Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 2 Chapter 126: Move away

At this time, Lin Hui, who bought the instrument, has returned with his old friend. Although Ye Mo has not asked him what kind of implement he bought, Lin Hui and his eagerly took the instrument he just bought. Give Ye Mo a look.

This is a safety device, placed on the head of chuáng to have the effect of soothing hypnosis, although the appearance is exquisite, but the effect is really too bad. If it was not long ago, maybe Ye Mo would temporarily help him process it, but now Ye Mo has lost interest. Just casually said that this thing is not bad.

"Ye, brother, is your thing sold out?" We will leave if we are sold out.

In Lin Huihe's view, it is already remarkable that Ye Mo's things can be sold for three or five thousand.

Ye Mo smiled and said: "Lin, you, go back, I have something to do, I will visit you later. Oh, I have a bag of tea here, which was sent by my friend and I will give it to you."

Seeing Ye Mo’s business, Lin Huihe did not care too much. He took the tea and went away with his old friend.

After the cup sink and left, Ye Mo has been sitting in his booth and has not gone shopping. His **** is only staring at the yīn cold man. He won't be reconciled to this empty stone.

With such a large piece of empty stone, he can even refine two storage rings.

Although An Yan had the heart to go forward and smash the leaves, "but it was not pleasant to see Ye Mo's face, and there was a nasty look that she had just told her to roll away. After thinking about it, she still resisted the idea of ​​degrading him.

Ye Mo noticed that the man who bought the empty stone, after paying the money, did not leave directly, but still turned around. However, Ye Mo is not in a hurry, even if he turns to dark, he does not care. And Ye Mo also noticed that there was a long-haired man who followed him not far from him, but the two did not speak.

After the man turned twenty minutes, he finally walked to the exit of the venue. Ye Mo just stared at him and never went forward. Sure enough, the man stunned at the exit and went away again. Ye Mo noticed that he actually left the security exit. The long-haired man did not leave with him.

Ye Mo immediately applied a stealth technique to follow up.

Because the jade pendant has been lingering in the eyes of An Yan, she never left Ye Mo, but when she blinked her eyes, she found that Ye Mo disappeared. She thought she was wrong. She blinked her eyes and found Ye Mo. It is really gone. For a time, she actually stumbled.

She is now confused that it is too long to blink, or her own illusion.

The yīn cold man wrapped his bag in his hand and walked over to an Audi car. He looked around and took out a cigarette to ignite, but he did not rush to leave. He seemed to be waiting for him.

If it is the second floor of the practice, Ye Mo may kill the man, or stun the man to take away the empty stone. But now he doesn't have this necessity at all. He thought that he would follow his car for a while. Since this person does not leave now, it will save time.

Ye Mo directly took a stealth under his nose and took away his empty stone. Even a substitute was too lazy to put it.

After getting the empty stone, Ye Mo left immediately. If he could not refine a storage ring before going to Yanjing, at least he would prepare the rest of the materials.

The man had not finished smoking a cigarette, and the long-haired man came over. The two were really together. The two men nodded after meeting, and the yīn cold man put his hand into the bag that had been caught in his hand. He wanted to take the empty stone to the long-haired man.

But when his hand reached in, he immediately changed his face. He found that the stone that he had purchased in the last 20,000 was gone. This stone is placed in the bag, and he has been holding it in his hand. How can he not see it? Moreover, with his skill, someone steals things from him, how could he not know?

"Xu Mu, what happened?" Later, the man obviously felt that it was wrong, and immediately asked the voice.

However, the man named Xu Mu just grabbed the bag, his face was uncertain, but he did not answer immediately.

"Don't that thing be lost?" The later long-haired man immediately asked him again and nervously. From his expression and attitude, he could see how nervous he was to the East nose.

The man named Xu Mu shook his head. "No, that thing is still there."

After listening to Xu Mu’s words, the later long-haired man sighed. “Since things are still there, what are you afraid of? Really.”

"But I feel that what I lost may be more than a thousand times more precious than that."

Xu Mu shook his head, his face was very ugly.

"Don't pull it, there is something that can be more precious than the attacking weapon of the hidden door, but we got more than 50 million. Master said that as long as he retreats, he can definitely break through, and he will visit it. Thousands of dragons. Even if it is not broken, but with this instrument, the thousand dragons will also scrutiny three points." Long hair man immediately said.

The man named Xu Mu frowned. After a long time, he replied: "Because I feel that what I lost is the spirit stone that Master said. Master said that there is a kind of stone. Just close your eyes and hold it in your hand. The heart will feel it. There will be a feeling of divergence of spiritual thoughts, and even feeling empty and boundless, and there is an unspeakable time and space to comprehend. This kind of stone has a great effect on breaking through the realm."

Speaking of here, I looked at the long-haired man who had already had some troubles. He continued to say with a slight sigh: "If it is the kind of mental induction stone, if Master gets it, his breakthrough will be more certain, and we will all be more You can use this stone to break through, this kind of stone that makes you feel empty, it is simply priceless. Do you say that it is worth more than what we specifically bought?"

"Is there really such a stone? Isn't it true to Master's true Taoist ancient warrior?" The long hair man did not say anything behind, but Xu Mu knew what he wanted to say, because if the stone was really mentally inductive Stone, then the value is definitely much higher than the 50 million implements.

Xu Mu face sè some dignified and said: "It should be wrong, otherwise how can the person tighten the stone so much? It shows that he also saw the unusualness of this stone. Just because he wants to buy it, I decided to buy it. Down. The stone is gone, only he has the motive for the shot, yes, it is likely that the person stole."

"Are you sure that you haven't been tracked?". The long-haired man now understands it. If it is really the same as Xu Mu said, the value of the stone is indeed much stronger than the instrument that Master has specifically sought to buy from the ancient Wumen.

Xu Mu shook his head and said: "There is definitely no, maybe". Xu Mu looked down at the venue and then said to the long-haired man: "Let's go in and see, immediately notify the organizers of the venue to close the venue and strictly check. ""

The long-haired man frowned. After a while, he said: "In this way, I don't tell Liao Cang's "Iron River, have we been here?" ”

"I know, I know, how can I?" Tiejiang. It’s Tie Shu and Master’s, not his martial arts. If it is not that Master is now in a retreat, he will be so arrogant with his martial arts name. Even the words of Uncle Tie are guilty. Iron Uncle had already taken him for a long time, and temporarily let him simmer for a few days. He had already forgotten who gave him the power in his hand. "Xu Mu originally yīn cold face because yīn cold tone is even more yīn cold.

The long-haired man nodded. "The recent surname of Wu is indeed too arrogant."

After that, the two men went back to the venue again.


Ye Mo returned to the clinic in a good mood, but he saw that Cao Xiaozhen was discussing with Yu Erhu. Seeing Ye Mo came back and quickly came to say hello.

"What, so happy?" Ye Mo saw that both of them were very happy, and asked casually.

"Master, Xiaozhen has found a villa, but the location is relatively remote, and the price is also 1.8 million. It was transferred by someone else, because the family had to move out and transfer it, so the price is not yet It’s high.” Hearing Ye Mo’s question, Yu Erhu quickly replied.

Ye Mo heard that he had found a place and he was very happy. The location was far from relevant. Now he is afraid that the location will not be hidden. Immediately took the check and handed it to Cao Xiaozhen. "You immediately use this money to buy the villa. The sooner the better."

Cao Xiaozhen took the check and looked at the number above. Almost the oak was called out. Master only went out for a long time, and came back with two million. This is too outrageous.

However, she immediately thought of Ye Mo's words, and quickly took Yu Erhu to handle it, but when she left, she thought of something, and quickly asked: "Master, give me your ID card.

Ye Mo puts his hand on it. "Use your own ID up."

Cao Xiaozhen stretched out his tongue, but some people knew that Ye Mo’s instinct was no longer asking, and went out to go through the formalities of buying a villa.

Ye Mo’s reason for rushing to move away is because he went to the meeting and Lin Hui and knew, and Lin Huihe also understood his place of residence. If he had a heart, it would not be difficult to find him.

There is also an empty stone, the value of this empty stone is not known to others, Ye Mo certainly knows that he does not understand that the yīn cold man buying empty stone is not the same idea, but anyway, he It is better to prevent it.

Of course, the most important thing is that his "silver heart. Planted here, although not dead, but there is not much chance of survival in the situation. It is better to change places than to die here, if it is not possible at the end, maybe He really has the possibility to move back to Ninghai to live.

Although Cao Xiaozhen has just graduated from school less than a year, but the work is very neat. Only a week later, she has already completed the formalities. Plus the family was also anxious to sell the house. Just a week later, Ye Mo had already moved into the new villa. ! .

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