? If you prefer a more physical death, I can move his body and allow him to break your neck or something of that sort! Hahahaha! You made the stupid choice of coming here girl!"

Ino canceled her Jutsu right away and jumped back in her body. She started screaming and crying profusely, it was as if she had seen a demon.

Tendo: "Did you enjoy what you've just witnessed?"

Ino: "I-im s-sorry..*sob*..p-please l-let h-him g-go..."


[Yin Release gained.]

Tendo: "As you wish."

Tendo threw Shikamaru at Ino, causing both of them to fall down on the ground. She was hugging Shikamaru while crying nonstop. Tendo was about to leave the scene when he felt a sinister chakra signature appear behind him.

Sasuke: "Sakura, point out the one that did this to you."

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