
Chapter 60 - Zetsu.

Zetsu stood still on the tree trying to stare into Tendo's body as if he was trying to find his soul. Tendo didn't plan on encountering such an enemy like Zetsu here but he knew eventually he would notice some of his connections to the White Zetsu being cut so he would come to investigate. Instead of being afraid though, Tendo looked at Zetsu as if he was a prize to be had. His eyes glittered as he scanned the original Zetsu's black half, wondering how he could absorb even a piece of it.

Zetsu was careful as he didn't the exact capabilities of the young boy in front of him but one thing he sensed was the chakra of Indra and Ashura mixed into Tendo's so that's what really encouraged him to rush over to that location so quickly. He wanted to know how a boy such as this could slip under his radar when he had spies in every village.

Zetsu: "Boy, how did you manage to sever my connection to the White Zetsu? Who are you?"

Zetsu's tone of voice was very serious at this moment so Tendo knew that it was Black Zetsu talking. As he spoke, his eyes were still going all around Tendo's body, apparently scanning him for something.

Tendo: "How eh? Let's just say, they became mine instead. And why should I tell you who I am?"

Zetsu: "You're playing games with forces you do not understand, boy. Tell me your name and what village you came from. Are you even human or are you some kind of experiment? Depending on how you answer, this meeting can go very well or very bad for you.'

Tendo: "I'm playing with forces I cannot understand? Are you sure that I'm the one lacking understanding of the situation I'm in? Tell you what, my name is Tendo Senju and I'm from the Hidden Leaf. That's all you're going to get."

Zetsu: "Tendo? As in the Tendo Senju that stole the third Hokage's body and killed a high-class jounin before becoming a missing-nin? A kill on sight bounty of 3.5 million Ryo? Interesting that you would be the one that I find doing all of this. What is your goal?"

Tendo: "3.5 million? That's a good start. I'm guessing you knew that I took the body of the third from your spies in the village?"

Zetsu: "Hm. Let's just say, nothing passes by me unnoticed. Enough of this pointless chatter, I want to give you an opportunity, that's why I'm really here."

Tendo was surprised at what Zetsu said but he had an idea of what his proposition was. What he didn't understand was why so early? Tendo knew he didn't do anything that crazy yet to warrant an invite to the Akatsuki.

Tendo: "Go on."

Zetsu: "Join us, join the Akatsuki. We are all dangerous people like you. But you cannot join us now since your strength hasn't reached the threshold we require. If you agree, you'll just be a trial member for now."

Tendo: "So why invite me if I don't have the strength yet? You can just wait until that time."

Zetsu: "Your potential is enough that it makes me sure that I won't have to wait long. While you accumulate strength, I will talk with the leader of the group and we will be watching your progress. When he decides its time for you to join, I will inform you."

Tendo: "So you're that sure that I don't have the No matter. I will join you, but, I'll need some..."

Tendo looks at the black side of Zetsu with greed in his eyes as he continued speaking:


Zetsu already had an idea of the ability Tendo uses and he knew that it had to do with absorption but he still wanted to know more. Such an ability could be very helpful in his plans. As for Tendo, he knew that he already had the strength to join them but it wouldn't hurt to get more so that he could be even safer. He didn't know what plans they had in store for him.

Zetsu: "I ȧssume you want a piece of me as a type of incentive to join us? Heh, that will be impossible. I do not trust your motives nor do I know the extent of your ability. Unless you consider telling me those things, I cannot give you what you want."

Tendo: "My motive? I just want to attain strength so that I can live comfortably. My ability? It allows me to absorb anything dead or with a weak will and use one jutsu of the absorbed of my choice. I took the reaper death seal from the third hokage and I took multiple fire style jutsu from the Zetsu's. Anything with a will stronger than mine will take over me instead so I have to be very careful with this ability." {A/N: This was, of course, a complete lie.}

Zetsu believed Tendo as in truth, his white half was very weak mentally. But he couldn't fully trust him as he revealed such information too easily. Zetsu wasn't worried though as he had a plan to both monitor and control Tendo by giving him exactly what he wants. He was a manifestation of the will of Kaguya so Tendo being able to overpower his will would be impossible. He was going to cut off an arm, give it to Tendo and by absorbing it, he would plant the will of Kaguya into himself, effectively making him a slave to Kaguya. In the event that Tendo could be lying to him, he would still absorb Kaguya's will which would give him a Kama seal, making him a vessel for her resurrection so just in case his plan with Madara failed, he had a surefire backup plan. It was a win-win for Zetsu.

Zetsu didn't waste any more time and did a quick swipe, cutting off his arm. Another one grew back immediately as he threw the severed one to Tendo. The latter knew that Zetsu was up to something, especially since he told him the lie about 'stronger wills' being able to resist him. Tendo took the arm and used wraith execution on it, devouring it quickly without worry. Zetsu was intrigued by the demonic black mist he saw but smiled inwardly when he saw Tendo absorb the arm.

Around Tendo's right arm, a black hard substance started appearing and wrapped itself around his arm in the form of thin black lines, ending in a diamond-shaped seal in his palms. Tendo knew that he successfully absorbed it but he still wanted to put on a show in front of Zetsu as to now alert him. He even made sure that his connection to it wasn't completely cut so that they could communicate.{A/N: For all those who didn't know or haven't watched Boruto, Black Zetsu is just a physical Kama Seal. He made Madara a vessel for Kaguya's resurrection so that's why by piercing him through the heart, he injected himself(Kaguya's will) into Madara and resurrected Kaguya.}


[Five chakra natures empowered. Hosts body strengthened. Wood release empowered. Parasitic body gained. Regenerative abilities enhanced. Ability to record events in a perfect manner visually gained. Kama Seal gained. The host will unlock more abilities as time progresses. Debuff gained, Kaguya's will. The host's mind has been infiltrated by Kaguya and will experience mental visits from her soon. Unable to remove unless done by Kaguya herself.]

Tendo wasn't surprised that this happened at all as this was all within his expectations. He knew that this was what Zetsu wanted too but again, didn't show any signs of happiness. It wasn't worth it having the best tracker in this world after him 24/7 when he still had things he wanted to do secretly.

Tendo: "This arm alone had an extremely powerful will and it seems to have merged with my arms instead of being absorbed normally. That was a good trick."

Zetsu: "Do not worry, this arm will allow you to be more versatile with your abilities. It won't control your actions or anything of that sort. We will be able to communicate with it if you need any help as you are now effectively one of us. When you join completely, you will be briefed on everything. For now, just continue to do what you need to, we will be in touch."

With that, Zetsu disappeared slowly into the tree, wiping his presence from everything around him except Tendo, who was still able to sense him perfectly. He was heading towards the Land Of Rivers so Tendo ȧssumed he was going towards the Akatsuki base to inform the members that were there of his existence. Tendo felt the power in his body and almost laughed out loud as he couldn't believe that his theory actually worked. To gain such power so easily almost felt like a cheat but he knew that he couldn't drop his guard when an entity such as Kaguya was lurking within him. He decided that he would test out his new powers later when he had the time as he still had to collect Kimimaro's Kekkei Genkai.

[One week and a few days later]

In a wide grass-filled field, four figures could be seen standing at odds with each other. One had on a green skin-tight suit and orange leg guards. The other standing next to him was a boy with a giant gourd on his back and red hair with black circles around his eyes. The last two both had white hair but one of them had a long sword-like bone in his hands and the other had a long incorporeal spear in his. Oddly enough, three of the figures were all facing off against the boy with a spear in his hands. Three unlikely allies joining together to defeat one powerful enemy. Tendo couldn't say he wasn't slightly excited as he hadn't gotten into an actual battle in a while. Although his opponents weren't strong enough to challenge him, he could at least test out some abilities on them.. He couldn't wait for them to begin.

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