Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 14 Chapter 1522: The first battle of the fairy world

This effort méu disappointed Ye Mo. Under the bombardment of the nine waves of flying thunder, the space here became unstable, and Ye Mo actually touched the space barrier. At this moment, he can no longer care about anything else, and the real yuan and the gods who are urging the whole body are desperately torn to both sides.

Even the knives of the gods continue to kill, no matter how it works, Ye Mo at the moment is like a drowning man who has caught a piece of wood.

Originally, there were some loose space barriers. Under the mad tear of Ye Mo, it was getting bigger and bigger. A colored Lingyun came in from the crack and instantly swept Ye Mo directly in mid-May.

Ye Moxin was overjoyed, he dào this is Fei Sheng Lingyun, the kind of gǎào he experienced. It is even more crazy to absorb the spirit of the spirit of the spirit, want to restore vitality as soon as possible. The sequelae of burning blood are very big. Many monks are not willing to burn blood, because it is difficult to upgrade after burning blood, and it will also cause instability of the gods.

Ye Mo rarely burns blood, but in order to escape from that closed space, he burns blood in succession. This kind of great loss, if you don’t absorb Lingyun healing in time, he is afraid that it will affect the future in the fairy world. Practice.



Ye Mo was like a big sandbag and was thrown on the ground. A burst of fairy spirit came, and Ye Mo’s heart trembled. His dà really rose. He absorbed the kind of fairy spirit to absorb the injury and even refused to climb.

"Hey, a wounded celestial being, still lying here, hǎàng is not dead..." A voice came, and Ye Mo could hear nghu Chu. His dào celestial being is a fairy, and in the realm of cultivation, some people call it a fairy. At the same time, his knowledge of the gods also came over to the two monks, all of whom were imaginary.

Ye Mo climbed up hard and hugged the two people who came over and said: "Two friends, I was just chased and killed, all the way to escape here, may I ask if this is fāng?"

"No," said the monk who had just said that Ye Mo was a fairy. Méu answered Ye Mo’s words, but he looked at Ye Mo and said something wrong.

"What do you mean is that he is not a land fairy. But is it true that the true monk is right? Just ascended up?" Another monk added.

The former Mingxian monk nodded and said: "Yes. He should have just ascended up, and méu passed the Ascension Hall."

"Now many of the interfaces of the Flying Hall can not receive the soaring monk, can not say that it has just been soared?" Another monk asked a question, but he talked u eyes with a trace of hot, just his Companion and méu saw.

When they talked, they simply ignored Ye Mo.

Ye Mo shook his head and sacrificed the Qingyue. Turn around and leave. Since these two guys are not willing to answer, he is too lazy to ask again.

"Hey, it's close to the flying magic weapon of the next fairy. Good things." The monk who first said that Ye Mo was the immortal suddenly flew in front of Ye Mo. Originally he seemed to answer the companion, but now he is attracted by Ye Mo's youth.

Ye Mo frowned and stopped, but he spoke.

"Your true Yuan is far from being transformed into a fairy. It should be the monk who just ascended." The false monk stared at Ye Mo.

Ye Mo didn't want to clash with the two monks, and he nodded and said, "Yes, I did just fly."

The two monks of the virtual fairy glanced at each other and nodded. Ye Mo had a bad gǎào, he took a few medicinal herbs and swallowed it, and he was ready to do it at any time.

"You said that you are flying here? Not from the Ascension Hall?" The monk who asked the question was even excited.

"What is it?" Ye Mo frowned.

"Haha, it’s luck..." The fairy was suddenly haha, and he raised his hand and grabbed it. Apparently Ye Mo is such a perfect monk. He simply puts méu in his eyes.

Ye Mo was shocked. He didn't understand that the monk had to turán to him. Can't you fly here? But if you want to catch him, then he can't talk so well.

It’s just that Ye Moe’s thought is that this hands-on virtual monk has just reached out and stagnated. He went back and looked at his companion, and he said unwillingly: “May, you, for m......"

The monk, who was called Xu Yi, pulled out a white painting from him and said coldly: "There is only one must, is it for you?"

Ye Mo heard this sentence immediately ngbái came over, these two people actually dà have a small è? It’s not a small è to be dào, his chaos.

How are these two guys dào? Is it possible to judge that there is a need for the body by virtue of the flying fāng?

After the murderous companion, even his storage ring was able to manage, and he looked at Ye Mo coldly and said: "I will give you a whole body."

Ye Mo heart sneered, let the gold page è, this guy is looking for death? However, he and méu immediately started to ask, but he quietly asked: "Hand over the 须méuguā, I really want to doàà you are how nghu I have to be è?"

After I heard Ye Mo’s words, I was surprised by the expression. I obviously thought it was right. Ye Mo is really a must.

He and méu explained to Ye Mo how he dào, the white painting in his hand painted a white circle. After the white circle was painted, the painting suddenly turned into a white dragon. Ye Mo swept over.

Ye Moe méu feels the **** of any domain, sneer in the heart, even the domain méu wants to kill. At the same time he sacrificed the purple scorpion, the domain ng unfolded. But then Ye Mo was completely stunned. He is a domain that can be stretched in the realm of comprehension. There can only be some vague shadows here.

Not good, Ye Mo immediately came over ngbái. The rules of the heavens and the earth in the fairy world are much stronger than the real world. His current ability is to extend the domain by the méu method.

At this time, the white dragon ng came to Ye Mo's body.

Ye Mo did not dare to hesitate, and Zi Yan made a full effort. He was unhealed, and the other party was a real virtual fairy, and he forced himself to fly up, not to mention, the real yuan also returned to méu, not to mention the conversion to Xianyuan. Under such circumstances, where does he dare to hesitate?


The purple cicada and the white dragon slammed together and made a loud sound. This kind of impact was in the realm of comprehension. The space of uéi had already been torn apart, but here, the space of uéi was even a little bit.

The white Snapdragon’s horrible celestial force came, and Ye Mo’s purple scorpion almost flew away, and his body shape was shot hundreds of meters away by the white dragon. The man has not yet fallen, and a spurt of blood is blasted in the air.

I was also pleased with the same méu, and Ye Zi’s purple scorpion flew out dozens of meters away before he stopped, and his face was red.

Ye Mo secretly pity, he is in a state of prosperity, the other side of this light enemy, he can make a serious injury, but unfortunately, his injury is too heavy, and now méu resume half.


Xu Yi did not expect that just a fight, he actually has the advantage of méu. He stared at Ye Mo's surprised snoring, and his eyes were even more eager.

Apparently he thought that Ye Mo was so powerful because he had a need. He is also eager to have the purple kitchen knife in Ye Mo's hand. His white painting is his only one, and the quality of his next product is still good in the next.

Ye Mo's purple kitchen knife can be combined with the painting, and the méu is half-damaged, indicating that the kitchen knife is also extraordinary, at least the lower grade of the fairy.

I thought that as long as I killed Ye Mo, it was all right and the kitchen knife was a sneer. The white dragon in the hand trembled, and countless white arrows flew out. These white arrows rained with the sound of whistling, and blinking ān would cover all of them.

In the white arrow rain, a huge white dragon opened the horrible black hole and bite it to Ye Mo, seeming to bring Ye Molian to the knife.

Ye Mo raised his hand and sacrificed eight great tripods. His real yuan is not enough, but his gods are powerful. The same he sacrificed dozens of thunder swords. These thunder swords carry a black flashing thunder, and the white arrow rain hitting Ye Mo's eight great dragons, and the white dragon is surrounded by the blink of an eye.

In Ye Mo, he gave a great u, and the eagerness in Xu’s vision was that Ye Mo could see it. Xu Yi did not think of Ye Mo's good things yàng and then yàng, this eight great tripod is yàng good things. These good things are in the hands of a real ants, and the luck of the ants is too bad. He can think of meéu as a monk in the district. He only has all the magic weapons of Ye Mo in his eyes.

But the next moment he completely méu this expression of surprise, Ye Mo's Lei Jian ng completely shrouded the white dragon, the white dragon roared in the black Lei Jian arc, and issued a sharp whistle .

Xu Yan's face suddenly pale, Lei Xiu? He couldn't think of Ye Mo as a Lei Xiu, not only a Lei Xiu, but also the Thunder system. His white paintings have such a powerful attack effect because of the fusion of the blood and some of the gods. This magic weapon is most afraid of meeting the thunder monk, but he has met the thunder monk today.

An extremely grievous gǎào came, Xu Dào, Ye Mo is a Lei Shi monk, even if it is not as good as him, he also restrained him. What's more, the other side's eight great Ding is not afraid of the white arrow rain, and the white arc dragon of the thunder arc sword is even more unstoppable.

It was a quick retreat and a flying sword symbol was issued. He is looking for a helper to kill Ye Mo and let Ye Mo, a rich monk, escape, he will never be reconciled.

(To be continued...) (Read to read.qududu.m)

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