
Chapter 36 - Lee's Resolve.

Lee: "Don't you dare insult Guy Sensei!"

Lee forced himself back using Tendo's knee, making a considerable gap between the two. He was frustrated that his opponent had dared to mock his teacher when he had done so much for him. Tendo smiled in anticipation of the because he knew what Lee was planning to do next. It was the reason he even mocked Guy in the first place.

Lee started to remove the orange cloth around his lower legs and revealed some strange stone tablets around them. As Lee started to take them off, Guy was spectating closely. He wasn't surprised that Lee had decided to do it as he knew that Tendo was an extremely difficult opponent for him to deal with.


Most spectators in the crowd were astonished at the weight the stone tablets possessed. Since Lee had taken them off, they wondered just how fast he was going to get? That question was soon answered. As his weights hit the ground, Lee disappeared from the spot. His speed had increased dramatically to the point that he was bȧrėly visible to the Genins in the crowd. The only people that could see him where the Chunin, Jounin, and of course, Tendo.

Lee approached Tendo's back and sent a punch towards his face. Tendo quickly grabbed his fists and squeezed it with extreme force, causing Lee to lose his momentum right away.

Tendo: "Stop playing games and show me what you can really do."

Lee tried to break the hold but before he could even do so, Tendo landed a blindingly fast kick to his abdomen, sending him barreling back into the wall with a loud bang. As the smoke cleared, Lee could be seen lying in a small crater in the wall, looking extremely exhausted. His friends that were spectating couldn't help worrying about his wellbeing.

Sakura: "Lee nooo! Give up before he kills you!

Kakashi: "Lee is not looking too good out there. His body currently is a mass of pain and weakness, isn't that right Guy."

Guy: "You're right Kakashi, but Lee wouldn't give up so easily."

Lee got up from the hole and tried to ignore the pain. He looked Tendo in the eye, smiled, and got into a strange stance. To Tendo, that stance was all too familiar.

Sakura: "He looks so beat why is he smiling?"

Guy: "Thats because the Lotus of the leaf blooms twice."

Kakashi: "Blooms twice...Guy!! You couldn't mean..!!"

Guy: "Yes, Kakashi. The Eight Gates."

Tendo activated his Byakugan and looked intently at Lee's chakra network. He saw Lee push his Chakra towards a sort of barrier and as the barrier was pushed open, Lee's power increased greatly. He then did it twice more, opening the barriers in that region of his body too. His skin turned red as the chakra around him turned visible.

Lee: "Gate of Life, open!!"

Tendo: 'So that's it...those are where the barriers placed on the body are located. I've found all of them. Now, I can just replicate the technique myself.'

As Lee went into position to open the fourth gate, Tendo did the exact same stance that Lee did when he was about to open the gates. His two hands were crossed in front of his head and a smile appeared on his face.

Sakura: "Guy sensei! What is Tendo doing?"

Guy: " couldn't be. No, unless he trained his body to an astonishing degree, he couldn't have learned it. But now that I think about, those Taijutsu skills..."

Kakashi: "The Leaf Village's number one rookie, Tendo Senju. He's as much of a genius as he is crazy. If he pulls this off..."

"Third Gate, Gate of Life, Open!"

Tendo's hair flew up into the air and his chakra ravaged the arena, destroying multiple parts of it. The scales of destruction after the two fighters powered up were dramatically different. The winner was clear if it continued on like this.

Lee: "Fourth Gate, G-Gate of P-pain, Open!"

Tendo didn't bother going further than the third because he was still suppressing his curse mark and the tailed beast chakra was still merging with his. But Tendo knew that just this was enough to win. He had expected much more pain after opening the gate but it was almost like it was nothing. His body was too strong and the tailed beast chakra was already healing his muscles so it didn't even feel exhausting.

Guy: "What powerful chakra! I know the senju were known for that but for one so young to have chakra is.."

Kakashi: "Terrifying. When we were his age our chakra wasn't even close to being that powerful. Guy, if that boy lands a hit on Lee, im afraid that.."

Guy: "I know, Kakashi! But I have faith in my student! I have faith in him! Lee! Don't give up! You can defeat him!!"

Lee heard his sensei and tears flee out of his eyes. He couldn't take as the pain was too much right now but he understood his sensei's words and kept them in his heart. Lee disappeared from his spot and a powerful force blew through the arena with just this one movement, signifying to everyone just how high the level this fight went to.

Tendo could see every movement Lee made clearly. To him, Lee, even all of this speed looked like he was just walking. Tendo moved and deflected a punch that Lee was trying to throw. Tendo delivered a kick to Lee's ċhėst and the latter almost fainted right there on the spot from the hit, but he couldn't give up. Lee opened the fifth gate right there and dashed towards Tendo, bȧrėly managing to dodge his punch. Lee then crouched and kicked Tendo in the chin, sending him up into the air.

As Tendo kept getting higher into the air, Lee flickered behind him and hit him in the back. Tendo didn't block the hit so everyone was sure that this speed was too fast for him to retaliate against. Lee hit Tendo multiple times and then wrapped his bandage around his abdomen and pulled his body upwards. Tendo's eyes were closed, looking like he had gone unconscious from the apparent beatdown.

Lee: "Hidden Lotus!"

Sakura: "Go, Lee!"

Naruto: "Defeat him bushy brow!"

Guy: "Come on Lee, you have to finish this now!"

As Lee attacked Tendo with the Hidden Lotus, his eyes suddenly opened and Lee felt the intensity of his chakra flare up once again.

Tendo: "I took all of those hits to test my defense but, I was disappointed. Time to finish this."

Tendo grabbed Lee's oncoming legs and turned him over, causing them to switch places. He kicked Lee in the chin, causing his head to be pushed down and wrapped his hands around his two legs. Tendo then wrapped his legs around Lee's neck and squeezed them, finally causing Lee to scream in pain.

Tendo: "Falcon Drop."

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