Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 10 Chapter 1249: Largest suspect

At this moment, Tang Mengyu has already understood that it is no longer important whether Ling Zhongtian has raped the Austrian butterfly. The important thing is that the three of them are likely to be counted.

The ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’ was so mad that it dared to collude with the monsters to sell the Jindan and the blood of the Jindan monks. This is already the public enemy of the human monks. In this kind of anger, Ling Zhongtian can only abolish Dan Tian, ​​the five monks of the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’. This is already a great gift.

If she is replaced by her Tang Mengxi, she will not hesitate to kill the five Yuanying monks, and then directly rushed to the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’ but destroyed the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’.

It is no wonder that Ye Mo said that he met Yi Yi and directly killed it. Li Qishan, the loyal and loyal monk of the ancient way, was killed by Yi Yi under the provocation of a woman. He could not be angry.

Wait, Tang Mengxi suddenly felt that it was wrong. What she thought was just under the provocation of a woman. Is it easy for Yi Yi to kill Li Qishan? The butterfly provoked Yi Yi to kill Li Qishan, and then let Ling Zhongtian kill Yi Yi, and then let himself and the fan smashed Ling Zhongtian?

Butterfly is only in his twenties. How could this kind of heart? This is absolutely impossible. When the fans rushed to Ling Zhongtian, she said that she was raped, and then she must deal with Ling Zhongtian. If this is really a calculation, it is simply terrible. This is a set of rings.

Tang Mengyan shook her head, she did not believe that things would be so smart. Even if Vanessa has this kind of mind, it can't be expected that Ling Zhongtian will go when they are attacking ‘Muyue’. What's more, how does she know that Ling Zhongtian will not refute her words?

In fact, although Ye Mo was very impressed with the Austrian butterfly, he also suspected that this incident could not be so clever. The only thing that Ye Mo didn’t understand was. Ao Yingdie said that Ling Zhongtian was strong. She raped her. Why didn’t Ling Zhongtian refute? At the end of the trip, will the Austrian butterfly take away?

Strong, rape, Ye Mo is absolutely not to believe, to say that a robbery of perfection, can not restrain this sex, it is a perfect monk who is a fart? But to say that the stove, Ye Mo is not sure. He and Ling Zhongtian did not have much deep contact, and did not dare to deny whether Ling Zhongtian was really crazy for promotion.

Seeing Tang Mengxi’s silence, Ye Mo suddenly asked, “Tang Zhangmen. When is the marriage of Yi Yi and Ao Ying Butterfly, who initiated it?”

When Tang Mengxi heard Ye Mo’s question, this came back to God. She heard Ye Mo call her the name of Tang, and she was a little confused. Then I replied: "A decade ago, I went to Wangzong to find some things about my brother. The butterfly must follow me. Soon after we came back, the fan-fan brothers will take Yi Yiqian to say good. I asked. The meaning of the butterfly, I did not expect her to agree immediately."

“How old is the Austrian butterfly ten years ago?” Ye Mo asked again.

Tang Mengxi knew that Ye Mo suspected the Austrian butterfly, but she did not say anything, but replied: "She was twenty-two years old that year."

Ten years ago, the Austrian butterfly was only 22 years old. Five years ago, the Austrian butterfly was already full of illusory gods. That is to say, the Austrian butterfly had already reached the virtual **** at the age of twenty-seven. It is indeed a genius monk. It is.

"Is it easy to be handsome? Or is it very handsome?" Ye Mo's problems one by one.

Tang Mengyan shook his head. "No. On the contrary, Yi Yi looks good, and his face is fine. But among the monks in Beiwangzhou, Yi Yi is indeed a well-deserved genius. Besides you and Vanessa, I really don't see anyone. Yi Yi is a better young monk."

Ye Mo sneered and said: "Tang Palm has also experienced men and women, and also knows what is the favorite of young men and women."

Tang Mengyu listened to Ye Mo’s words. The face turned out to be red, she really did not experience men and women. Most of her time is spent on cultivation. As for what young men and women think about, she really doesn't understand. At that time, she was retreat except for retreat.

Ye Mo did not care about Tang Mengxi, and said coldly: "The Austrian butterfly is called the first beauty of Beiwangzhou. It should be absolutely unparalleled. It is normal for Yiyi to come to kiss, but a 22-year-old girl does not love quiet brother. I just don't believe it. If I add another ten years, I can still accept this statement. But I believe that the 22-year-old girl will never put the other's qualifications first, but the other's looks. Put it first."

Speaking of here, Ye Mo is staring at Tang Mengyu again. "So, Ao Yingdie can agree to a man who looks like a man at the age of twenty-two. This doesn't make sense. I ask Tang's head, one thing, that. When the butterfly is practicing in the jade school, is it often going back? Or is it very love?"

Tang Mengxi shook his head subconsciously. "How can you be sure that all the girls like the quiet brother? Maybe the butterfly is not. The butterfly has followed me from the age of seven, although the temper is a bit savage, but the person is very sensible. She spent most of her time practicing, and certainly didn't have time to go home."

Ye Mo said indifferently: "She is very sensible, but the predecessors of Tang are not sensible. The little Ogata said that she would not love the family, I would not believe it. And she had no connection with her family before, even her brother died. After a few years, she hasn't seen her violently jumping. How can she be so violent after a few years? Of course, these are not doubtful, but also human nature, revenge for the family. As for her lack of revenge a few years ago, she can understand her. I didn't know it at the time. But she was a perfect **** of the gods, and the jade girl was also an eight-star sect. Just look for a few false **** monks to accompany her to Feihaicheng to deal with my 'Mo Yue'. Why did she ask? Shang Yiyi?"

Light snow and Jingwen are so big, and they are also very close to their families. Ye Mo does not believe that a 22-year-old girl will not fall in love with her family.

Seeing Tang Mengying’s words, Ye Mo said with a wave of his hand: “You don’t need to say that I’m looking for the moon’s monk in the escort, so she wants to invite Yi Yi. You just said that the Austrian butterfly went to Feihai to deal with’ Mo Yue', will the monk of Wang Yuezong stand up to help 'Mu Yue'?"

Tang Mengyu had to shake his head, "No."

This is an obvious thing. The Austrian butterfly is the first disciple of the jade girl. She wants to move the ‘Moon Moon’. Is an ordinary virtual **** monk in the moon sacred dare to obstruct? Not helping is a good thing.

Tang Mengxi was asked here by Ye Mo, and he heard that Ye Mo was suspicious of the butterfly. She really couldn't help but explain, "Which butterfly was only twenty-two years old ten years ago, and Yi Yi talked, can it be long and handsome? What's more, then Vanessa and Yi Yi suddenly Entering Feihai City to find 'Mo Yue' revenge. Vanessa is not a god, how does she know that Ling Zhongtian will go to Feihai at this time? Even on the spot, Yi Yi angers Ling Zhongtian? You are too high to see the butterfly. She was still a girl in her twenties, but now she is only in her thirties."

Ye Mo said indifferently: "I did not say that she must be provocative, but her doubts are the biggest. Not to mention the last point you said is not a coincidence. Can you deny that Ling Zhongtian is going to Fijian City? Li Qishan knows my 'Mo Yue', I also saved him at the beginning. And I am also the witness of that matter. Ling Zhongtian's predecessors will go to my family to find out that the situation is normal, so he will definitely go to Fihai City. ”

"How do you know how Ling Xiaotian went so smartly? She is a god? What happened to the 'Aocheng Chamber of Commerce'? How did she know that Li Qishan told Ling Zhongtian about this?" Tang Mengyu knew that they were The three fires were definitely awkward, but some of them were uncomfortable by Ye Mo, and they couldn’t help but stab Ye Mo.

Ye Mo seems to have not heard it. This is a harsh word. Still said: "She is not a god, but after she has killed me 'Mo Yue', she can stay in Lingzhong, such as 'Mo Yue', as long as Ling Zhongtian went to Feihai and saw her. I think she always has The method stimulated Ling Zhongtian to kill Yi Yi."

This time, Tang Mengxi did not answer. Ye Mo said that it is not without reason, but it is very reasonable. Once Ling Zhongtian killed Yi Yi, there must be a fire between the fan and the fan. And what about yourself? If Vanessa happens to be insulted by Ling Zhongtian, Vanessa is her favorite disciple. The future of the jade girl. Can she stand the anger?

The answer is unique, no.

Thinking of this answer, Tang Mengxi actually believes that Ye Mo’s words are coming. However, the Auntie Butterfly, which has no heart, was said to be an old tycoon by Ye Mo, so that Tang Mengyu not only did not believe it, but also had some resentment.

At this time, Meng Hanan, who had been listening to the side, said something. "Sister Tang, I feel that Ye Shidi said that there are some truths. Many women's minds don't care about the size of the age. Sometimes the age is very deep. The role of the Austrian butterfly is flawed if she really I am very concerned about my family. It is impossible for my brother to die for a few years. Even if she does not know, her father will not tell her. Is it difficult to send the news of the jade girl? If not, this is a great Doubt."

When Tang Mengxi heard a shock in his heart, it was really like this. It is too simple for the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’ to pass a message to the Jade Girl. What's more, the butterfly is still the arrogant woman of the jade girl. The news from her family is coming. Who dares to hide her?

Meng Hanan saw Tang Mengyu not speaking, and added a sentence: "If it is really the Austrian butterfly, I still suspect that the monk named Li Qishan found Ling Zhongtian's predecessors, maybe it has already fallen on the Austrian butterfly. In the eyes and ears, so she went to Fiji City first."

The more I listen to the dream, the more I feel less comfortable. If it is really the Austrian butterfly, it will cause the monster to attack Feihai City and Broken Leaf City. Then she and the fan are sinners.

Tang Mengyu is thinking about how the Feihai City is going, and the monster will have already broken the Feihai City. I heard Ye Moen ask: "Tang Palm, I heard that when the animal tide was a few years ago, after you were seriously injured, Feihai City came again with a power. Later, the power blocked the attack of the monster. Is it? Who is that power, how is it repaired?"

When I heard Ye Mofa ask, Tang Mengxi put down the worry in his heart and replied, "Yes, the monk who suddenly came to help should also be a robbery monk. It will not be worse than me. Although there is only Ling Zhongtian and I have three fans of the late robbers, but there are also some seclusion monks. But these monks are not very famous, even if they are animal waves, they generally will not come out."

"When the head of the Tang thinks that the monk has come, can Feihai City be able to keep it?" When Ye Mo asked this, the tone was obviously a little excited.

Tang Mengxi knew the meaning of Ye Mo, but she shook her head and said: "I don't know. I just thought about this problem just now. I think it should be able to keep Feihai City. After all, there is a defensive array outside the city of Fiji. Although the number of monsters is large, there are few advanced monsters."

Ye Mo knows that he can't ask anything if he asks again. He can only let Qingyue hurry and hurry up.

......<> At this moment, Tang Mengyu has understood that it is no longer important whether Ling Zhongtian has raped the Austrian butterfly. The important thing is that the three of them are likely to be counted.

The ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’ was so mad that it dared to collude with the monsters to sell the Jindan and the blood of the Jindan monks. This is already the public enemy of the human monks. In this kind of anger, Ling Zhongtian can only abolish Dan Tian, ​​the five monks of the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’. This is already a great gift.

If she is replaced by her Tang Mengxi, she will not hesitate to kill the five Yuanying monks, and then directly rushed to the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’ but destroyed the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’.

It is no wonder that Ye Mo said that he met Yi Yi and directly killed it. Li Qishan, the loyal and loyal monk of the ancient way, was killed by Yi Yi under the provocation of a woman. He could not be angry.

Wait, Tang Mengxi suddenly felt that it was wrong. What she thought was just under the provocation of a woman. Is it easy for Yi Yi to kill Li Qishan? The butterfly provoked Yi Yi to kill Li Qishan, and then let Ling Zhongtian kill Yi Yi, and then let himself and the fan smashed Ling Zhongtian?

Butterfly is only in his twenties. How could this kind of heart? This is absolutely impossible. When the fans rushed to Ling Zhongtian, she said that she was raped, and then she must deal with Ling Zhongtian. If this is really a calculation, it is simply terrible. This is a set of rings.

Tang Mengyan shook her head, she did not believe that things would be so smart. Even if Vanessa has this kind of mind, it can't be expected that Ling Zhongtian will go when they are attacking ‘Muyue’. What's more, how does she know that Ling Zhongtian will not refute her words?

In fact, although Ye Mo was very impressed with the Austrian butterfly, he also suspected that this incident could not be so clever. The only thing that Ye Mo didn’t understand was that Ao Yingdie said that Ling Zhongtian was strong and raped her. Why didn’t Ling Zhongtian refute? At the end of the trip, will the Austrian butterfly take away?

Strong. Rape Ye Mo is absolutely not to believe, to say that a robbery of perfection, can not restrain this sex. That is a perfect monk who is a fart? But to say that the stove, Ye Mo is not sure. He and Ling Zhongtian did not have much deep contact, and did not dare to deny whether Ling Zhongtian was really crazy for promotion.

Seeing Tang Mengxi’s silence, Ye Mo suddenly asked, “When is the head of the Tang Dynasty, what is the marriage of Yi Yi and the Austrian Butterfly, who initiated it?”

When Tang Mengxi heard Ye Mo’s question, this came back to God. She heard Ye Mo call her the name of Tang, and she was a little confused. She immediately replied: "A decade ago, I went to Wang Yuezong to find some things about my brother. You must follow me, we must go with us. Shortly after returning, the fan-fan brothers took Yi Yiqian to say goodbye. I asked the meaning of the butterfly. I did not expect her to agree immediately."

“How old is the Austrian butterfly ten years ago?” Ye Mo asked again.

Tang Mengxi knew that Ye Mo suspected the Austrian butterfly, but she did not say anything, but replied: "She was twenty-two years old that year."

Ten years ago, the Austrian butterfly was only twenty-two years old. Five years ago, the Austrian butterfly was already full of illusory gods. That is to say, the Austrian butterfly had already reached the virtual **** at the age of twenty-seven. It is indeed a genius monk.

"Is it easy to be handsome? Or is it very handsome?" Ye Mo's problems one by one.

Tang Mengyan shook his head. "No, on the contrary, Yi Yi looks like a general, square face and fine eyes. But among the monks in Beiwangzhou, Yi Yi is indeed a well-deserved genius. Besides you and Vanessa, I really I have not seen anyone who is better than Yi Yi."

Ye Mo sneered and said: "Tang Palm has also experienced men and women. I also know what is the favorite of young men and women."

After Tang Mengying listened to Ye Mo’s words, her face turned red, and she really had never experienced men and women. Most of her time is spent on cultivation. As for what the young men and women think about, she really doesn't understand. At that time, she was retired except for retreat.

Ye Mo did not care about Tang Mengxi, and said coldly: "The Austrian butterfly is called the first beauty of Beiwangzhou. It should be unparalleled to think of it. Yi Yilai is also normal, but a 22-year-old girl does not love quiet brother. I just don't believe it. If I add another ten years, I can still accept this statement. But I believe that the 22-year-old girl will never put the other's qualifications first, but the other's looks. Put it first."

Speaking of here, Ye Mo is staring at Tang Mengyu again. "So, Ao Yingdie can agree to a man who looks like a man at the age of twenty-two. This doesn't make sense. I ask Tang's head, one thing, that. When the butterfly is practicing in the jade school, is it often going back? Or is it very love?"

Tang Mengxi shook his head subconsciously. "How can you be sure that all the girls like the quiet brother? Maybe the butterfly is not. The butterfly has followed me from the age of seven, although the temper is a bit savage, but the person is very sensible. She spent most of her time practicing, and certainly didn't have time to go home."

Ye Mo said indifferently: "She is very sensible, but the predecessors of Tang are not sensible. The little Ogata said that she would not love the family, I would not believe it. And she had no connection with her family before, even her brother died. After a few years, she hasn't seen her violently jumping. How can she be so violent after a few years? Of course, these are not doubtful, but also human nature, revenge for the family. As for her lack of revenge a few years ago, she can understand her. I didn't know it at the time. But she was a perfect **** of the gods, and the jade girl was also an eight-star sect. Just look for a few false **** monks to accompany her to Feihaicheng to deal with my 'Mo Yue'. Why did she ask? Shang Yiyi?"

Light snow and Jingwen are so big, and they are also very close to their families. Ye Mo does not believe that a 22-year-old girl will not fall in love with her family.

Seeing Tang Mengying’s words, Ye Mo said with a wave of his hand: “You don’t need to say that I’m looking for the moon’s monk in the escort, so she wants to invite Yi Yi. You just said that the Austrian butterfly went to Feihai to deal with’ Mo Yue', will the monk of Wang Yuezong stand up to help 'Mu Yue'?"

Tang Mengyu had to shake his head, "No."

This is an obvious thing. The Austrian butterfly is the first disciple of the jade girl. She wants to move the ‘Moon Moon’. Is an ordinary virtual **** monk in the moon sacred dare to obstruct? Not helping is a good thing.

Tang Mengyu was asked here by Ye Mo, and she had already heard that Ye Mo was suspicious of the butterfly. She couldn’t help but explain it. "The butterfly was only twenty-two years old ten years ago, and he talked with Yi Yi. Is it necessary to be handsome and handsome? What's more, at that time, Vanessa and Yi Yi suddenly entered Feihai City to find 'Mo Yue' revenge. The butterfly is not a god. How does she know that Ling Zhongtian will go to Feihai at this time? Even on the spot, Yi Yi irritated Ling Zhongtian? You are too high to see the butterfly. She was still a girl in her twenties, but now she is only in her thirties."

Ye Mo said indifferently: "I did not say that she must be provocative, but her doubts are the biggest. Not to mention the last point you said is not a coincidence. Can you deny that Ling Zhongtian is going to Fijian City? Li Qishan knows my 'Mo Yue', I also saved him at the beginning, and I am also the witness of that matter. Ling Zhongtian's predecessors will go to my family to find out that the situation is normal, so he will definitely go to Fihai City. ”

"How do you know how Ling Xiaotian went so smartly? She is a god? What happened to the 'Aocheng Chamber of Commerce'? How did she know that Li Qishan told Ling Zhongtian about this?" Tang Mengyu knew that they were The three fires were definitely awkward, but some of them were uncomfortable by Ye Mo, and they couldn’t help but stab Ye Mo.

Ye Mo did not seem to hear it. It was a harsh word. He still said: "She is not a god. But after she has killed me, 'Moon Moon', I can stay in Lingzhong, such as 'Mo Yue', as long as Ling Zhongtian went. Feihai. I saw her. I think she always has a way to stimulate Ling Yi to kill Yi Yi."

This time, Tang Mengxi did not answer. Ye Mo said that it is not without reason, but it is very reasonable. Once Ling Zhongtian killed Yi Yi, there must be a fire between the fan and the fan. And what about yourself? If the butterfly is just insulted by Ling Zhongtian. Vanessa is her favorite disciple, the future of the jade girl, can she endure anger?

The answer is unique, no.

Thinking of this answer, Tang Mengxi actually believes that Ye Mo’s words are coming. However, the Auntie Butterfly, who had no idea, was said to be an old tycoon by Ye Mo, so that Tang Mengyu not only did not believe it. There are also some resentments.

At this time, Meng Hanan, who has been listening to the side, said, "Sister Tang, I feel that Ye Shidi said that there are some truths. Many women’s minds don’t care about the age. Sometimes the age is very small. The act of Ao Yingdie is flawed. If she really cares about her family, it is impossible for her brother to die for a few years. Even if she doesn't know, her father will not tell her. Is it true that the jade girl sent a message? Is it difficult to transfer it in? If not, this is a big doubt."

Tang Mengxi heard a shock in his heart. It is still true. It is too simple for the ‘Aocheng Chamber of Commerce’ to pass a message to the Jade Girl. not to mention. The butterfly is still the arrogant woman of the jade girl. The news from her family is coming. Who dares to hide her?

Meng Hanan saw Tang Mengyu not speaking, and added a sentence: "If it is really the Austrian butterfly, I still suspect that the monk named Li Qishan found Ling Zhongtian's predecessors, maybe it has already fallen on the Austrian butterfly. In the eyes and ears, so she went to Fiji City first."

The more I listen to the dream, the more I feel less comfortable. If it is really the Austrian butterfly, it will cause the monster to attack Feihai City and Broken Leaf City. Then she and the fan are sinners.

Tang Mengyu is thinking about how Feihai City is The monster will have already broken Feihai City. I heard Ye Moen ask: "Tang Palm, I heard that when the animal tide was a few years ago, after you were seriously injured, Feihai City came again with a power. Later, the power blocked the attack of the monster. Is it? Who is that power, how is it repaired?"

When I heard Ye Mofa ask, Tang Mengxi put down the worry in his heart and replied, "Yes, the monk who suddenly came to help should also be a robbery monk. It will not be worse than me. Although there is only Ling Zhongtian and I have three fans of the late robbers, but there are also some seclusion monks. But these monks are not very famous, even if they are animal waves, they generally will not come out."

"When the head of the Tang thinks that the monk has come, can Feihai City be able to keep it?" When Ye Mo asked this, the tone was obviously a little excited.

Tang Mengxi knew the meaning of Ye Mo, but she shook her head and said: "I don't know. I just thought about this problem just now. I think it should be able to keep Feihai City. After all, there is a defensive array outside the city of Fiji. Although the number of monsters is large, there are few advanced monsters."

Ye Mo knows that he can't ask anything if he asks again. He can only let Qingyue hurry and hurry up.


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