
Chapter 89 - Re-establishment.(2)

BOOM! A loud explosion took place in a massive empty lot close to the outskirts of Tanigakure. Most civilians in the village looked at the place where the explosion happened and couldn't help but to feel slightly fearful as it could've been some kind of attack. The village itself, Tanigakure, was a village surrounded by two massive mountains that had waterfalls flowing from various parts of it. The houses and businesses were slightly scattered as the rivers flowed through multiple areas of the village so it didn't lend itself well to buildings being too close to each other. The building architecture had a more Oriental look to it, much more than other villages. It was a village where the people were always close and they treated each other like family. The Tanikage's office was located close to the end of the village, where it led off into a cliff that had multiple waterfalls flowing into a massive river, from the rivers that were in the village.

Lord Yama, who was currently in his office heard the explosion and headed out with his subordinates right away. Tendo had told him that he would finally be arriving today with the Senju Clan so he was looking forward to it. He had already announced to the village that the place that the Senju Clan would be located was Sacred Ground so it was heavily guarded to make sure no one tried to squat there or anything. At the new Senju Clan area, when the smoke finally cleared from the explosion, everyone from the Clan who recovered from the teleportation was in awe at the beauty of their new village.

Some members of the clan had been to the Land Of Rivers before explained to the rest of them the usual customs and such of the village, causing the new ones to become even more awed. The entire clan fit perfectly on the spot that was reserved and their houses were the same so the move wasn't too hard on the people at all. Tendo was just about to address the people once again when Lord Yama arrived with his subordinates to greet him.

As soon as Yama arrived, he immediately knelt down on one knee with his fists cuffed and looked Tendo in the eye, saying:

"Lord Tendo, you've finally arrived! Welcome to Tanigakure! The rest of you, kneel!"

The valley shinobi didn't know why they had to kneel but at the mention of the name "Tendo", their hearts were already taken by fear. He had one of the highest bounties in the Bingo Book and it was said that the bounty was being increased once again in the new iteration of the book. Tendo was known far and wide for his unnatural strength and brutality, all of which caused men everywhere to break out in cold sweat from a casual mention of his name. A 15-year old boy that even the Legendary Sannin who were all Kage-level shinobi were nothing more than ants too? Death was surely the only outcome of anyone who tried to go against him.

They eventually followed Yama's orders and kneeled down but Yama wasn't happy with their insubordination. He was about to kill them on the spot for disrespecting Tendo but he was stopped by Tendo before he did anything too rash.

Tendo: "Yama, relax. Such things don't matter. In time, they will learn. Now, why don't your men show the clan members around the village? You can accompany me and Shion. At the same time, announce that the Senju have just become the royal clan of the Land Of Rivers. {In conversations, I don't call her Kaguya because if any of you have read Boruto, you would know Isshiki wants all the smoke with her.}

The men were still dumbfounded as they knew Yama and Tendo were allies but they didn't know why he was so obedient to him. They immediately went to carry out his orders but most were still confused. Yama was planning to tell them that it was Tendo who trained him to be a Kage so the same respect that is afforded to him must be given tenfold to Tendo. The latter didn't really mind that plan so he just let Yama handle the specifics. As the two were talking, Kaguya walked out of the tea shop with Yaoru at her side, talking like they were best friends.

Tendo was surprised at first but when he asked Kaguya about it, she just said that Yaoru reminded her of the deceased maid that she had many years ago, which happened to also be one of her closest friends. Yama gave respect to Kaguya and started showing them around the village eagerly, having been glad that his master had finally arrived to stay.

[One day later, in Konoha.]

The atmosphere was extremely quiet in Tsunade's office. Tsunade, Shizune, Anko, Jiraiya, the elders, and Naruto were all there. Danzo was hospitalized, so was Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai. The village was in shambles and morale was at an all-time low. Tsunade herself was even crying currently because she had never felt like this before.

Tsunade: "We have never been embarrassed like this before. Lord Tendo walked into our village, took the entire Senju, one of our founding clans away from us, and knocked us out. He didn't even bother to kill us. Do you know what that means?"

Tsunade got up and punched her desk in complete anger, breaking it in half. She then continued:

"It means that he doesn't even see us as a damn threat! Do you know how many times I and Lord Jiraiya have fought him? He could've killed is since the first encounter but he keeps on letting us go after beating us to a pulp. Can I even confidently call myself a Kage anymore?"

Jiraiya saw how Tsunade was feeling but at such a time, there was nothing he could do. He was out of the village when the attack happened so when he got back and heard everything that happened, he couldn't be less ashamed of himself. Tendo was going too far with his actions. He needed to be stopped but it was confirmed that one Kage would not be enough to stop him. Jiraiya and Tsunade had already asked for help from the other villages but they refused as they said the Leaf has to deal with its own problems.

Shizune: "Lady Tsunade..."

Tsunade: "Naruto....*sobs*....that's enough."

Naruto: "But-"

Tsunade: "I said THAT'S ENOUGH, NARUTO! Everyone, go home and rest. We need to make a plan but most of us still haven't recovered from the event. We're done...for the day."

As if taking her own orders, Tsunade was the first one to leave the office, heading to her home with her emotions in shambles. Her usual house in the Senju Clan was taken along with everything else so she had to get another one immediately as she had refused to sleep in an inn. Tsunade just felt like giving up at the moment because it felt like fighting against Tendo would do nothing but harm the Leaf Village.. The feeling of such a decisive defeat was just too much for "The Slug Princess."

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