Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 20: invite

"Ye Mo, I want to ask you a favor." Su Jingwen's tone seems to be a little embarrassed.

Ye Moxin said that I knew, but he was not bad at Su Jingwen. From the first time she saw her eagerness to save her mother, she knew that this woman was a worthy person. Besides, she also entered the police station because of her reasons, but she was also kind.

"You said, if you can help you, time is not very long, I will definitely help you, it is my pleasure to help a beautiful woman." Ye Mo said with a smile.

"Actually, Ye Mo, you smile very well, you need to smile more." Su Jingwen suddenly came up with an irrelevant statement.

Ye Mo stunned. Although he already knows the people and things here, there is always a kind of caution in his heart. Plus, after the last time I entered the police station, this kind of defense was even stronger. He feels that his strength is too low. The reason why he is wary is to fear that his bottom is leaked and bring a crisis to himself. Therefore, he generally seems a little indifferent to doing things with others.

Now, listening to Su Jingwen, he feels that he seems to be too cautious. As long as you don't expose real secrets, there is no need to be so cautious in normal times.

"Ye Mo, actually I have inquired about your business..." Su Jingwen said that she stopped here and quietly looked at Ye Mo's face. Seeing Ye Mo's face as usual, he relaxed and said: "I have a church." The sister is also in Ningda. Her name is Su Mei. I just heard about you from her."

"Do you have some misunderstandings with Su Mei? Su Mei's character is somewhat arrogant. She is actually not bad. Forget it, don't say her, I don't know much about her. That, that..." Su Jingwen For a long time, I didn’t say the second half of it.

In fact, Su Mei said to Su Jingwen that Ye Mo is not interested in this person, Su Jingwen did not listen to it. Su Mei is a person, she is clear, but the reason why she said Su Mei is to tell Ye Mo to let him not give up. She also intends to say that she knows a very powerful person, even a vegetative person can treat it well. If you find this person, Ye Mo may also be able to treat it.

But this can't be said. After all, although she is already familiar with Ye Mo, she is still not familiar with the point of saying nothing, just ordinary friends. In other words, letting a girl say it is always awkward.

Ye Mo understands the meaning of Su Jingwen. Since she is the cousin of Su Mei, she has already understood her own affairs. She said that it is normal to not export. She shook her hand to stop Su Jingwen from continuing. "In fact, I have been very happy. There is no unpleasantness. You are relieved, but thank you for your concern. Well, now I need to talk about it. What can I help you?"

Su Jingwen’s face was a little red, and the heart said that from Ye Mo’s expression, he did not seem to put his day on what was in his heart. It’s hard to see that he is so open-minded, don’t care? However, Su Jingwen secretly made up his mind to find out if he met the person who sold the plaque, and then asked him if he could buy a remedy for Ye Mo.

Although she did not know Ye Mo for a long time, she and Ye Mo felt very relaxed, and Ye Mo not only looked at the sun, but also was very open-minded and cheerful, so that she did not have the slightest sense of oppression. This is why she is willing to help Ye Mo.

"Today is my birthday. Because of my family's reasons, I have not had a happy birthday for several years. I want to invite you to my birthday party tonight, I don't know if you are willing to show your face." In a word, Su Jingwen did not say that she needed a male partner to dance a dance, but there was no suitable person. And let some simple Ye Mo help this busy, it is just right.

Ye Mo stunned, but his heart raised some warmth. Su Jingwen knew that she was the abandonment of Ye Family. She also invited him to explain that she was just like a teacher in her heart. She just regarded herself as a friend and there was no other factor in it.

"Of course I am willing, thank you for inviting me to attend your birthday party, I will come over to attend at night." Ye Mo readily agreed.

Su Jingwen took out a post and handed it to Ye Mo: "I won't call you when I get there. I have a private club at the fishing night at 6 pm. There is an address on the top. I have to go to the airport to pick up my friends. Let's meet at night."

Ye Mo looked at Su Jingwen's Mercedes-Benz car disappearing, but he was thinking about going to Su Jingwen's birthday party. What kind of gifts should be given, and I can't go empty-handed.

It’s a bit of money now, but Ye Mo is not two hundred and five, and the money is still to be used for cultivation.

In the end, Ye Mo bought an extremely ordinary jade in the jade market and made a jade bracelet. Although it is a bracelet, there are only six pea-sized jade. That is, the jade that was bought was polished into a circle by Ye Mo, and it was made into a defensive instrument. Although this defensive tactic has no level, it is okay to defend some simple attacks here.

Only this round bracelet has only six round jade beads, and each round of defense will damage a round jade bead. Although it is not particularly beautiful, it is more practical.

The reason why I polished six, one is because Ye Mo only spent more than three hundred dollars, the second is because Ye Mo's current strength can only be completed six, but perhaps Su Jingwen this bracelet can not be used for a lifetime. One.

For Su Jingwen, a rich man, a few hundred dollars of jade is not worth mentioning to her. Ye Bing's bracelet looks a bit ugly, she may not wear it, but whether she will wear it or not, Ye Mo will not say that this is a musical instrument bracelet.

Back to the residence, Xu Wei has not returned yet, Ye Mo has sorted out his flowers and flowers at most one month, the seeds of 'Silver Heart' can be harvested.

After finishing this, Ye Mo was in a good mood to rush to the private club in the fishing night.


Ninghai Zhongqiao Airport.

Su Jingwen just saw Li Mumei, but there was a beautiful girl next to Li Mumei, and even more ethereal feelings than her. Who is this girl? Is it so beautiful and refined? If it weren't for the melancholy depression on her face, Su Jingwen thought it was a fairy who didn't eat the fireworks.

Not only Su Jingwen, but many people at the airport are attracted by Ningxia Snow. However, when Su Jingwen came over, many people turned their eyes to Su Jingwen, two beautiful girls. In contrast, Li Mumei, who is not ugly in appearance, can only be considered ordinary.

"Jing Wen, happy birthday, I specially came to help you celebrate the birth, hehe!" Li Mumei saw Su Jingwen coming over and began to yell.

"Mu Mei, you can come to Ninghai, I am really happy, this is..." Su Jingwen immediately came up and took Li Mumei's hand, excitedly said.

"Hello Wen Hello, I am Mu Ming's cousin Ning Xiaoxue, I have heard of you, and I wish you a happy birthday." Ning light snow smiled and said.

"Thank you, it turns out that you are light snow. It's really beautiful. It's no wonder that it is the first beauty in Beijing. I am a little bit tempted..." Su Jingwen didn't think that the girl in front of her eyes was actually Ning Qingxue, but she saw Ning Qingxue. The look was a bit stunned, and I immediately thought of Ye Mo, and immediately stopped.

Li Mumei seems to have seen some cold spots, and quickly said: "Jing Wen, light snow, you see that many people are staring at us now, let's go."

(Thanks to Nangong's ethereal rewards, thank you!)

The old five continue to ask for a referral!

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