
Chapter 91 - Realized Threat.

After taking a good look around the peaceful village with Kaguya, Tendo split apart from the group and went off by himself to start making plans for the future. He left the village and flew to the top of the closest mountain as he didn't want anyone to distract him from his thoughts. Sitting down on a ledge, he looked up at the clear blue sky as a small smirk appeared on his face.

Tendo: 'It looks like the other villages are planning on leaving the leaf to its troubles as I haven't heard any talk about alliances from any of them. Judging from their movements and what my spies tell me, it seems they plan to wait until the leaf is completely focused on me to attack it. Some of them wouldn't make any moves, but it's almost guaranteed that the Lands of Lightning and Stone will. Those two Kages are particularly crafty and aggressive. I don't plan to unite the ninja world or anything that grand, but it would be better to suppress future problems as the five villages wouldn't easily accept a sixth amongst them. Maybe I'll have to put an end to the system of the five villages and the kages as a whole.'

Tendo sat there for a while and thought about his plans more before coming to a decision. It was a decision that would set in motion the bloodiest war the Shinobi world had ever seen.

'Alright, I'll pay a visit to each village to see their stance on my plans to expand. Any one who wants to act aggressively towards me will be destroyed, and their lands will be taken immediately. Those who don't have a problem with it should be fine. They can plot and scheme how much they want, but it wouldn't mean anything in front of absolute power. Hm, I guess I'll start from that clever old man, Onoki.'

If anyone could hear Tendo's thoughts, they would think he was crazy for even trying to attack one of the five great villages by himself. Especially one that was as powerful as Iwagakure. The only people who could pull that off were Madara and the First Hokage, Hashirama. No one would think Tendo would be crazy enough to attack another village one day after his brazen attack on the leaf, especially since the news of it had just started makings its rounds in the Shinobi world.

Kaguya: "I'm coming." {A/N:...I promise it's not what it looks like.}

Tendo had decided to tell Kaguya he was heading to Iwagakure so she wouldn't come looking for him, and surprisingly, she still wanted to follow him.

Tendo: "Huh? But you just arrived in this village. Explore, walk around with Yaoru of something. There's no need to follow me."

Kaguya: "I said I'm coming. I'm not going to change my mind."

Tendo was starting to get tired of being followed around by Kaguya, but in the end, he decided not to refuse her. At least she didn't get in his way during trips, so other than being annoyed, there wasn't any reason not to bring her along.

Kaguya's face seemed to brighten quite a bit when Tendo agreed, and she held Tendo's hand tightly as if she was afraid he would leave without her.

Kaguya: "No problem. It wouldn't be long until you start attacking people, so at least I'll have quite the show to watch. Let's go, Ten."

Tendo: "Ten? Is that supposed to be...sigh. You even said it with no change in your voice like it was normal."

Kaguya: "...."

Tendo: "Tch, let's go."

[In Iwagakure, inside the Tsuchikage's office.]

Onoki: "HAHAHAHA! That boy dealt a big blow to leaf village yet again! That damn slug princess must be crying her eyes out! It's too bad we couldn't recruit him when he was weaker. He would've made a great addition to this village! Kurotsuchi! Don't you agree?"

A young, black-haired teenage girl wearing a red shinobi outfit that signified she was an Iwa shinobi stood behind Onoki with a look of absolute boredom on her face. Onoki had been there laughing at the new information about the leafs' misfortune for the last hour while dragging Kurotsuchi into the conversation multiple times.

Kurotsuchi: "Sigh, yes grandpa, I agree."

Kurotsuchi: "Grandpa, but don't you think there's a chance that Tendo would strike at us too?"

Onoki's high spirited demeanor suddenly disappeared, and he immediately stopped laughing. He turned to Kurotsuchi and looked her in the eye with a remarkably stern face.

Onoki: "He wouldn't dare. I would wipe him off the face of this land the moment he steps foot in my village!"

???: "Is that so?"

A sudden unfamiliar voice rang out in Onoki's office, causing him and Kurotsuchi to raise their guards immediately. Judging from the words of the voice, Onoki guessed exactly who it was.

Onoki: "Why dont you come out and face me, boy? Hiding wouldn't do you any good."

A space-time portal suddenly opened up in front of the duo, and two people appeared out of it. As soon as Onoki laid eyes on the calm imposing young man standing in front of him, his guess was confirmed. When he saw a young woman holding Tendo's hand though, he immediately knew who she was. In the report he received, there was news of a young woman who followed Tendo, and she was quite a powerhouse. But Onoki wasn't even slightly afraid of two greenhorns thinking they could do what they want because they managed to defeat Tsunade.

Onoki: "Tendo, we were just talking about you. I have to say I'm impressed with your latest exploits. But why did you come here?! You can't just walk into the office of a Kage whenever you want!"

Tendo: "Calm down, Onoki. I didn't come here to fight...yet. My next action depends on your answer to my question. As you know, I'm building my nation, and I'm curious about your thoughts on the matter. I know you large villages don't want any more competition, but I still want to know what you plan to do about my expansion."

Tendo: "Onoki, sigh, at least they can't say I didn't give you a chance.. Now, submit or die."

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