Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Fang Nan’s younger brother

Ye Mo is not a person who likes to spend money. He can even say that it is more economical, but it is not awkward for the place where it is spent. Although there are many star-rated hotels in Yanjing, the price is too high. He only has 20,000 yuan and is not enough to stay for two nights.

So the first thing that Ye Mo got off the plane was not to find a place to live, but to find a place to buy a mobile phone. It is not convenient for him to call Li Hu to use a public telephone. It is not much money to talk about a mobile phone. He didn't buy it before because there is no place to use it. Now, if you want to use it, just buy one.

Ye Mo does not have much requirements on the mobile phone. He only needs to be able to make a phone call. Other functions do not matter. However, when he walked into the mobile phone counter of the mall, he was seen by a variety of mobile phones.

To let him take the time to pick a mobile phone, or pick a brand, he really doesn't want to do this.

"Handsome, what kind of mobile phone do you want?" Ye Mo looked at the mobile phone counter. When he didn't know what mobile phone to choose, the girl at the mobile phone counter had come over and said hello.

Ye Mo looked at this very sweet girl, and said that these business people really can talk, regardless of the appearance, men are handsome, women are beautiful.

"Help me get a mobile phone." Ye Mo’s words just finished, he found that not only the girl who had just called him a handsome guy was holding his mouth, but the people next to him were looking at him with a strange look. The person who ordered it already wants to laugh.

However, the girl at the counter immediately stopped laughing and quickly asked: "What brand do you want, what style?"

Ye Mo knew what they were laughing at, but he didn't know anything about the mobile phone. He had to say, "I don't have any requirements for the brand. Just call it clearly, no other request."

It turned out to be an old hat, and the people around it instantly understood it. It seems that this ordinary young man is a dumpling. Nowadays people buy mobile phones. The most important thing is to call the function. People are pursuing high pixel height, fast internet speed, and dazzling appearance. There are already a few crazy people...

When I heard Ye Mo, the girl who sold the mobile phone immediately did not have the enthusiasm. Just a mobile phone, as long as you can call, two or three hundred, she can not make money.

When Ye Mo looked at her face, she knew what she was thinking, but she didn't care. She didn't want to make more money when she did business.

Only in the corner where Ye Mo did not pay attention, but someone stared at Ye Mo for a while, then he said to himself: "It turned out to be Ye Mo, he came to Yanjing. ‘After finishing this person turned quickly out of the mall.

The girl took out a Nokia old mobile phone from the counter and said to Ye Mo: "Nokia's mobile phone speaks more clearly, and the price is not high, but the appearance and function are a little bit worse. This is five hundred and five. ten bucks."

Although there are two or three hundred, but this girl still wants to make some money, see Ye Mo is not, if it is too expensive, she will drop the price, and then take the cheapest out.

Ye Mo nodded and took out a thousand dollars and threw it to the girl. "That's the one, the extra money will help me with a card, and the rest will be charged."

The girl who sold the mobile phone did not respond for a long time. I dare to love this. It is also a small grandfather. I don’t even say that I don’t want to buy a mobile phone. I still don’t pick it up. I even charge a few hundred dollars. spend. I knew that introducing a valuable point, maybe he would have to.

Thinking of this, the girl quickly said: "Mr., there is a better mobile phone, do you want to..."

When her words were not finished, Ye Mo interrupted. "Hurry up and help me, I still have things."

"Stop, don't go." A voice called next to Ye Mo, Ye Mo turned and looked at it. He saw a clerk holding a young man of about 20 years old, and this young man’s face was panicking. One hand still holds a bottle of mineral water.

Ye Mo stunned because he knew this young man. When he was flying snakes, he saw him behind Fangnan. He should be the younger brother of Fangnan. I don't know how it would appear in Yanjing's shopping mall.

"Ye Ge." The young man obviously saw Ye Mo, he stopped struggling, and at the same time he cried out with surprise.

Ye Mo walked over and looked at the clerk who grabbed him and asked, "What is going on?"

Although Ye Moyi is not a famous brand, but obviously there are some momentum, this catches the young clerk, sees this young man know Ye Mo, and then let go of the finger and the young man said: "He just broke our TV. I let him pay, he said that he didn't get it."

"I..." The young man said a word, but did not argue again.

"He just poured the mineral water into the TV that was playing, and the TV set burned. I saw it with my own eyes." The clerk immediately said.

Ye Mo looked at the face of this young man and knew that the clerk said it was true. However, he did not know what the young man had come to Yanjing. If he was to help Fangnan, he would help him solve this problem. After all, Fangnan also helped Ning Qingxue.

"What are you doing here?" Ye Mo asked.

The young man’s face showed a hesitant look and looked around as if it was not a place to talk.

Ye Mo looked at the clerk and said: "How much is the TV, I will pay you."

"Five thousand three" clerk pointed to the brand on the TV, a screen is not small Sharp LCD TV.

Ye Mo was too lazy to pay the price, handed out 5,300 yuan to the clerk, then picked up the phone, even the invoices were too lazy to ask, said to the young man: "Let's go."

Bringing the young man to a fast food restaurant on the first floor, Ye Mo ordered two cups of coffee, indicating that the young man had also sat down. He still did not know the name of the young man.

The young man seemed to know that Ye Mo didn't know his name. When he sat down, he said, "Ye Big Brother, I am a small fire. I have been following Nange. You should have seen me."

Ye Mo saw that this small fire was in his early twenties. I really couldn’t figure out why he still made such a naive move. Even if he poured mineral water into the TV set, he was really a personal talent.

"What happened? Fangnan sent you?" Ye Mo asked, he did not seem to wash the clothes of this small fire for a long time, it seems that Yanjing should not be good.

The small fire circle was red, and this said: "I was not sent by Nan Ge. Nan Ge was almost killed. Now the legs have been cut, and there are injuries and can't get up. Now Nan Ge is no longer flowing. Snake, he is now hiding in a small town on the Vietnamese border. I came to Yanjing to sneak up. I took something from the border to prepare for the shooting in Yanjing, but I was found, and all of them were collected.

But the person who collected my things seemed to want to swallow it alone, and did not investigate my origins, but directly put me out. ”

Ye Mo did not understand why the small fire was caught by the clerk. It was a panic. Once the police came, his origins were investigated and it might be a prison. Some of the people who came out of the border flow snakes were clean.

However, Fang Nan was almost done by people, and he was also driven out of the snake. This is beyond the expectation of Ye Mo. The snake has been leveled by him. Basically, there is no powerful force. How can Fangnan be driven away? And when it was time to go to the snakes, it seemed that he was the boss of the snake.

Seeing Ye Mo’s expression of doubts, Xiao Huo quickly said: “The last time your wife, Miss Ning, went to the snake, and Nan Ge was troubled by her affairs and history. Later he interrupted the history of his legs. I have driven out the snake. Originally, Nan Ge thought that even if it was a history of amphibious gangs, it would only cost a lot of money. But I didn’t expect this history to be supernatural, even let the amphibious help come to the flow of snakes. We will be a knife.

And almost killed South Brother, and that many of our brothers in that battle were gone. South Columbia was seriously injured and we were brought out of the snake, now hiding in a small town on the border. Because there is no money and I dare not do business at the border, I brought something directly to Yanjing to sell. As a result, things were collected and they were almost caught. ”

Ye Mo asked strangely: "Where can you go to Yanjing to do business? And you have to work in the mall."

The fire broke down for a long time and said: "Because I am a Yanjing person myself, I want to come back to see my parents with business, but I didn't see them..."

After a long while, I continued to say: "Because I have no money, I am depressed. I just wandered around in the mall. I didn't expect that the TV was an amphibious introduction. Now I hate the word amphibious. I see next to it. No one, when angry, poured water into the back of the TV, but I didn't expect to be seen."

Ye Mo is speechless. This small fire is really a singer. The reason why this kind of gossip can't be found can be found. However, Fangnan helped Ning Qingxue. And this time it was because the things of Ning Qingxue were driven away or even killed. Ye Mo had to help him anyway.

I just don’t know where an amphibious gang came out, but Ye Molian’s 'Nanqing’ was not afraid. He was afraid of what the amphibious gang had. He thought of taking out 10,000 yuan and handing it to the small fire: “You go back first. I told Fang Nan how to raise my wounds. This time it was because of me. I will help him find justice. When I finish the Yanjing thing, I will go there."

The small fire stood up in surprise, and Ye Mo said to help, then there must be no problem. Although he did not want this 10,000 yuan, but he did not have a penny, he had to collect it.

Ye Mo sent a small fire and walked out of the mall, only to find that the sky was already dark.

Although he only has a few thousand dollars in his body, he does not care much, because he will recover 500,000 foreign debts. However, he did not expect Fangnan to be driven away by the amphibious help. It seems that the amphibian is not small.

Shaking his head, Ye Mo left the Fangnan thing and took out the phone. He wanted to call Li Hu.


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