Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 2 Chapter 161: Luocang Tiejiang

"How about killing a thousand dragons? Thousands of dragons are in front of me, I can kill them." Wang Chuan resisted the shock inside and gave himself a courage. Then suddenly jumped and rushed toward Ye Mo. He intentionally or unconsciously ignored the one that Ye Mo was killing, but it was ‘Nanqing’s nest, but it was not a narrow road.

Ye Mo looked at Wang Chuan's intimidating momentum, and his fists screaming, shaking his head. Wang Chuan and the wolf are far worse than each other. Even just a little stronger than the original Pudong Heng who met in Ninghai, it was a little stronger and limited.

Ye Mo did not move, just waiting for Wang Chuan to approach him. His hand crossed the empty space of Wang Chuan, and this is the first time Ye Mo has made a blow in the battle. If it is not only three layers of practice, he does not need to do it, or even a gesture. After all, now Ye Mocai is practicing three layers of air, and the wind blade has to move his hands to form a group. Moreover, with Ye Mo’s current real element, it is impossible to continue to use the wind blade, and it can only be used for a maximum of five or six times.

Xu Mu inexplicably looked at Ye Moe and did not move. Later, it was just a hollow stroke, and immediately it was a little sluggish. What is Ye Mo doing? Seeing Wang Chuan’s fist is about to hit Ye Mo, Xu Mu is also pleasantly surprised. He doesn’t want to smoke from his waist [] and he has rushed over.

Xu Mu's speed is much faster than Wang Chuan, and then he sent it first, and his short knife was cut to Ye Mo's waist.

"砰砰" two sounds, Xu Mu felt that his short knife had hit Ye Mo, and his heart was happy. It turned out that he was just like this, but Xu Mu immediately noticed that it was wrong. Since his short knife had been cut in Ye Mo, it should not be such a voice like defeating the leather.

Xu Mugang wanted to take a closer look at what was going on, and saw a foot close to his face and kicked. He didn't even have the evasive reaction, he was kicked a few meters away.

Wang Chuan, who was still in the air, suddenly felt a cold wind blowing towards him. This feeling is very weird. If there is something in his hand, he really wants to stop it. This idea has not dissipated, and he feels that his legs have been swept by the cold wind.

He found that his lower plate was light and seemed to have some pain. The next moment he could no longer move forward, but fell to the ground, horrified at the broken legs, and fainted directly.

Xu Mu immediately climbed up, but he did not come and was glad that he had not been seriously injured. He felt that the throat [] was a sweet, and a blood was blindly sprayed out. At this time, he felt the five internal organs to be displaced. Uncomfortable.

However, Xu Mu did not have the mood to check his injury, but stopped with a short knife and his mind stopped stagnating. In his mind, he was only turning a word. How did Wang Chuan suddenly fall for no reason and broke his legs? Is it possible to break your legs like that? Looking at Wang Chuan, who fell in a pool of blood, Xu Mu reacted in horror and subconsciously stepped back.

Wu Hong looked at the **** scene and his face was pale. Even if he was on the road all the year round, there was no such **** scene. Ye Ma faced this scene, but his face was calm. It seemed that the blood flowing on the ground was not just a pot of water.

Wang Chuan’s feet can be cut off with a single stroke. What is this skill? Xu Mu kept asking himself, even if Master came over, he could not do this. Ye Mo is not something that Xu Mu can resist. No wonder he can take the mental stone without knowing it.

What if he just made a void on his lap, instead of kicking his face with his feet?

Xu Mu looked down at his feet with a subconscious mind, and his cold face became pale.

"Dangdang", Xu Mu finally could not stand the fear of the heart, the short knife in his hand fell to the ground, making a clear sound.

Ye Mo went to a chair and sat down. Then he looked at Wu Hong and said, "I said that the 'Tiejiang' that was not here last time is a face for Wu Xuemin, but you have provoked me again. . And I also accepted Wu Xuemin's personal feelings, so today I will put you all in one pot. If you call electricity now, you will call your head and brain together. I am too lazy to find one by one. ”

After listening to Ye Mo’s words, Wu Hong’s face was no longer a trace of blood.

It turned out that he said that the one-pot end is this meaning, no wonder he just said that it only started. He always thought that Ye Mo was looking for Wu Xuemin's pleadings last time. Now he knows that Ye Mo gave Wu Xuemin a face. From beginning to end, he did not, and Tiejiang was in his eyes.

Ye Mo said that he no longer ignored Wu Hong, but turned to Xu Mu. "I didn't kill you just now. I didn't even hurt you. Now you answer a few questions and don't make me feel bad. The first one. Question, how did you find 'silver grass,

of? ”

‘Silver heart,? However, Xu Mu immediately responded that Ye Mo said that it should be silver leaves. Xu Mu looked at Wang Chuan, who was still in a coma on the ground, and subconsciously rubbed the cold sweat on his forehead. He felt his hands tremble.

He even thinks that Ye Mo is truly mixed, they are ‘Tiejiang, compared with him, Jane’s is kind and can’t be kind. In Tiejiang, it has been more than ten years, Xu Mu has also seen Master killing, and he himself has killed people, there is more than one. But compared with Ye Mo in front of him, he feels that he is too old at the age of eighty.

Looked at Ye Mo's calm eyes, thinking of a kick just kicked on his face, Ye Mo said that there is still no killer.

Xu Mu knows that Ye Mo is telling the truth. He can be seen from the kick he just kicked. He really didn’t have a killer.

He couldn't stand the heavy suffocation anymore. Some horrified openings said: "I am naturally sensitive to the more precious herbs and ores. Even one or twenty meters away, I can feel it. Because I want to be Luocang often lived, so I was going to buy a villa. It happened that the villa area where Yu Erhu lived was sold [[], I went to see the house and found 'silver leaf.'

At that time, I felt that this thing was not simple. I gave it to my master when I called [], and my master asked me to dig it back to Hong Kong immediately. "Ye Mo looked at Xu Mu with amazement and was sensitive to the spiritual things. This is the root of the gods. It is in the realm of cultivation, and the roots of the gods are not cursed for millennia. I did not expect that in the era when the earth is in a state of lack of vitality, it still You can meet the roots of the gods. If the roots of Xu Mu are placed in the realm of cultivation, they are the characters robbed by countless sects.

After a long time, Ye Mo calmed down. He really didn't think that there was a spiritual root here. If this is to make Xu Mu Xiuzhen, even if the heavens and the earth are lacking, the progress will definitely be much faster than himself. Although Ye Mo does not know what his roots are, he can cultivate spiritual roots, but the speed of cultivation can be seen that his spiritual roots should not be too high.

Just when Xu Mu was in amazement and looked at Ye Mo, Ye Mo suddenly waved his hand again. Wu Hong, who was calling [], called a palm of his hand and landed on the ground.

Wu Hong and Xu Mu were all looking at Ye Mo with horror. I don’t know why he cut Wu Hong’s hand for no reason. Ye Mo looked at Wu Hong faintly and said: “You still have three chances to call the alarm. But after three times, you will not have to press the [] phone number."

Wu Hong immediately trembled. He just didn't let Ye Mo see the electric phone number he dialed. How did Ye Mo know that he was calling the alarm? But after Ye Mo's words, he immediately understood that if he did not obey, the following hands and feet seemed to be cut. Ye Mo seems to like to cut people's hands and feet, this person is too horrible. ”

Soon Wu Hong was surprised to find that although his wrist was cut, the blood flow was very slow.

"Don't look at it, don't let your wrists bleed too much, let you do things quickly. If you are grinding, you don't have to call again." Then Ye Mo's cold voice passed.

Ye Mo said after reading Xu Mu said: "Is your master a hidden person? Do you know the way to enter the hidden door? And what does your master want to do, and what is the purpose of the silver heart? ”

Two hours later, Ye Mo walked out of the basement, the basement, and this time he did not keep it. Tiejiang’s head brain in Luocang was almost completely cleaned by him. In addition to helping the martial arts people, Ye Mo also knew that if he wanted to stay in Luocang, this kind of power would be eliminated. This night is the most killing after he was born again. Even in the desert last time, he did not kill so many people. The last wave of fireballs turned all the evidence into ashes.

The empty stone, the master of Xu Mu became a spiritual induction stone, which means that there must be an empty stone on the earth, otherwise the idle people will not know the stone. And according to Xu Mu, the idler also knows how to enter the hidden door, because he is the Taoist child in the hidden door.

This makes Ye Mo look forward to it. Whether the idler knows the value of ‘silver leaf, or knows how to enter the hidden door, Ye Mo must investigate clearly. Although the people in the hidden door are not born, who knows that there are suddenly hidden masters to besiege him, these he has to prevent at least if you can enter the hidden door, he also wants to check the real hidden door strength.

Now Ye Mo's cultivation can hardly see progress. This is not something that can be made up by hard work. Even in the realm of cultivation, it is normal to practice to the twelve layers of practice. Some people can't even cultivate a peak in practice for a lifetime.

There are still two days of gossip people will come to Luocang, maybe at that time, he can pick up something useful from his mouth. At least more than the Wuguang monk knows, or at least he will say it. Wu Guang does not say that Ye Mo can't use coercive means, but this idle person does not say, don't blame him for being unkind.

Ye Mo will take the whole of Luocang's ‘Iron River, one pot end, but it is like nothing to leave. ‘Outside the field, but Luo Cang became a pot of porridge the next day.

All ‘Iron River’s talents found that their heads were gone, and they disappeared completely. The panic shrouded the entire underground world of Luocang, and soon people reacted. Luo Cang’s ‘Iron River should be a problem, and many younger brothers fled.

(The third, at the end of the month, the fifth has to ask for a monthly ticket, chrysanthemum matter!)

(To be continued)

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