Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 3 Chapter 191: Loose heart


Ning Xiaoxue did not think that she actually received a call from Su Jingwen. The first reaction of Ning Liangxue to Su Jingwen’s call was that Su Jingwen would not ask her to come to the three jade beads.

I don't know why, Ning Qingxue was so scared that Su Jingwen asked her to ask these three jade beads. If Su Jingwen really wanted it, she could only give her.

"Light snow, are you with Ye Mo now? I want to say a few words with Ye Mo." Su Jingwen's voice sounded a little careful, and seemed to be afraid of what Ning Xiaoxue had misunderstood.

Ning Qingxue was relieved. She thought that perhaps Su Jingwen still didn't know her relationship with Ye Mo, but she didn't want to explain it. She just said, "No, I am not with Ye Mo." Su Jingwen seems a little surprised. But soon said: "Is Yemo not in Luocang?

Haven't you seen him? ”

"Ye Mo is in Luocang?" Ning Xiaoxue sighed again, but he was thinking about when Ye Mo came to Luocang?

"Ye Big Brother is in Luocang? This is impossible." This time, she talked about Chi Qingqing. She just heard the words of Ningxue Xue when she walked into the house.

Later, Su Jingwen said something, Ning Qingxue already did not know, she was a little disappointed to hang up the phone. My heart is also thinking, Ye Mo is impossible to come to Luocang, Su Jingwen should have misunderstood her relationship with Ye Mo, thinking that Ye Mo and himself, I thought Ye Mo was in Luo Cang. However, what is Su Jingwen looking for Ye Mo?

Ning Dengxue thought of the last birthday of Su Jingzhen, Ye Mo accompanied her to dance the first dance, and suddenly felt a little annoyed. After a while, I looked back and looked at Chi Qingqing, "I want to I should go back."

Chi Yuqing nodded and said: "Well, my dad must let me go to the UK to study, even if I go to the army. I have to go, light snow, you have to take care of yourself." Nodded, he said half a sigh: "Can you tell me if you like Ye Mo?"

Chih-Qing’s face was a bit red by Ning Qingxue, but she finally shook her head and said, “I don’t know, but I like to be with him and I’m with Ye’s big brother. I feel very comfortable and have a safe. Happiness. I don't know if this is a favorite, but if I like it, I should see you when I see other women with him. But last time I saw you small.

He is with him, I actually think that they should be a pair, there is no embarrassing mood. "After finishing the pool, I will return to normal after a while, and turned to look at Ning Qingxue and said: "Light snow, do you think this is like it?" My father may feel that my thoughts are a bit strange, so let me go to the UK. Originally, I didn't want to go, but my mother actually agreed. ""I do not know. Ning Qingxue shook his head subconsciously. She didn't even know how to judge the feelings of Chi Qingqing.

Chi Yuqing bowed his head and said, "My grandmother once said that she likes to catch it, not to regret it. But Grandma may not know, not all that she likes can be caught. So, this time I Dad said that I want to send me away, plus my mother is also here, although I don't want to go, but afterwards I think they may not be wrong. I will leave today to talk to you."

"Yeah, I should go back." Ning Xiaoxue suddenly felt very tired. She would rather be a strong woman in Ning's Pharmaceuticals than to be so tired. I like to catch it, but can I catch it?

Chi Yuqing suddenly looked up and asked: "Do you like Ye Mo in light snow?"

Ning Qingxue’s eyes were a little lost. After a while, he replied: “I didn’t know before. Now I think I should like him. I don’t know when it was.

However, it is all the things of the past, I want to go out for a trip. When I come back, I may settle in Ninghai. Maybe I will go to Ganzhou to continue my previous work. Come back to me when you come back from the UK. "Well, light snow, you take care of yourself, I will be back in at least two years." I will definitely go to you after I come back. Maybe at that time, you have found your new life goal again. Maybe a new family has been formed. "Chi Qianqing knows the most of Ning's thoughts. If she is only dependent or grateful to Ye Mo, Ning Qingxue may have really fallen into unrequited love.

Ning light snow shook her head, she did not go to argue against the pool, even if she can not be with Ye Mo, she has her own life. As for the formation of a new family, she never thought about it.

Su Jingwen put down the phone, she did not think that Ye Mo was not with Ning Xiaoxue. In this case, she still has to go to Luocang?

"Jing Wen, what are you thinking about?, Su Jingwen's mother came in. She saw her daughter sitting in front of the table and asked, immediately asked.

"I didn't think about anything, only" Su Jingwen is trying to tell her mother that the master who sells Fuxi may be in Luocang.

Su Jingwen’s mother said: “Jing Wen, the battle has come back, just called me, he will soon go to Ninghai.”

"Really, have you been graduating from your cousin?" Su Jingwen l gave a surprise expression. The cousin of the competition is Xie Zhenzheng. He grew up with Su Jingwen. From childhood to thank you, he is a proud son. He is not only smart, but also maintains Su Jingwen everywhere. Only after he studied in the United States, the relationship between the two was reduced. The last time the two met, or two years ago, it was time for Su Jingwen to accompany her mother to the United States for treatment.

So I heard that Xie Yuzheng came back, Su Jingwen's first reaction was happy.

"Look at you happy, I will not leave if I come back this time. He is going to develop in Ninghai. When you help me more." Su Jingwen's mother obviously knows that her daughter is very fond of Xie Zhenzheng.

"Right, Mom, I forgot to tell you, the last time the master who sold me to the singer seems to have appeared in Luocang. It is very likely that I will know him." Su Jingwen determined that Ye Mo is the master. However, she did not dare to be 100% sure of her mother.

"Really? Jing Wen, if the master is in Luocang, he must ask him to come back and sit down." Su Jingwen's mother also gave a surprise expression.

"Well, but not necessarily, he is likely to just pass through Luocang, hehe..." Su Jingwen thought of Ye Mo's voice and smile, and then he smacked a bracelet with only two rough jade beads in his hand. It seems to be somewhat lost.

Three days later, Ning Xiaoxue returned to Chenzhou. She only stayed in Zhangzhou for two days, and then followed a tour group to go out. Because of the observation of Li Mumei, Lan Lan knows her daughter's mind and can only sigh and follow her. After she has received her heart, maybe she will return to her previous life again.

Originally thought that no one in the Song family had come to sāo, Ning Qingxue should soon return to its former state. But what disappoints Lan Lan is that her daughter can not only return to her former appearance, but also always feels depressed. Maybe it is a good thing for her to go out and distract her heart.

Ning Xiaoxue’s tour group was organized by a relatively regular travel agency in Zhangzhou. Although she wanted to go out alone, she knew that the world is far from the surface. It looks so safe on the top.

“Shenzhou Tourism is the largest and most formal travel agency in Ganzhou, and it is also one of the few well-known travel agencies in China. Unlike other travel agencies, “Tourist tourism, the tourist attractions are basically proposed by the travel agency itself. Then design the tourist route.

The feature is that the novelty also carries some adventures, and "Shenzhou tourism, strength, security, there is no problem, because this travel agency has its own emergency helicopter, the only thing that stops many tourists is that the price is too high. But rich People don't care about these prices, because since they have to travel, of course, they must consider a security issue, and the high price is normal.

Although Ning Qingxue wants to go to Tibet for a trip, but the travel agency has not recently planned to go to Tibet, and their plan is to go to Shennongjia.

Because of the "Shenzhou tourism, the strength and the huge team, so although their prices are several times others, many people still choose this travel agency.

The tourists who participated in the trip to Shenlongjia and Ningxue Snow were a total of 22 people, most of whom were elites in the workplace, and some bosses. However, the female xìng tourists plus the tour guide and Ningxue Xue together, but only seven people.

The tour guide is a girl named Cui Ling, who is in her twenties and looks very and her mouth is very clear when she talks about the story, but also with a lot of expressions, it is fascinating.

After the tour group went to the Shennong top tour, it did not go to the Shennong altar, Yantian and other tourist attractions, but went to the virgin forest to find the savage footprint, which is also the route originally planned by the travel agency.

Although it is said to go to the virgin forest to find wild people, in fact, the entire tour group knows that this is just a nephew of the travel agency. It is nothing more than to add "the difference between the Chinese travel, but also add something new."

The most attractive thing for visitors is to stay in the virgin forest for three nights, then watch the morning mist in the forest. Even if there is a thorough arrangement, there is too much unpredictable in the original forest of Shennongjia. It is also impossible for a travel agency to take visitors deeper into the place, but only on the periphery.

Because Ning light snow is too beautiful, when climbing some small peaks, many young people took the initiative to help Ning light snow backpack, take the opportunity to take a ride.

However, the attitude of Ning Qingxue is always neither hot nor cold, just occasionally saying a few words with the two big sisters next to him. Most of the time, they don’t talk much, just walking with their bags. It seems that she is not coming to travel, but to walk out. It takes a long time. Everyone knows her temper and she does not bother her. ! .

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