Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 15 Chapter 1733: Luodi Mountain

After four people talked for a long time, Ye Mo finally heard some clues. Several emperors didn't know what it was because they suddenly came to Yuandongtian. Because of the arrival of several great emperors, this round of exchange meetings is also important.

A few people did not continue to say that the Great Emperor, Ye Mo did not dare to ask. You can talk about the Emperor in a respectful tone behind the Great Emperor, but once you ask about the Emperor, you may be stared at by someone.

Ye Mo is very careful about this aspect. In Shangtian, he is even more afraid to inquire about the news of a great emperor.

"Do you know why several emperors want to suddenly change the address of the conference exchange conference into the fall of the mountain?" Some people joined the discussion.

"I don't know, isn't the fairy friend clear?"

"I know exactly, I am going to go to the Emperor Mountain to see the excitement."

"This fairy friend, please come and listen." The immortal who heard the interjection knew about the change of the conference, and the people who had just discussed immediately invited.

This said that the known immortal people did not take it. They said directly: "There are some strange things in the last few years of the Luodi Mountain. There are often emperors rising in the light. It is said that ancient relics were born, so this discussion meeting will be held in Luodi Mountain. The purpose is to prepare some geniuses to enter the Luodi Mountain to find ancient ruins."

"I have heard of the Emperor's Light in the last few years. I heard that the Emperor Light is the Emperor Daojing. Many people have gone in and searched for the remains, but all the people who went in have fallen." .

Ye Mo heard the heart here, the Emperor Jingjing? Isn't it the inheritance that Emperor Haotian accepted him to accept? Is that the Emperor Mountain is the mountain? He did not intend to have Emperor Daojing, but there are several Xianling veins together with Emperor Daojing.

Ye Mozheng wanted to ask about the things of Luodi Mountain in the past. I heard someone say: "Can the fall of the Emperor Mountain go in? It is a dead word. The conference is held in Luodi Mountain. If you let those geniuses enter the Luodi Mountain. If anything happens, is it not my god? Loss of the domain?"

"I don't know about this, but since the discussion on the exchange meeting is placed in Luodi Mountain, there is a reason. I have also heard that there are several Emperors who want to use the means of the sky to ban the law in the Emperor's Mountains. The genius of the Taoist Congress can safely enter into the remains of the ancient emperor's road." The immortal who was invited continued.

Ye Mo has not heard of the Luodi Mountain, but if the Emperor Mountain is really the mountain of the Emperor of Heaven, there is the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven. Why are some of the emperors not going in? He was very curious to ask, but he was afraid of causing doubts from others.

"Also, the Emperor Mountain was only unable to enter before, but there was no emperor light. In recent years, there have been frequent appearances of the Emperor, and there is also a rich scent of spirits. It may be the remains of the ancients."

Ye Mo heard this sentence again, and my heart seemed to suddenly understand what it was.

In recent years, isn’t that a few years when the Great God of the Great God was completely destroyed? A few years ago, the last **** of the Emperor Haotian died in front of Ye Mo. Turned into a rosary. The Emperor Haotian said that this rosary can find his inheritance. Is it because his emperor has a problem after his death?

Or even the Great Emperor did not know. After his death, his emperor will have problems. In any case, Ye Mo has decided that he must go to the Falling Mountain.

"This is also a strange name for the Emperor Mountain. It seems that it is not very auspicious." Ye Mo carefully inserted a sentence on the side, and he waited for this sentence to be integrated into everyone's discussion.

When several monks who talked about Ye Mo’s words, they immediately felt a little disdain. However, when several people discovered that Ye Mo was a big fairy, those disdain quickly disappeared. Most of the arguments here are Xuan Xian and Da Yi Xian, and there are also many to the fairy, and there are very few.

A Xuan Xian quickly said: "The predecessors must have come to other places from other places. The reason why Luodishan called this name is because the power and pressure of Luodi Mountain is too great. The easier it is to fall in. If it is the Emperor, the chance of falling is basically ninety-nine percent."

“Dream?” Ye Mo immediately seized the two words and asked again.

Xuan Xian immediately explained, "Yes, it is the power of reading, and it is not only the power of reading. After entering the Emperor Mountain, there will be endless void pressure, just like the whole universe is on your body. And after entering, even Retreat can not be withdrawn, once your ability to reach the extreme, it is suppressed into nothing. The higher the repair, the greater the pressure."

"Yes, the mindfulness not only contains the pressure of the void, but also the pressure of the years. The time inside is disordered. Sometimes you are very young when you go in. After meeting this time, your life will soon end and then fall. Or It is you who return to the baby again and then dissipate in the world." Again someone explained it on the side.

"Thank you, I didn't expect this Luodi Mountain to be so terrible." Ye Mo hugged his fist and thanked him, and he already understood it.

At this time, Ye Mo had nine points to grasp that the Emperor Mountain was to recite the mountain, but what he could not understand was why the Emperor of Heaven did not directly say the Emperor Mountain, but said that it was the mountain?

At the same time, Ye Mo also understood why several great emperors were going to put the discussion conference on the Emperor Mountain. This was entirely to use the geniuses who talked about the Tao, and let them enter the Luodi Mountain to find the inheritance of the Emperor.

The higher the strength of the fall of the Emperor's Mountain, the greater the power of the mind, and the greater the pressure. It is estimated that the great emperors knew that they might fall into the fall of the Emperor Mountain, and then they tried to get others into it.

As for the means of display by several emperors, the pressure on the Emperor Mountain was reduced, and Ye Mo was dubious. Or a few emperors really have this ability, but the reduction is absolutely limited. If several emperors can really reduce the pressure and power of the Emperor Mountain, they do not have to use the hand of others to find the inheritance of the heavens.

Ye Mo quietly left the Xianxie Building, and the first time he went to the Falling Mountain.

Whether it is the inheritance of Emperor Tiandi, he must go and see. From other people's arguments, Ye Mo knows that entering the Mount Rainier is dangerous. But even if it is dangerous again, Ye Mo must also try it. A few lines of Xian Ling, and even a superb fairy, these are too attractive for Ye Mo.

With so many Xianling veins, plus the elixir and the fruit of his body, Ye Mo has a good time to retreat to Da Luoxian. As long as Da Luoxian is satisfied, he has the opportunity to advance to the king of the king. Ye Mo also decided to go to Gonghuatian as soon as he was promoted to Xianwang. He has been flying for a long time. Who knows if anyone in the city of the Moon has soared to the fairyland?

The fairyland is not as beautiful as imagined, and Ye Mo does not rest assured that the people of the city of Mo Yue alone face it. Especially Jing Wen, first-class qualification, the speed of cultivation is extremely fast, to say that flying up, she must be the first to ascend.


Luodi Mountain is not far from the town where Ye Mo is located. Ye Mo has only spent more than a day and has already arrived at the outskirts of Luodi Mountain.

The few immortals in the fairyland building in the town said that it was true. It was already full of various immortals, and even formed a huge temporary fairy square. There are still many people who are constantly getting news and coming to this side.

These immortals, who come and go, are waiting for a discussion meeting after more than a month.

Ye Mo casually inquired that it is indeed the place where the conference will be held soon, and that the Emperor Mountain is really there to appear in the Emperor's Light. It has appeared frequently in previous years, and there have been fewer in the past two years. Ye Mo’s knowledge swept out, only to find that he could not see the whole picture of Luodi Mountain. The appearance of his knowledge was completely vague, as if he was looking at it with his eyes. The vision was beyond his visual range. .

Ye Mo left from a crowded place and quietly approached the Mount Luo. When he was still far from the foot of the Rocky Mountain, he felt terrible pressure, and he could not bear the pressure. If you move on, Ye Mo can't guarantee that he can stick to the foot of the fallen mountain.

No matter how good the fairy vein is, there must be a small life to enjoy. If there is no life, then he will go to grab a fart? Ye Mo stopped. The inheritance of Haotian the Great wants to be obtained, and it is estimated that it is somewhat difficult.

He took out the rosary that was transformed from the Emperor of Heaven, and when the rosary was taken out, there was an arrow pointing to the vague place of the Emperor Mountain.

A treacherous 昊天大帝, actually really is the Emperor Mountain, why not explain this guy? Still another mystery? In any case, Ye Mo will not die for a few Xian Lingmai.

Just when he wanted to put away the rosary, the rosary suddenly made a very light, even invisible aperture to cover him. In this moment, Ye Mo actually felt that the pressure disappeared, or that the power of the Emperor Mountain was reduced. 90%.

How is this going?

Ye Mo put away the rosary, and sure enough the horrible power of thought came over. He picked up the rosary, and the rosary once again turned into a very light aperture, protecting him, and the pressure of the power disappeared again.

Ye Mo put away the rosary and did not show any surprises. This rosary is a great emperor, although he is sure that the **** of the Emperor of Heaven has dissipated, but by the protection of others into the mountain ~ ~ in the inheritance of others, Ye Mo does not believe that there are such good things .

Although he agreed that Emperor Haotian met his grandson Cangjie, he passed on Emperor Daojing and other inheritance to Cangjie, even if Ye Mo knew that he would do so, but Ye Mo did not think that Emperor Haotian would trust him so much. After so many years of experience telling Ye Mo, the heart of the victim must not be there, but the heart of the defense must be there.

At that time, the other party had no choice but to hand over the inheritance to himself. In the unlikely event that Emperor Haotian did something, such as when he found his inheritance, the protection of the rosary in his hand suddenly disappeared, and he died.

The Emperor of Heaven knows that he has something that is extremely against the sky. If he starts his heart, he will not see what he wants to do. The mark that the middle-aged scribe had made on him before, he has not found out yet, is an example.

In the face of a great emperor who has lived for thousands of years, Ye Mo does not think that his wisdom is higher than the other party. The only thing he can do is to be careful and careful.

(The third is sent, after the reading, there are monthly and recommended tickets, remember to help the old five, ah, thank you. Good night!)

... (to be continued..)

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