Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 14 Chapter 1570: Far star dock

After Bingyu and Haichuanwu disappeared in the distance, Ye Mocai once again drove Qingyue to look for the direction to continue flying, while thinking about the terrible free king. If he stood in front of such a person, Ye Mo affirmed that his gold page world would be exposed without reservation.

The cold sweat behind Ye Mo has not dried up. After thinking about this, his cold sweat will seep again. He exposed the gold page world is not as simple as his own death, that is, all people who have a relationship with him may be killed. What kind of thing in the Golden Pages world is not a treasure of the sky? Once the leak is overwhelmed, the power can not be leaked for the Golden Pages world. Can you kill all the people who know him?

A fairy king is so terrible, what about Xianzun and Xiandi? If Lu Zhengqun advances to the king of Xian, then do you still have to mix?

Ye Moe sighed. It was not a bad thing to see the king himself. At least let him have a vigilance, let him understand that there is no singer, that is, ants, don't try to contact those abilities. Even if you come to the extreme sword gate to see the Da Luo Xianren, it is also a dangerous thing.

That is because Qin Peifu and others are not malicious to him. Once there is any malice, use God to spy on him. Who knows what will happen?

Too arrogant, Ye Mo gave himself the definition of these words, decided not to cultivate in the chaotic star domain, he could not advance, he would never come out. The fairy world is wonderful, but it is not his little golden fairy. Fortunately, he has been in contact with low-level immortals, no contact with any power, otherwise his secrets are exposed.

Ye Mo, who has improved his self-improvement, has accelerated his speed. His mood to go to the Chaos Star is even more urgent.


The main peak of the extreme sword gate, Qin Nianmei is like a child who made a mistake. The low-browed hand stood in front of a long-haired man. That man is her father. The head of the sword Jianmeng Qinpei.

"What is Ye Mo's head? How did you know him? Is he really your chosen companion?" Qin Peifu's tone is no longer the kind of enthusiasm in the hall, even with a sternness.

"Hey, how many times have I said. Why don't you believe me? He is that kind of temper, not disrespectful to you, I have said how many times he has, he can't change him if he doesn't change. "Qin Nianmei has explained it without words."

Seeing that his father's face eased a little, Qin Nianmei quickly said all the process of knowing Yan Xuyu. "I was in a square city in Haishu Xiancheng. I saw his medicinal pot stall..."

For a long time, after Qin Nianmei finished, Qin Peifu nodded and said: "While Ye Mo is not very stable, but he can win the disciple of Gong Sun Yin, it is indeed a talent. Now he is already A Sanpindan king, the future achievements may be even higher. So, remember Mei, you have to work hard, you can't run east and west again, you must advance to Xuanxian as soon as possible. Then shock Daxian to repair..."

"Oh..." Hearing the old man and asking himself to retreat, Qin Nianmei said something unhappy: "In fact, he was only lucky enough to win the Gongsun Zhiyu. If he refining it, he might say Lost."

"Oh, then what do you mean that Gongsun Zhiyu is stronger than him?" Qin Peifu asked in confusion.

"No, I don't mean this. I mean that his achievements will definitely be stronger than Gongsun Zhiyu in the future." He thought his father misunderstood his thoughts, and Qin Nianmei quickly said.

Qin Peifu suddenly said: "The origin of Ye Mo must be investigated. He won the Gongsun Zhiyu. I thought about it afterwards. It seems to be very lucky. In fact, it is also possible that he was deliberately lucky. Because it won Too coincidentally, if it was deliberately lucky, then this Ye Dan division would be terrible. This kind of person should be more careful, and must figure out his intentions."

Qin Nianmei said with some funny words: "Hey, you can rest assured, where is this person coming from, what I am doing is clear, he is definitely not fortunate, but really lucky..."

Qin Nianmei said that she suddenly felt that it was wrong. She was talking about Ye Mo, and Ye Mo’s origin was clear, but Ye Mo and her had nothing to do with it. She should pay attention to Yan Xu, who is right, but Yan Xuyu is now in the Chaos Star, where can she know? Before she went to the mountains to play with Yan Xuan, she did not ask where Yan Xuyu came from.

Qin Peifu did not care about Qin Nianmei's thoughts, just nodded and asked again: "It is also true. If it is intentional, it is not very likely. You took a crack from me, is it given? Which Ye Dan teacher went to the Chaos Star?"

"Yes." Qin Nianmei did not conceal this time, because Yan Xuyu is also in the chaotic star field, and it does not matter if he admits himself.

After a pause, I was afraid that the old man would say that she quickly added a sentence: "He said that he would advance to the late Jinxian and go again."

Qin Peifu nodded and said: "Yes, perseverance, enthusiasm, or a Dan teacher. Nian Mei, you choose this Ye Mo I feel very good, although the character is slightly unstable, but this is not the most important ""

Qin Nianmei’s heart was secretly funny. He thought that Yan Xuyu was stronger than Ye Mo. When Xu Xu came out, he still didn’t know how to praise it.


Faraway dock.

It is not a pier, nor a castle or a fairy town. It is just a huge square and there are countless stalls around the square.

The difference between this square and other places is that the smog of the square is so lingering that it can't be swept in with the knowledge of God. It is exactly a void. Of course, on the empty side, there is no booth to dare to put it there.

At the edge of the square, there are already many monks talking, or are idle on some stalls.

In the middle of the square there is a huge transmission array, and from time to time there are monks from the transmission array. When these monks come, they will also be like other people, waiting on the edge of the square or lounging or looking for a small team to join.

Everyone who comes here knows that this is the entrance to the chaotic star field. These monks are all trying to go to the chaotic star field.

This square is the nearest square to the chaotic star field in the extremely windy days. Except for those monks who come to the booth, the rest of the monks who come to the extreme winds are going to the chaotic star field.

The reason why these people did not go immediately. Because they want to form a team. After each team has a certain number of people. This is the only way to go to the chaotic star field. There are many benefits to people going to the chaotic star field. The first many monks are together, even if they meet the Netherstorm on the road or the Void Wicked Beast can also have a photo, and the second is at the barrier of the Chaos Star Field. Many people's cracks are displayed together, which can split the chaotic space. More opportunities.

If a person is at the barrier of the chaotic star field, even if there is a crack, the probability of cracking the chaotic star barrier is not too great. Ye Mo did not know that Qin Nianmei did not say to Ye Mo. It is not that she deliberately did not say. It is because there are many people who go to the Chaos Star Field. Now, in the next eleven days, countless monks will go to the Chaos Star Field and pass through the windy days. The monks who have gathered in the Star Railway will have more. When Ye Mo goes there, he can meet like-minded monks. Of course, there is another point, that she has not been to the chaotic star field.

There are some squads that are already enough. Under the leadership of the captain, they rushed into the smog on the side of the square, and soon disappeared into the emptiness of the hustle and bustle. Later, people will continue to find a team that suits them. Many people are stronger for the team, and even lifted the brand, directly indicating what the team is asking for. What is the level of the monk who participated in the flying magic weapon.


Ye Mo has accelerated the speed of the Qing Dynasty, and Qing Yue is also refining him. Therefore, this speed is not much slower than the average Chinese flying fairy. It took ten days to get to Gonghuatian, and it only took him five days to arrive.

After arriving at the transfer array of Gonghuatian, Ye Mo sat on the transfer array to the Extreme Winds Star Terminal for the first time.

After coming out of the transmission array of the distant star dock, Ye Mo was still a little dizzy. This transmission distance is very far away, even if he feels a little dizzy. He can also arrange the transmission array, but this kind of transmission array, he can not refine even a flag.

"Hey, how come he came? This guy shouldn't want to go to the Chaos Stars?" Hai Chuanwu saw Ye Mo for the first time, because their team size is not enough, and the sister Shi Bingyu is not willing to talk. As it was, he had to focus on the transmission array.

What he didn't think of was that he actually saw Ye Mo coming down from the transmission array.

Yan Bingyu also looked at Ye Mo in confusion. She did not explain why Ye Mo came to this place. Is he not in a hurry? Is it urgent to go to the chaotic star field? Even if you go to the Chaos Star Field, Ye Meng District, a Jinxian early stage will not work? Did Jin Jin go to the Chaos Stars in the early days?

Ye Mo’s knowledge swept the square, and the three characters of ‘Star Star’ were suspended in the middle of the square.

There were a lot of monks in the square, but Ye Mo soon discovered that his cultivation was the lowest, even those who were at the booth were at least Jin Jin’s later cultivation. Some of the monks standing in the square have been cultivated by Xuan Xian, and some of them are completed in the late Jinxian and Jinxian. There is no monk in the middle of Jinxian, not to mention the monks in the early days of Jinxian.

At the beginning of his golden fairy, he could not see it in the town of Heilu, but when he got here, he immediately became a ‘stand out.’

It turned out that my cultivation was the lowest, and Ye Mo touched his nose without words. His knowledge also swept to Bing Yu and Hai Chuanwu, but he did not want to talk in the past.

After coming out of the pole sword gate, he has nothing to do with the pole sword gate. Ye Mo went to a golden fairy to marry the monk and asked him, "Friend, is this place to go to the ‘Chaotic Stars’?”

The Jinxian perfect monk looked at Ye Mo and then he nodded and said, "Yes, here is the distant star dock, to go to the chaotic star field, is to leave from here."

"How to enter the chaotic star field?" Ye Mo asked again.

The Jinxian perfect monk did not care. Many monks came here for the first time. I don’t know that it is normal. The only thing that is not normal is that the monk who asked himself is too low. He pointed to the side of the distant fog that said, "Going in from there, and then flying directly for half a month to a month, you can see the barrier of the chaotic star. At the barrier, use the **** with others. If you break the chaotic star field, you can go in."

"Thank you a friend." Ye Mo quickly thanked him and immediately went to the hazy side.

The Jinxian, who had just pointed to the road, saw Ye Mo walked alone and suddenly stopped, and then muttered to himself: "Would he not go to the Chaos Stars alone?"

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... (to be continued..)

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