
Chapter 75 - We Meet Again. (2)

Orochimaru cursed his luck as meeting Tendo here and with his current strength was the worst thing that could happen. He had heard about how Jiraiya, Guy, and Kakashi had gotten utterly humiliated from one of his spies. He even heard that there was going to be some kind to battle at Mount Myoboku that involved Tendo, Jiraiya, and Tsunade. Tendo arriving here only meant one thing, his two sannin acquaintances were either dead or severely injured. He couldn't think of a plan to escape nor could he think of a way to convince Tendo to leave. He could only comply with his demands.

Orochimaru's fear was compounded on even more when the power of the white snake within him started to act...unusual as soon as he walked into the room. The snakes around his body already reverse summoned themselves in fear of Tendo which only confirmed his theory.

Orochimaru: 'The wretched brat actually managed to become a sage! And a powerful one too! Dammit! When he finds out what I did to the bodies of his parents...'

Tendo: "Orochimaru, don't you hear me talking to you? I will not ask again?"

Kabuto already saw Orochimaru's fearful expression and he understood it completely as he had heard the news about Tendo too. The only one that was out of the loop was Sasuke. Sasuke wasn't stupid, he already activated his sharingan but he noticed that his vision was blocked whenever he looked at Tendo. It was definitely something alarming but that didn't mean he would back down.

Sasuke: "Oi, this isn't the Leaf Village any more. Watch your tone bef-"

Sasuke didn't even manage to finish his sentence before he found himself with his face on the ground and Tendo's foot on the back of his head. Tendo was now standing directly beside Kabuto and was now face to face with Orochimaru. Not one of them even saw him move.

Tendo: "Weaklings don't get to talk. Orochimaru, you should've trained your dog better before his big mouth dooms his owner."

Sasuke tried struggling up from Tendo's hold but he couldn't even move an inch. It was like his body was obeying Tendo instead of himself. Of course, this was just Tendo pressing Sasuke down with natural energy but the latter didn't know that as he was too inexperienced.

Orochimaru: "Tendo...good to see you. I see that you and your reputation over time have grown quite...nicely. You're here for the bodies of your parents, right? They're mostly untouched and-"

Tendo: "I can sense you lying to me, Orochimaru. Sigh, I already knew that you would've done something unsavory to them but I had a small bit of faith that you would back down when you heard the news of my growth in strength. But it seems I expected too much. "

Orochimaru: "Wait, maybe we can make a trade. I can provide a large amount of my research with your parent's bodies and you leave this place without fighting in return. I'm sure you know that I can't put up a fight in such a state."

Tendo: "Such a trade is bȧrėly anything substantial. There's nothing you can research that would benefit me. Instead, give me my parent's bodies and the man, your subordinate, known as Shin. While you're at, give me your stash of Sharingan's. I think that's a fair trade for the life of each of you."

Orochimaru cursed his luck once again as he didn't know how Tendo knew such information. Shin was a hidden subordinate of his that he tried multiple experiments on because of the unique ability of his body to adapt. Shin possesses a unique genetic make-up that will completely accept any new genetic material, be it tissue, organs, or entire limbs, without a chance of rejection, allowing him to fully integrate it into his being. Doing so also allows Shin to make use of any genetic modification to its full potential. According to Orochimaru, it is this very trait that made it much easier for permanent and separate entity clones of him to be created.

Orochimaru: "Tendo Senju, you've gotten quite resourceful and quite shrewd. Tch! Alright, he's at the southern hideout-"

Tendo: "Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "How annoying. He's at the eastern hideout and your parent's bodies are in some test tubes in the laboratory. Kabuto will retrieve them for you. As for the Sharingan's, they're located there too. Shin was supposed to bring them here for me."

Tendo: "See? That wasn't hard was it?"

Tendo took his foot off of Sasuke's head and waited for Kabuto to return, his face as calm as ever. Sasuke got up from the ground quietly and sat down on a chair not far from Orochimaru, rethinking the 'battle' that just took place. When Kabuto returned, he came back with two sealing scrolls and he kneeled down on the ground, opening both of them. Tendo just sighed when he saw the state of their bodies. His mother's body was extremely skinny and she had almost been drained of her cells while his father was almost completely drained too. The only good thing was that his mother's eyes were intact. Tendo was surprised as he was sure Orochimaru would take those especially.

Tendo: "Why'd you leave them in?"

Orochimaru: "Your mother was an excellent spy and she begged me not to take her eyes so I didn't. It was a reward for her great service over the years."

Tendo: "Interesting. Alright, seal them back up."

Kabuto didn't say anything and just followed what Tendo said, not making any sudden actions at all. He handed Tendo the scrolls and stood beside Orochimaru once again, waiting for his next order. Tendo pocketed the scrolls and turned around, leaving the base in no time.

As soon as he left, Orochimaru looked at Kabuto with a serious expression on his face.

Orochimaru: "Kabuto, did you put the fake byakugan back into her body?"

Kabuto: "Lord Orochimaru, I'm sorry, but no. I had to input the real ones. As soon as I left this room, I felt something, a snake, wrapped around my neck, and its fangs were placed on my throat. I'm afraid that if he caught me taking out her real ones to put in the fake ones, my throat would've been ripped out immediately."

Orochimaru: "That damn brat is too crafty. Sasuke, next time, do not act recklessly. I trained you better than this. You could've doomed us all."

Sasuke: "... I get it."

[Several hours later at the Eastern Hideout]

Shin: "Arghhhh!! Who the hell are you?! Why are you suddenly- mmpphh!"

Tendo: "Stop screaming. All those child clones of you screamed less before they died.. Now, let's get this over with."

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