Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 10 Chapter 1199: This is what I should do

When entering the third set, Ye Mo did not have any reservations, even if the research on the law was not as careful as before. Although he would like to study here for ten days and a half, he also knows that this is not realistic. Fortunately, what he needs to know is just a framework of the structure of the array. As for the details, he does not need to be the same as others.

Meng Qi was behind her, and she was already numb. She heard people say that even the fast entrants in the first three sets would take at least half a day. Ye Mo took her through the third set before using a fragrant time. The two went to the third and fourth disc junctions and found only three names on it.

When Meng Qi followed Ye Mo quickly through the fourth set, when engraving the name on the stone tablet entering the fifth set, there was no name on it, which means that she and Ye Mo were the first to reach the fifth set. The contestants.

However, what makes Mengqi strange is that Ye Mo did not enter the five sets after he arrived here, but stopped. Meng Qi Wei Ye Mo is the master, so Ye Mo stopped and she did not leave.

After a long time, only two monks dressed in Tonghai teach came here. When the two monks saw Ye Mo, they immediately showed a tense and dignified expression, and then they presented a magic weapon. Obviously they have already learned that Ye Mo has killed and slandered, and even Wu Zi can be killed by Ye Mo. Although the two of them have a good level of formation, both of them are imaginary. If Wu Wuzi was really killed by Ye Mo, they are obviously not enough to see.

Ye Mo said with a wave of his hand: "You don't have to worry, I won't kill you. I have a jade slip here. I want to ask one of you to bring the blue master of the Tonghai religion."

After saying that Ye Mo took out a jade and handed it to one of the imaginary monks, "This news is very helpful to your teacher. I appreciate the blue dress, and I have tried my best to help."

The imaginary monk did not dare to hesitate, and quickly took over Ye Mo’s jade. But still guard against Ye Mo. Once Ye Mo dared to do it, he immediately sent it out.

Ye Mo saw that the monk who had taken over the jade was only guarding himself, and did not have any action. Immediately he said: "I didn't hear what I said? I asked you to send a letter to the indigo, are you blind? ?"

The imaginary monk was shocked and said with care: "But now in the game."

Ye Mo glanced at him and said indifferently: "As you said, the game is more important than sending me a letter?"

"No, don't dare..." The vain monk said quickly. He was really afraid that Ye Mo suddenly came over with a knife, and even the seven layers of the cloak could not stop, let alone a middle of a virtual **** in his district?

"Since I don't dare, I don't want to roll." Ye Mo suddenly raised his voice.

The imaginary monk was scared and stunned, and no longer dared to resist the thrust of the 18-volume of Luo Qu. The next moment, he was sent out by the 18 volumes of Luo Qu.

Seeing this virtual **** monk with his own jade slips sent out, Ye Mo did not pay attention to another scared face, some whitish vain monks, directly into Luo to the fifth set.

Meng Qi follower Ye Mo quickly entered the fifth set. After a long time, he finally couldn’t help but say, "I feel like you just like the blue dress."

Ye Mo smiled and said: "Yes. I just learned from him."

After a moment of silence, Meng Qi suddenly said: "It is not good to learn from him. I really don't like that kind of person."

Ye Mo just smiled and didn't answer. Of course he will not go to study with the indigo. It is even more impossible to like this bully style. However, he does not need to explain with Meng Qi. The main purpose of his doing this is only one, that is, whether he can earn a **** indigo.


Luo Qu is on the edge of the 18th Island. Indigo clothing throws out the monk that was just sent out, and the body has already shivered. He already knows that Ye Mo and Meng Qi have nothing to do. And Ye Mo also killed the meditation monk of Tonghai Jiao at the junction of the second and third. With a knife to kill the shackles, it is clear that Wuzi has been fierce.

At this time, there was endless regret in the heart of Indigo. He regretted not killing Ye Mo on the spot. He regretted that Ye Mo would be put into the 18th of Luo Qu, although in the end he would still be sent out by the 18 volumes of Luo Qu, but his The son Wu Wu has been killed.

He swears that if the leaf comes out, he must cut off his skin and let his gods burn with the fire of the filth, while watching his own being cut off. That Mengqi, he wants to throw her away and let thousands of people insult.

Perhaps even so, it is impossible to solve his inner anger and unwillingness.

Even the savvy Yu Yu did not dare to play with the ring in his hand at this time, but stared at the 18 songs of the same resentment.

However, indigo clothing is finally a real repair, although his son may be killed, he is very resentful, but still can restrain his anger. In addition to the cold killing in his eyes, on the surface he has gradually calmed down.

At this time, another monk was sent out. Indigo saw that the monk immediately took it again and asked him. "Pangbo, you are the only six-stage method in the 18th. Master, why is it transmitted? Say."

The monk called Pangbo’s face was horrified and even trembled. At this time, a monk who was also a real-life practitioner said that he said: "Teacher, don't be excited, let go of the pomp, let him slowly say."

Indigo clothing nodded and threw Pompon on the ground and said coldly: "In detail, don't lose a word."

"Yes, the teacher..." Pangbo said, "I met Ye Mo, who was waiting there, at the entrance to the fifth set. He killed him and waited at the entrance of the fifth set to put a jade. Jane handed it to the disciple. Let the disciple come out to the teacher immediately. If the disciple does not come out, he will immediately kill the disciple, so..."

Indigo clothing face iron blue said: "take the jade Jane out."

"Yes." Pompo did not dare to hesitate to take the slightest hesitation.

Indigo had not found any problems after receiving the jade, and this was swept in with the knowledge of God. Only his gods have just come into contact with the jade, and the jade will automatically make a loud bang, and the indigo will immediately present a true yuan shield.

But the ‘嘭’ didn’t hurt, but the simplification of the jade in the blue dress was reduced to something like a fireworks. Soon the exploding air would overflow. But no one noticed that there was still a trace of dark light in this airflow that took the initiative to the ring in the hands of Yu Yu. Because all the people are attracted by the explosion of fireworks.

At the moment when Bobo was transmitted, the people around him had already looked at this side. At this time, the jade slip in the hand of the indigo suit burst, and others were more clearly seen.

When everyone did not know what Ye Mo meant, he heard a monk saying, "Look at the sky."

With this call, almost all the monks looked at the sky, but found a large line of characters at the top of the scene, ‘雍蓝衣, you are fine and tender, handsome and handsome. That Wuzi is black as the bottom of the pot, and it’s so ugly, what will you produce? Presumably you already know the reason, but your heart is kind, I will help you out this tone and destroy your wild species. Don't thank me, this is what I should do. ’

A row of words stagnated in the air for a long time before they gradually dispersed.

The monks who saw this type of placards wanted to laugh, but no one dared to laugh. Wuwuzi is not a kind of indigo clothing, and all people can guess it, but only Ye Mo dare to say it.

This monk named Ye Mo is not only interesting, but also kind enough to dare to say this to the blue dress. Or publicly, does he not know that there are so many more terrifying things for the monks in the world than death? So provocative blue, he can still live, that is a strange thing.

However, although all of this kind of thing is known, no one dares to argue.

The indigo-blue fist squeaked and the throat was sweet. If it wasn't for him to be deep, he just squirted a piece of blood. The people around him don't know whether the blue anger is that Ye Mo killed his son, or that Wu Wuzi is a wild species.

Just when his eyes were about to catch fire, he suddenly saw the ring in his daughter’s hand, and suddenly he was shocked and immediately said, “Hurry up and give me the ring.”

At this moment, Yu Yu did not dare to have any unwillingness. He quickly handed the ring in his hand to the indigo, and the ring immediately broke out with a terrible energy when he left Yu’s hand.

Indigo clothing is already a true monk, and between the rushes, a real yuan shield is also arranged, and Yu Yuer is thrown out.

"Hey, hey...Boom..."

After several explosions, the sound bursted from a small blow, and the lower monks around were immediately swept by the air.

Fortunately, the explosion ban in this ring was arranged by Ye Mo for a short time and did not take much time. Ye Mo also knows that even if he spends a long time, he can't hurt the indigo.

Although the indigo clothing will throw out Yu Yu in but only that moment, Yu Yu's top is blown out of a hole, revealing the white skin. Fortunately, Yu Yu was not injured, and immediately took out a new shirt and put it on her body. At the same time, the **** redness of the pretty face, when did she get this kind of gas?

After the explosion, the indigo clothing was just a little messy, and there was no injury. However, his anger can no longer be restrained. Before that, he said that he had offended the sea to teach the princess, and the guy who had died, he had already begun to count him.

"Ye Mo, I won't kill you, I don't want to be a blue suit..." Indigo said it in a word, killing all the songs around the 18 islands.

A monk on the side of the Bohai Hall frowned immediately after seeing this scene. Can make this kind of jade, and even hide the control of the gods in the jade, so as to untie the ring ban, which is definitely not what ordinary monks can do. This must be done with a few conditions. The first ban and the tactics are much higher than the sapphire. This is not the main thing. The main monk who needs to make this jade must have the control of the sect. And the knowledge is powerful.

(At noon break time, a chapter is sent to everyone to pass the time. When everyone is happy, they voted for a monthly pass!)


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