Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 10: I really want to invite you to dinner.

When I look at the look of this pale young man, I know that he will never let go of himself. Although he is not afraid of anyone, but this is calculated for no reason, he is very uncomfortable. And this is him, in exchange for the original Ye Mo, the loss afterwards is absolutely serious.

This pale-faced youth is not a good thing at first glance, and if he will let him go after Ye Mo, then he has been mixed in the realm of comprehension for more than a decade.

Eyelessly staring at the beautiful girl around, Ye Mo did not speak, although he was very disgusted with the irresponsible movement of the girl, without considering the consequences of this action. But he also dislikes the dead fish eyes of this pale-faced youth. If this guy dares to find him afterwards, he doesn't mind letting him remember for a lifetime.

"Friends, yes, actually Su Ning of Ningda is also looking at you differently. Let me know, my name is Zheng Wenqiao. I think you are familiar. It should be an acquaintance." Zheng Wenqiao walked in front of Ye Mo and said faintly. . The disdain and viciousness in the eyes flashed past, and even some pity of light appeared, and it seemed that I saw the way of begging for mercy.

"Rolling..." Ye Mosi did not despise Zheng Wenqiao. He experienced the experience of killing him in the realm of cultivation. Just look at Zheng Wenqiao's gaze and know what he was thinking.

If he really irritates him, he doesn't mind killing this guy. He doesn't stay here, he has his own place. Although he also understands that this is a legal society, killing is behind, and the blatant murder is still very serious, but some of the original nature is not changed. He is a comprehension, and it is the same in the deep forest.

"You, well, you have kind..." Ye Mo prepared Zheng Wenqiao once he started, he first taught him a meal. I didn't expect Zheng Wenqiao to just say a few words, and turned a gloomy turn away.

Ye Mo understands that Zheng Zheng Qiao should see that his figure is strong and he is afraid to lose his hand. This is estimated to be a person, but he does not look at it.

"Ye Mo, you? Do you know who he is?" Su Mei did not expect this Ye Mo to be so embarrassed, even the first son of Ningda is not in the eyes, Zheng Wenqiao's father is the deputy mayor of Ninghai, Moreover, his mother's Qiu Shiye is also one of the top 100 enterprises in China. According to the statement, Ningda should have no one to know.

Such a son, who was actually said to be rolling face by Ye Mo, this Ye Mo brain really has some problems, but his behavior is very much like himself.

Su Mei quickly reacted, but in her heart she admired Ye Mo. He helped himself to drive away a fly, and it was a fly that she hated. Immediately smiled and said: "Ye Mo, I have heard about your big name. I didn't expect you to even Zheng Wenqiao dare to swear. Today, thank you very much, how, I treat, go and have a meal together."

Su Mei said this, in her opinion, it should be the face of the big, and there are people who can let her Su Mei treat, and people who want to ask her have already lined up to Ninghai. In her thoughts, Ye Mo should be pleasantly promised to herself, and then she was frightened to follow her, constantly thanking her for the treat.

But what surprised her again was that Ye Mo actually looked at her with some disgust. Even one answer did not turn. She turned into the library. It seems that she is a group of air and will stay like a chicken. Hanging out.

It was only after Ye Mo walked into the library for a long time that Su Mei responded. This guy actually did this, when she was so cold-hearted, let alone invite him to dinner. I was ignored by a person who was so rubbish. She felt like she was suffering from a fly, and her face was red for a while.

No, no matter what, this face can't be lost, I don't believe that I can't move you, think of it, Su Mei also walked into the library.

Although it was Saturday, there were a lot of people in the Ningda Library, but the spare seats were gone. Su Mei came to the library and saw Ye Mo. He stood in front of the shelf of a row of medical books, and he was looking at a book.

Su Mei sneered, and he was still a doctor. He couldn't even get a seat, and he despised this guy.

However, when Su Mei entered the library, several handsome guys immediately rushed to give way. It is an honor to let Su Mei sit around, the first beauty of Ningda.

Others come in without a seat, but Su Mei can choose a seat. She chose a place where she could see Ye Mo, but just a smile made the handsome guy faint for a long time. Su Mei just picked up a book and actually stared at Ye Mo. In her opinion, Ye Mo came in completely for the sake of loading, and would never insist on holding it for half an hour.

But what Su Mei didn't think was that after a few hours and a half, Ye Mo didn't mean to leave, and didn't mean to find a seat to sit down.

He read the book very fast, and he stood next to the row of medical bookshelves. He basically changed three or four books an hour, and Su Mei looked very clear. He read every book very quickly, but both It is from beginning to end, and one does not miss it, but the speed of flipping the book is simply too fast.

Pack, you will install. This kind of book-turning speed, don't talk about the content, but also to understand, is to look at a title is a bit embarrassing.

Ye Mo has been immersed in the medical works here. The medical school of Ninghai University is quite famous, so the medical books here are quite complete, but what disappoints Ye Mo is that although there are some novel places, they are not exceeded. a framework.

Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it is the same. But despite this, he still remembers every content he has seen. He was quite powerful in his memory, and now he is already practicing a layer of gas. He has a little knowledge, so he basically does not spend much time looking at these books.

These things are far too far apart from the content of the exercises they practice. If he is a base period, he can watch all the bookshelves of a complete medicine in five hours. If he is already in the Daniel period, he can see the entire library in three If he is already a Yuan Ying, he doesn't even have to enter the library, the knowledge is slightly scanned, here The things are invisible.

After all, books are books, and the content of jade is too far. But how could the Yuan Ying period be, the past life, he is just a foundation monk.

Su Mei, the more he waited, the more he was worried. It was already more than three in the afternoon. He was still watching. He didn’t even eat at lunch. She was only staring at him because she had to stare at him.

She didn't understand why she had to let him listen to her own, to eat a meal, but he refused to himself, she was very uncomfortable.

Just as Su Mei couldn't bear it, Ye Mo finally put down his book and walked out of the library.

Su Mei saw it and immediately went out.

"What else do you have?" Ye Mo's voice was very cold. Obviously, he always knew that Su Mei followed him.

"Ah..." Su Mei was stunned by Ye Mo’s sudden question. However, I immediately responded and quickly said: "This is the case, because you helped me in the morning, I really want to ask you for a meal. I don't want to owe you a favor, or I will be very, very..."

Ye Mo stared coldly at Su Mei's eye, and sighed in his heart, only this woman who thought she was a princess would be superior and self-righteous. She simply wouldn't think about the consequences of her actions, but only consider her own superiority.

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