Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Come again

It turned out to be a Gobi desert. This is not the most important one. The most important Gobi desert is surrounded by hundreds of trees in the vicinity of Ye Mo’s knowledge. Ye Mo took out the miner's lamp and took a photo. The dense place in the distance is all purple heart vines.

And it is even thicker than the wrist, which is definitely the "Zi Xin Teng" that can be grown for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

"Zi Xin Teng, although it belongs to the lowest spiritual grass in the realm of cultivation, but if it is more than three thousand years, it is very rare, and even one company has to sell hundreds of Lingshi. There are so many here.

Ye Mo held his breath and he was really shocked. "Zi Xin Teng, was found by him, and there are so many, even the year is so high. But his heart has no sense of joy, even a faint sorrow.

What exactly is going on?

Ye Mo did not move. He closed his eyes again and felt it with God. Yes, it was all "Zi Xin Teng." He did not read it wrong, but the faint sadness in his heart was also true.

Suddenly, Ye Mo noticed a problem, that is, "Purple Heart Vine, which belongs to the spirit grass, and these "Zi Xin Teng, have been in the year, and are even more superior grass." But he doesn't feel a hint of aura here, what is going on? These "purple vines" still stand on the Gobi Desert, and even the shape has not changed. Even these "purple vines, have all withered, but it is still possible to enter the medicine."

Ye Mo slowly approached a "purple heart vine" a feeling of decay into the heart, he gently sighed, the two-three meters in front of the "purple heart vine, turned into a fly ash.

Ye Mo stayed, and he went to several "Zhong Xin Teng, in front of him, and sighed. These "purple heart vines, all of them became fly ash, disappeared." It seems that I feel the movement of Ye Mo, or it seems to feel the breeze brought by Ye Mo's figure. This nearly thousand "Zi Xin Teng, turned into a fly ash at the moment, if not Ye Mo saw it, he still I thought that there was another strange event.

Just now, the "Zi Xin Teng" of Mangotan Beach disappeared in an instant.

Ye Mo stood there and did not move. He felt that his mouth was bitter. He looked for a long time and finally found the secret of "Zi Xin Teng, but this secret is useless to him. He has lost to "Kulu". The interest, since "Zi Xin Teng, found here, and then go to other places does not make sense, then again, even "Culu, there are also "Zi Xin Teng, should not be much better than here.

Ye Mo went to the Gobi Desert. It seems that he has never been here. I don’t know if it has been found in the desert.

This Gobi Desert is not very big, and Ye Mo soon came to an end. A huge stone monument stands in front of Ye Mo, and there are only two words on the stone tablet: "Liu Lake."

It turned out that here is "Khu Lake, ah, it seems that "Khu Lake, originally like Lop Nur, is a big lake, and later became the Gobi Desert."

Ye Mo put his hand on the stone monument of "Khu Lake." There was a slight disappointment in his heart. He came to the desert and didn't get what he wanted. It seems that he can only go back to the clinic and slowly cultivate the "silver heart." . However, if you want to cultivate "silver heart grass", you have to install your grandson. Ye Mo is not reconciled. Even if he is a grandson, he has been violent in the Taklimakan Desert. Maybe he can't install it even if he is a grandson.

Ye Mo’s thought suddenly stopped. He looked at his palm in surprise. He even felt a resounding aura from his stone to his hand. But the aura is too weak and too weak to be cultivated.

But even if it is impossible to cultivate, Ye Mo also needs to find out exactly what is going on.

He dug up the stone monument and cleaned the surrounding sand. A dry spring appeared in front of Ye Mo. No wonder some auras are actually a dry spring.

Ye Mo was somewhat disappointed, but he also understood why there are so many "purple vines" in this Gobi Desert, because there is a spiritual spring here.

It’s a pity that if this spring still has spring water, maybe Ye Mo would like to settle here. Although dark, it is better than no place to practice.

Ye Mom sighed with Lingquan and took out a bottle of water and poured it in. The mouth said: "Lingquan has no water, give some water for you to drink." In the desert, perhaps only Ye Mo will To do this kind of thing, one is a self-cultivator, and he has a natural feeling for Lingquan and spiritual things. Another is that he does not care about this bottle of water. Since he did not find "Zi Xin Teng" he would go out.

When Ye Mo poured the water in his hand into Lingquan, the things that surprised him appeared. Lingquan actually gave off a faint aura, which seemed to return Ye Hao’s bottle of water.

Ye Mo felt some, and he was surprised to find that this aura could let him absorb cultivation.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo did not hesitate, poured all the water in his hand, and even the bag of water given by the yellow shirt woman fell in. Sure enough, the aura is a little more.

Ye Mo quickly sat down to practice. He didn't care about water because he was already in the second stage of practicing Qi. As long as he used these faint auras, he could break through to the third floor. Even if he didn't have water, he didn't care, because At that time, he could issue water polo, and he would not be afraid of thirst.

The time of cultivation has passed quickly. Ye Mo does not know how long he has practiced, but it is estimated to be at least three or four days. When Ye Mo woke up, he found that there was no aura in the spring of his pouring water. Ye Mo stood up helplessly. After all, the Lingquan was too long, and he did not let him break through to the third floor.

However, Ye Mo feels that it is repaired. He is already the second level of practicing Qi. The three layers of practicing Qi are only a bad line. Maybe not for two years. As long as he has an opportunity, he can advance to the third floor.

Ye Mo gave a gift to Lingquan to bend his waist. In any case, this Lingquan helped him a lot. However, Ye Mo also knows that even if he has more water, perhaps Lingquan can only exude these last auras.

At the end of the story, Ye Mo did not know, it seems that someone deliberately surrounded this huge Gobi Desert as a hall. It seems to be just to protect this Lingquan and "Zi Xin Teng.

Simply ate something, Ye Mo went to the place next to the ladder, and climbed another stone ladder again. A few minutes later, Ye Mo once again came under a bluestone slab, and moved the bluestone slab. A circle of yellow sand fell, and some of the glaring eyes of the sun were hurting.

Ye Mo knew that he had already come out. He restored the slate again and filled it with yellow sand again. Maybe one day he will come here, not for anything else, because there is a dry spring.

Ye Mo, who stood in the desert again, discovered that he was standing in a forest.

But this is a forest that has no life, and the roots of dead Populus are everywhere.

Ye Mo is thinking, I don’t know if it’s the legendary “Devil Forest”, and it’s interrupted Ye Mo’s thoughts, and Ye Mo frowned.

Is there a gunshot here? Is it "Nanqing, the people chased? But Ye Mo thought, even if "Nanqing, people chasing the desert, not seeing him will not shoot."

However, Ye Mo soon understood that a yellow-shirt woman stumbled from the "Devil Lin, who rushed to the side, was the woman who saved Ye Mo. At this time her shoulders were red, it was obvious that she was in the middle. The gun was gone, but her backpack was gone. It didn't take long for a few men to catch up with a gun.

Ye Mo only needs to look at the fierce demeanor of these people, and they know that these people are "Nanqing, and the people are undoubted. Ye Moxin raised a sigh in his heart. He did not expect this woman to save him, but he was injured because of his sake. Even being chased.

This woman not only saved Ye Mo, but also in the heart of Ye Mo as a fairy, and was actually chased by these bastards. Ye Mo’s murder immediately rose, and he wanted to kill.

The yellow-shirt women’s footsteps are more and more embarrassing, and Ye Mo is somewhat surprised. Even if she can’t hide her guns, these men should not be her opponents. How did she make this?

It’s too late to think about it. When Ye Mo grabbed the nails and was going to fight out, suddenly there was a “hey, the sound of the sound, it’s a bit harsh in this desert. It’s getting louder and louder, not just Ye Mo heard it, even the yellow shirt woman who was escaping, and the men who heard the voice.

All the people looked at the place where the sound was made, and the purpose was to make a worm that was disgusting and dying. It was dense and numb, and it was drilled out from the sand. In a blink of an eye, it is covered with the size of dozens of acres of land. This area is still spreading, and soon it is already the size of hundreds of acres.

These bugs have four walking very fast, the front mouth seems to have only teeth.

Numerous such worms appeared in the desert, and the sound of this "squeaky voice, even if it is now bright, all people feel a creepy."

The three "Nanqing, the people only responded, and immediately turned and wanted to escape, but these worms have been rushed up, just breathing time, these three people have no bones, even the gun in their hands I also disappeared. I participated in the worm that swallowed three people, but immediately became bigger and darker, and even the huā pattern on the back was more conspicuous.

Ye Mo took a cold breath, so good.

He immediately thought of the yellow-shirt woman. She also saw these bugs, but she seemed to have no strength, and she looked a little desperate, and then she quickly settled down and fell on the sand.

: Thanks to my friends for their monthly ticket support. Now they are only 30 votes away. They are already the eleventh in the new book. Can they support another monthly ticket and satisfy the desire of the fifth to go to the top ten.

Thanks again to all the friends who subscribed, thank you! You are mighty! At the same time, I would like to thank many friends who have won and voted for the monthly vote. ! .

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