Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 15 Chapter 1731: Ye Mo's magical power

I listened to Ye Mo’s interesting and almost laughed, but the face of Yan Mang was once again gloomy.

Ye Mo’s so sardonic tone, he heard it, and he couldn’t hear it because he was ridiculed? Yan Mang has always been proud of Xiao Xian Wang, but he did not expect to be ridiculed by Xiao Xian Wang, and his heart’s anger can be imagined. .

"Hey, if you have nothing, we have to go." 蓟婫 蓟婫 蓟婫 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然Who made her dissatisfied, and now even the tone of speech is a bit disgusting.

The anger of the mang is just a flash, and immediately knows that he continues this way, only to make him more disgusted. He is different from other fairies. It is not what he wants to be. Even if he is an ordinary disciple of Emperor Yuezong, he can't be bullied at will, let alone be a core disciple. Once he is embarrassed, it means that he has a bad relationship with the Emperor.

Thinking of this, Yan Mang pressed down his inner anger and smiled and said to the squatting fist: "Since the moon fairy has something, the mang is not disturbed. Next time I go to the emperor to visit, I will leave. ""

After saying that the mans-drived golden shuttle quickly disappeared, it turned out to be really gone.

"There is a difference between God and God." Ye Mo looked at the disappearing mans and sighed.

Yan Mang half-step Xian Wang Xiuwei, the body of the fairy is thick and stable, no half-overflow. Although he ridiculed the other side just now, the other's cultivation was really powerful.

He said with a smile: "Dan Xian Xiandi is not his father, he is his master, but the Emperor Xiandi is really very good to him. And his qualification is really top in Changrongtian. It is also somewhat proud. The capital. He passed by here. It seems that he is also going to Pingliang Xiancheng. It should be the same purpose as us, to participate in the talks in Yuandongtian."

After the incident of Xiaoxian Wangmang, Ye Mo did not have the mind to continue to find the mark of the middle-aged scribe in the inner cabin. Instead, he sat in front of Qingyue and chatted with him.

When Qingyue flew for less than half a day, he met again. The two big Luoxians were turned upside down in the front, and even blocked the way of Qingyue.

Ye Mo controlled Qing Yue just want to let go, but found that one of the big Luo Xian thrown a symbol. I quickly escaped. Another big Luo Xian saw his opponent fleeing, and immediately sent resentment on Ye Mo and Shantou, and once again, the magic weapon was stopped.

After the big Luoxian stopped the Qingyue, he did not start yet. A flying magic weapon quickly came over and stood on the flying magic weapon with two immortals who were also cultivated by the same Luoxian. This later two are in the middle of the Great Luoxian, but the previous stop of the Qingyue is a late Luoxian.

"Pang Tai brother, what are you chasing?" Later, the two big Luoxian arrived in the middle of the middle, immediately looked at the big Luoxian later asked.

The big Luo Xian, who was called Pang Tai, said coldly in the late stage, "I was blocked by these two people. I ran."

"Looking for death..." The two big Luoxian people heard that the people were released by Ye Mo and Yan, and immediately came out with a magic weapon.

The late Luo Baoxian's magic weapon called Pang Tai did not close up. Instead, he said to the later two people: "Singing, you kill the little big to the fairy, I and Guanghui deal with this woman."

After hearing this, the murderer immediately emerged, and the momentum quickly climbed. Obviously, I really wanted to kill Ye Mo.

He did not hesitate to swear the magic weapon, she has never seen such unreasonable people.

Ye Mo sneered and said: "Is it a few people to send you over?"

I realized it in an instant. These three guys were sent by the mans. He himself was not good at shooting. It was obvious that the three men were sent to kill Ye Mo. As long as two of them stopped her, the other one could kill Ye Mo.

You are trying to hold Ye Mo, Pang Tai has already started. Pang Tai did it, and Guanghui also sealed the way to help Ye Mo.

At this time, the singer also presented a flaming stone sword. In his opinion, Ye Mo was already a dead man. The flaming stone sword slammed at the same time, and brought up a red rainbow with a length of a thousand feet. It was just that some red rainbow red had some blinks, and even like a **** rainbow, it collapsed.

The space and sound around it turned into nothingness under this flaming stone sword, as if it had been evaporated by the flame.

"Booming..." The dull voice rang in the blood-red flame, and the blood rainbow mixed with the stone sword seemed to have melted all the surrounding space. There was only a black void, and there was no way to resist it in this void. Ye Mo.

The pressure in the sky also fell completely with this sword, giving people a desperate feeling that people can't afford to escape.

Even the shackles that were stopped in the distance felt the despair of this sword, and suddenly screamed. "If you dare to kill my brother, I will fight with him..."

She is really a little trembled. This sword is obviously to kill Ye Mo, and it is a full force shot. Ye Mo, a big to the early stage of the immortal, how to block this sword?

I guess it’s good. The sword is really going to kill Ye Mo. The order they got was that the sooner they killed Yemo, the better, as long as they killed Ye Mo, they could take the opportunity to retreat.

Only in a short time, this piece of sky was completely covered by blood red, and Ye Mo, who was in the blood red sky, had no trace.

Anxious and embarrassing has long been flawed, but her two opponents did not kill her. It seems that she is fighting hard with her. In fact, she only stopped her.

It turned out to be a fire, and the endless flames and space pressure came around. Ye Mo immediately knew that the other party was a fire fairy, and there was a flame with a low level. This kind of skill is also good in the middle of the big Luoxian.

At the time when the huge swords of endless flames and space pressure were pressed down, Ye Mo’s purple eyes had already been released.

Ye Mo’s first trick, the rainbow.

Or this is not a magical trick. The rainbow is just a knife with a magical power. It is a trick between magic and magic. Ye Mo created the rainbow in the first place, in order to fill his magic cloud.

At this time, the rainbow was sacrificed, because he wanted to try to ask himself how much the magical power of the pavilion was learned. This is just the worst trick in his supernatural powers.

A purple light illuminates in a blood-red flame, and this purple is just filled with a void of space that burns out the entire blood-red flame. Purple quickly turned into countless colors, and it was burnt into a black void. The blink of an eye turned into a colorful, like a fairy flower.

The void that was burned into a black by the blood rainbow flame immediately became vivid, as if it were full of vitality.


The rainbow and the blood-red flames are all slammed together, the blood is splashing, and the colorful light is spreading rapidly. No, it should be a colorful knife.

"Oh." The terrible explosion rang in the air, and the two men who fought with each other even stumbled, and the gods swept over at the same time.

The purple cicada and the stone sword collided together, and the stone sword made a creaking sound, which seemed to be cracked.

When the colorful knives of the sky came over, the singer was shocked. The flames of the sky and the blood-red swords that had been killed by his sword had disappeared. Instead, they turned out to be endless colored knives.

At this moment, he even felt the threat of death. How come so powerful? Still a big early to the early?

Ming did not dare to think about it. The next moment, a huge semi-circular shield was sacrificed. He was chilling. Today, there has never been a person who has been repaired several times lower than him, which makes him so chilly, and now he is really chilling.


The endless rainbow of Knife hit his semi-circular shield, causing a dull sound, and his cover color suddenly faded.

I am definitely not the opponent of the other party. Ming just played a trick with Ye Mo, and I know that he can't beat Ye Mo, not only can't beat it, but the difference is not a little bit.

Escape, just a few breaths of time, it is clear that if he does not escape, he even died here today. The command of the Lord is important, but your own life is more important.

Almost at the moment of thinking about the escape, he launched a martial art.

"Void, kill."

Ye Mo did not care about the singer who had already started the singer, and even did not take back the sable, it was a boxing out. If you want to kill him, take your life and change it.


The real supernatural power is the first supernatural power that he is asking the pavilion to understand. The boxing magical powers combine the silence and the space law. He has tried the rainbow, and the surprise of this semi-magic is far beyond his expectations. He wants to try his true magical powers.

The surrounding space seems to be compressed, and the endless murder is gathered together by this compressed space, and finally condensed into a punch.

This boxing horrible murder and majestic killings let the three people who are fighting are stagnation, all looking at the terrible of this boxing. This is not a punch that Daxian can make. Even if it is a fairy king, it is not always possible to make such a terrible momentum.

The king's shot can be more powerful than this, and it is more lethal than this. However, there is absolutely no such killing, and there is absolutely no such a majestic atmosphere.

What is this boxing method?

The vortex of a vain air is rolled up, no, this is not a whirlpool at all, but a devastating atmosphere of murderousness and killing.


The blood of the air is sprayed out like a **** flower.

The singer who has already launched the martial arts has not been able to take one step more, and he has been turned into nothingness by this punch in the void. The killing of this boxing has not completely dissipated, and once again, the horror of the horror of the air is stunned and falls into the whirlpool of the endless killing.

(The first one is sent, the support of the monthly ticket and the recommended ticket!)

... (to be continued..)

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