Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 15 Chapter 1761: Ye Mo is challenged

() The face of the old man who made Ye Mo know the sea hurt immediately, and even his hands were a little trembling. Where did he think of Ye Mo dare to sing the boat drum? What made him even more unimagined was the early stage of a large Luoxian in Yemo District. Not only did he perceive his knowledge, but he also blocked his sacred attack and let him return without success.

That kind of powerful deity, even he has not seen it. If it wasn't for the kind of sacred rituals, in the early days of a big Luoxian in the other district, even if he didn't try his best, he couldn't know the sea.

In fact, he did not want to detect Ye Mo's knowledge of the deepest part of the sea. He just wanted to make the next mark of knowledge in Ye Mo's knowledge. According to his thoughts, in the early days of a large Luoxian in the Yemo District, he would not know what he was doing. But what he didn't think was that his gods had just touched Ye Mo's knowledge of the sea and he was the most powerful counterattack.

It is because of the counterattack of the other side that he has also increased the intensity of the attack on the gods, otherwise his own knowledge of the sea will be injured. As a result, under this attack, Ye Mo was seriously injured. He became a precedent for attacking Da Luoxian with a singer.

The punishment of the singer attacking Da Luoxian on this fairy ship is not ordinary, but it is to be devastated, he can not be nervous and afraid

Ye Mo did not know that the punishment for the attack on Da Luoxian was multiple. Even if he knew, he would not hesitate to drum. Once his knowledge of the sea is exposed, then he will die without a place of burial. Can this kind of thing happen again for the second time? So the first time he got up was to drum.

Some of the great Luoxian people around him looked at Ye Mo, and they were filled with admiration. At the beginning of this great Luoxian, it was really a newborn calf. It was not afraid of tigers. The general fairy was a little lesson, and no one dared to attack the fairy drum.

Once angered the fairy. Or it is angering the friend of this immortal, then this big Luoxian even if it is a revenge, he will finish playing. What's more, all the people in Yemen's Zongmen know that it is a Emperor. The magical sect is a sect of the Emperor Sect. In addition to the male thief, this sect is like killing. Some small immortals angered the devil, and the result was only a ruin.

"You really dare to attack the fairy boat drum. You are so poisonous." Hua Ruxue no longer had the innocence or charm, just the kind of pity that just apologized. Instead, it is a murderous look, and the eyes can't wait to swallow Ye Mo immediately.

Just after the words of Hua Ruxue, a few extremely strong breaths swept over, almost the same strong breath, while the two Xianzun had fallen into the city.

"What?" The question was about the beginning of a skinny fairy. He only said a word when he fell down. The people around him who suppressed the breath were hard to breathe.

This fairy statue is obviously directed at Ye Mo, because Ye Mo still holds a drumstick in his hand.

Ye Mo put down the drumsticks. He said, "This person is a sneak attack on me. I am seriously injured. If it weren't for me, I would block some rough knowledge. At this time, my knowledge of the sea has been broken by him. I have become a Abandoned people. As a fairy who went to Qingweitian to participate in the competition. I am safe and self-sufficient, but it is a disaster. Please ask the two adults to be the master."

"Is that the case?" The immortal's momentum was soaring, and the space around it was murdered to form a shackle that had completely sealed the surrounding space.

For the first time, Ye Mo saw the murder of Xian Zun, so terrible and direct. It seems that this kind of murder was stimulated, and he could tear the people around without having to do it.

Ye Moxin was shocked. This is still the beginning of a Xianzun. This Xianzun did not start at the beginning, and even did not inspire his own murder. It was so terrible. Once the Xianzun peak, even the Emperor, will be horrible?

At this time, Ye Mo had some doubts about the fact that he could conceal the Emperor of the Emperor. Although the middle-aged man in the Quanquan was repaired as a top, he was trapped. If there is no trapped Emperor, can he still hold his own knowledge of the sea?

Not to mention Xianzun, even if the **** of the sacred king behind the flower of Xue Xue attack, but did not fully try, once the full force shot, he can hold?

"Yes, the two adults, the younger generation did not want to start this big Luoxian, just because they wanted to check the other party's exercises. The result was misunderstood by the other party, causing mutual attacks. The younger generation was willing to take responsibility and asked the two adults to Light and fall." The fairy king of Ye Mo quickly pleaded for love.

Hua Ruxue quickly said: "Hua Ruxue has seen two winds and thunders, and Ji Bo is my servant. I am also wrong with this matter. I am willing to compensate the other party for the loss and willing to accept the punishment of the fairy boat. ”

The thin fairy was heard in the early days, not only recognized that they were Xianzun, but also called his honor, but asked some doubts, "Do you know us?"

"Yes, the younger generation is a disciple of the magical ancestor. I used to sit with this master on this fairy boat." Hua Ruxue quickly said again.

"Your master is?" The fairy sighed and asked some questions.

"Family teacher, Huanzong, Luo Yan Xiandi, do not know if the two Xianzun adults have heard of it?" Hua Ruxue once again said.

"It turned out to be the adult of Luo Yanxian." The thin fairy was immediately moved, and then the tone eased, and the murder that pressed to Ji Bo also slowed down a lot. Although the space is still tied, but this **** is not the kind that can't breathe.

Ye Mo’s heart sank, and it seems that this time he can’t find it. The attitudes of the two Xianzuns have obviously changed, and the thin fairy deity has heard that he is offended by the disciple of Luo Yanxian, and it is already a little cold to see his own eyes.

Sure enough, the skinny fairy looked back and looked at Ye Mo: "Now the other party is willing to apologize, would you like to accept it? If you are willing to accept it, then open your terms. If you don't want to accept it, we Will take away the king who hurts you to go to punishment."

Ye Mo would like to hit the drum again to attract the law enforcers above Xianzun, but he thought that he had no dependence, and if there was a fairy emperor coming over, he would forcefully destroy him, and he had no place to jump. Even if people are not in the city, they can always do it when he retreats.

Ye Mo’s long sigh of relief, he was very depressed, no matter where he was, no strength and no dependence, it was the existence of bullying. Even if this fairy boat has rules to follow, these rules can be changed at any time.

"I am willing to accept an apology. I need 2 billion cents." Ye Mo said with a breath. He knew that after he said the 2 billion cents, if he went to the auction, he might be suspected. However, he ate such a big loss, can not find it now, is already very depressed. If you don't want a little more, you are even more uncomfortable.

"Give you, I am afraid that your appetite is not good, you can't eat it." Hua Ruxue had a half-apologetic appearance, and directly threw two Xianjing cards to Ye Mo.

"The young man really has the courage." The thin celestial sage saw Ye Mo took over the celestial card, and sarcastically said, and another sage took a space, and instantly disappeared in the middle of the city. .

Ye Mo still manages so much, he can't go to the auction, and retreats to catch the ‘empty snow.’

"You don't want to go, it's not enough. You just said that you will accept my challenge right away. Now you have to go to the challenge station, not somewhere else." Seeing Ye Mo to go, Yam immediately called Ye Mo.

Yasaka saw that Ye Mo was suffering from a big loss, but when she saw Ye Mo blinked, she earned 2 billion cents, and her heart was uncomfortable. If Ye Mo is killed, Ye Mo’s ring is his. Even if he does not want this 2 billion cents, he can also return it to Hua Ruxue for personal feelings.

If Hua Ruxue must have his Dan furnace, the 2 billion Xianjing will definitely make compensation, which is worth it.

"If you want, lead the way." Ye Mo said without hesitation, although he earned 2 billion cents, his heart was equally unhappy.


Some people have to challenge the Taiwanese fighting method, and in a short period of time they have attracted most of the people on the ship. Soon, even the people know it.

When I heard that Ye Mo wanted to fight with the people, I immediately stopped. Ye Mo’s thing he saw with his own eyes, he is not Ye Mo’s opponent. Who is this tired and even challenged Ye Mo? But he quickly reacted and could watch the excitement. He took dozens of people to the challenge station in the first place.

"Ye brother, I did not expect anyone to dare to fight for you, haha, today I have a look at some of the fun. Yes, Ye brother, after you fight, can you go to me to drink a few cups?" After the silence, I immediately said that I was holding a fist.

"These days may not I will wait until the Qingtian days to say it." Ye Mo saw that he appeared here, and Qi and Qi Beicang and other people also hurriedly came over, he I know that Qi Bei Cang and Xiang Liang’s Liang Zi have been resolved.

Although the ship was flying for two months, the name of Changyi was already very famous on the ship. He killed several people through the challenge, and he was fierce and fierce. The opponents he challenged were almost all spikes.

Of course, Yasaka also knows how to turn to Changchun. He saw that Changchun and Ye Mo were so polite and so familiar, and they were already sinking. He is very clear to the background of Chang Yu, even if it is Hua Ruxue, he can only sneak into the long squat, and dare not offend the other party, because the background to Changchun is bigger than Huaruxue. Coupled with what he said to Chang Yu, the meaning is obviously that he will lose.

"Is you looking for my brother to challenge? Then I will challenge you to kill you." After I came over, I didn't talk to Ye Mo first. Instead, I first stared at the cliff and said it.

"A district in the late Luoxian, where you need Ye brother and Haoyue fairy to do it, I will come to Yin." Yin Yi Da Luo Xian is perfect, the words have not finished, the murderous has already pushed to the cliff.

Suddenly behind the cliff, he found that he did not investigate the origin of the opponent to challenge.

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