Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 10 Chapter 1252: Hatsumode boundary

And the monk who had been repairing the battle had stopped, and he knew that he would not have to continue to fix it. m does not say that the monsters at this time have been like a headless flies generally go out and hit, that is, these black thunder swords into pieces into the film of the demon corpse, Feihai City is also as stable as Taishan.

At this moment, the fish in the city’s head has not even had a way to speak. He stared at Ye Mo’s constant sprinkling of Lei Jianyu. After a long time, he woke up and quickly rushed to another monk who was already sluggish. Said: "Quickly, go to tell the two sons of Song Yingzhu and Su Jingwen of 'Mo Yue', and say that Ye Daren is back."

Looking at the monk who hurried away, the fish was relieved and said: "Fortunately, I did not commit crimes."

Haicheng City has been tangled up outside, and the monsters that originally besieged Feihai City have not had any interest in besieging Feihai City, but they are desperately fleeing.

It is a pity that the outer city of Fiji has long been blocked by Ye Mo's trap, and the monsters have been blocked without exception.

Ye Mo's Lei Jianyu did not have the slightest mercy, and the large pieces fell. At the end, he seemed to return to the scene of killing the iron crocodile in the 'Shayuan Medicine Valley'. I completely forgot that I was still killing the monster, but formed an action to sacrifice Lei Jianyu.

The faster and faster his sword is, the more his eyes are closed, and it seems to be communicating the feelings between heaven and earth. At this moment, Ye Mo did have another understanding. He felt that his thunder sword had reached a level. As long as he crossed this level, his thunder sword would be great, and his power would be far greater than the original Xiaocheng.

The large black thunder swords are constantly falling, and Ye Mo is like a tireless machine, constantly waving, constantly harvesting the lives of the beasts.

It is this time. The two robbers were reconciled, so the monsters that came here would be wiped out. They no longer want to go to fight with Ji Yun and Tang Mengyu, and rushed to Ye Mo.

Ji Yun and Tang Mengxi are looking at Ye Mo's harvesting monsters in surprise. At this moment, two opponents have to escape. Where will they make them wishful, and they will sacrifice the magic weapon to stop the two demon repairs.

Do not say that these two robbery demon repairs, that is, the rest of the Ding demon repair and the nine-level monster also felt the threat of Ye Mo, have to rush to block Ye Mo.

However, the stagnation of the shackles of the robbery can make this happen, and it is a relentless killing.

After a few hours. In addition to Ji Yun Tang Mengyu, the two are still fighting, the whole person inside and outside the city of Fijian is looking at one direction, that is, Ye Mo’s thundering thunder sword and countless screaming monsters.

"Stop, we withdraw from Fiji City, stop now..." The two demons in the middle of the robbery fight with Ji Yun. While panicking, Ye Mo stopped.

It is a pity that Ye Mo can hear their voices at this moment. He is completely immersed in a realm. He feels another power of Lei Jian, that is, Lei Jing.

Ye Mo has never heard of it, and he has never seen a man practicing a transit spell. This is a new field. But this area has been felt by him. He seems to have a feeling that when he completely controls the situation, his sword will be completely free to control the weakness of the other party. Achieve the greatest results with minimal consumption.

If he is fighting a high-fight opponent, he can even peek into the weakness of the opponent through the context of the lightning system, and then attack the opponent's weakness.

He also vaguely understood the true meaning of the term mood. The artistic conception is definitely not what he had learned before, nor is it understood by other monks. Artistic concept really refers to two areas. The first area is meaning. It’s like his illusion of knives and knives, to control his own knives and to bind the other side’s actions.

It’s hard to touch, if you understand it, you can understand it. If you don’t understand it, there is no way to teach it. The reason why he can comprehend the magical knives is that he has his own understanding of the intention.

Originally, Ye Mo thought that the artistic conception was meaning. Now Ye Mo is vaguely aware that the situation and meaning are completely different. It means understanding and control of one's own experience, but the situation is the understanding and control of the opponent's weakness. If he fully understands the mood, he can control his own spells or the weakness of the opponent.

Once the mood of the spell reaches a very high level, you can even break the opponent's killings as you like, and understate the victory in the fight. And it is also a great help to the more difficult challenges.

The two sides of the challenge are not only cultivated to different degrees, but also have different understandings of the spells. The monks who are high and the monks who are low are displayed with the same spell, but the effect is quite ordinary.

A monk who is a high monk can be targeted to a low attack. Perhaps the monk who is a high monk does not realize that this is the understanding of the mirror, but in fact it is.

As Lei Jianyu was continuously sprinkled, Ye Mo’s understanding of the situation was deeper and deeper. At the end of the day, his Lei Jianyu was completely understated. Randomly falling, large monsters are harvested. And he doesn't have to use God to sweep, he can feel that position needs to hit the thunder sword.

The two robbers were more and more eager to revive, and one of the demon eager eagerly accustomed to the more and more accustomed to the scorpion sword became a blood fog. And another robbing demon saw this scene, knowing that the animal wave that lasted for several years is not to let the human monk perish, but to break the foundation of the beast.

Even if he knew the seriousness of this matter, he knew that he did not return to the power of the day. He could only scream and send a book to fly the sword, then turned and fled.

Although Tang Mengxi did not recover, it was a monk in the late period of the robbery. The monk in the middle of the robbery was not her opponent. Now she has escaped and she immediately caught the flaw. A color Ling took the skull of the monster, but let his **** escape.

At the moment, only Ye Mo is alone in the fight outside Fiji City, and there are countless stalking monsters. No one else does not help him, but there is no way to help. At this time, Ye Mo’s thunder and rain are inexhaustible. If the monks on his own side passed, they will also be killed.

However, all the monks did not worry, because everyone knows that the animal tide has passed, and now only the beasts waiting for Ye Mo to harvest the beasts.

Ye Mo kills the monsters too fast, and each time the demon sword is destroyed, there are so many monsters, but this monster is too much, and Ye Mo has not killed one tenth.

Fortunately, those advanced monsters have been killed by several people. Only these low-level monsters are left. Da Teng and Bian Feng Pagoda are also helping to kill the monsters on the side, although they are also very fast, but compared to Ye Molai, it is simply not enough to see.


Beiwangzhou Broken Leaf City is also a big city near the unintentional sea. Compared with the city of Feihai, the city of Broken Leaf is too prosperous, and the defensive formation of Broken Leaf City is much higher than that of Feihai City, and even has reached the level of the nine-level array.

At this moment, the broken leaf city is also facing countless monster attacks, and the level of the monster here is much stronger than the beast that besieged the city of Feihai. There are three people in the robbery. In the later stage of a robbery, there are more nine-level monsters.

Although the senior monks in the city of Broken Leaf are much more than the city of Feihai, the current situation is not as good as the city of Feihai. If there is not a nine-level defensive formation and a nine-layered fan, there is also an eight-level strategist, and the broken leaf city has long been broken.

At the same time, on an island in the sea of ​​unintentional seas. A red-haired demon corrected his back on a reef and looked at the direction of the broken leaf city. Because it is very close to the city of Broken Leaf, and even the nearest island in Broken Leaf City. The monk had his hands on his back and his expression was very calm, without any urgency.

There is also a charming female repair behind him, but this female repair is just standing behind him, it is extremely soft.

After watching the devil for a while, he turned to look at what the female correction wanted to say. Suddenly a fiery red sword flew over.

The demon repair immediately reached out and grabbed the sword. This is a book flying sword. The demon repair took a jade slip from the flying sword and watched it casually. After a while, his face suddenly changed. He picked up the book and flying swords. At the same time, it skyrocketed and directly rushed to the land.

The woman repaired that the demon repaired to the land direction of Beiwangzhou, and her face immediately shocked.

The red-haired demon had just left the sky above the heartless sea, and a gray figure was in front of him. An old man stands in the void. Just staring at the red-haired demon.

"Confucius, do you stop me to make sense? Broken leaf city is even if I don't go. It will definitely be broken in two months. You hope to advance to a higher level, why bother for this kind of thing?" The red-haired demon is still anxious, but she still looks calmly at Kong Ye.

Kong Ye whispered: "The broken leaf city is not broken one day, I can't let you go in a day. You and North Wangzhou also had an agreement that year, the true monk can not participate in the animal tide, but why are you now coming to the North Wangzhou land?"

The demon repaired the cold and said: "How many years ago was the agreement? Now there is no cultivation resource in the edge of the sea of ​​no heart. The place where the behemoths of the North Wangzhou are kept is also lacking in aura. For countless years, I am alone. Advance to the real, or a real early If this continues, there will be no place for the North Wangzhou to save the body. My requirements are not high, as long as the human monk and our demon are equally divided It’s ok to have a good aura.”

Kong Ye said indifferently: "Are there is a lack of aura in any place in Beiwangzhou. If you want a good aura, you can go to Xijizhou, where is the paradise of cultivation. Divided into Beiwangzhou? Akasaka, how was Xijizhou? Becoming a land of monsters, I think you should know? It is because the place is divided equally with the monster, and finally the human monk has fallen to the edge."

The demon repair called Akasaka suddenly said: "Xi Jizhou? Kong Ye, you really want to come out, we can repair the unintentional sea to Xijizhou? You want us to die? Then again, that West Is Jizhou now a place where monsters can go? Xijizhou has become a land of monsters. It was a matter of countless years ago. At this time, the monsters did not dare to go to the depths of Xijizhou."

Kong Ye is still plain and said: "I can stop you for a hundred years, you can stop you for a thousand years. As for the broken leaf city, as long as you don't go, it is the broken leaf city life."

The red-haired demon repaired his heart more and more anxiously. He suddenly looked at Kong Ye and said: "Confucius, I am not going to break the leaf city to help, I have other things, can you let it go?"

(second more)

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