Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 17 Chapter 2000: Escape into Yuhua

() Ye Mo has just come to the ring, the Zi Pao people were under siege by two Luo Han siege. If it is not the gray coat of the Emperor to control the King Kong Mahayana map is extremely difficult, at this time, the gray coat of the Emperor as long as the sacrifice of his own thunder cone attack, the purple robe is absolutely in jeopardy.

But even so, the purple robe was smashed by the two rohan's iron rods that came up again. The gray coat Xiandi is still insisting, but his body is already full of blood, and obviously can't support it for a long time.

While seeing Ye Mo came up, the gray Emperor was awakened, here is the downfall, and there is still no rules for the game. If he has paid a great price, even if he wins, he will not be able to stop the people who come up again.

When the Emperor of Grey clothing understands this, he will immediately take back the King Kong Mahayana map. The extremely hurting purple robes, while holding a few Luohan disappeared, suddenly rushed up, grabbed the King Kong Mahayana map, and took the King Kong Mahayana map in the next moment, and turned and left, even he took the stage. The main purpose of the Qing Lei murder is not to be.

Where Ye Mo will let the purple robes leave the ring, and the field stretches out, the sable has already burst out, and the magical cracks.

"Is it you?" The purple robes immediately recognized Ye Mo, and desperately rushed to the periphery of the ring. Obviously he knew that he was not Ye Mo's opponent.

It’s just that he is at the end of his power, and Ye Mo’s field is full of energy. Can this purple robes be able to break free?

The murder around the ring was bound by the fissure of Ye Mo, forming a violent and powerful killing force, and the purple robes were firmly locked.

"Boom..." The cracks brought up the purple rainbow that would open this platform, and slammed it on the giant drum of the purple robes.

The giant drum has not been sacrificed at this time, and a dull drum sound is heard in the purple scorpion.

"You want to **** the five elements..." The voice of the purple robe has not yet fallen, and Ye Mo's cracked knife marks are reversed in the middle, and the purple robe is to be divided into two sections. At the same time, the domain of the gods is superimposed, and the voice of the purple robes is suppressed.

Under the panic of the purple robes, they could not say the purpose of Ye Mo, and eagerly retreated. The gray Emperor Xiandi just took a breath at this time, and the blue-eyed fierce cone in his hand did not hesitate to go out and brought up a few thunderblades. This purple robes can no longer block these few knives, screaming and screaming, and being smashed into several paragraphs.

After the overflow of the Yuanshen, it was still lived by the thunder net of the Qing Lei. In the sound of the gods, a blue light flashed, and Ye Mo, who had long been staring, grabbed the blue light.

From Ye Mo to the stage, to the Zi Pao people were killed, only a few moments before and after. When the purple robe was killed, Ye Mo grabbed a blue light, and most people in the audience had already understood it, and Ye Mo generally rushed to the ring. There is no rule of the platform challenge, I want to go up, no scruples. At this time, there is a King Kong Mahayana map, who will fall behind?

The gray clothing fairy emperor is too much loss. At this time, Ye Mo’s strength is stronger than that of the gray clothing fairy emperor. He has already caught the purple robe man’s **** in the gray robe. Lived a blue light, and took away the ring of the purple robe.

"Leave my King Kong Mahayana map..." Gray Emperor Ming knows that he is not Ye Mo's opponent, but at this time the King Kong Mahayana map was taken away by Ye Mo, he immediately went crazy.

At the moment, three people rushed up on the stage, and Ye Mo was going to leave. When the Emperor of Grey clothing attacked him, he also saw that the power of the plaque that opened up the platform also showed the murderous crossover, and Ye Mo did not dare to stay here.

The main purpose of the testimony of the Holy Land was not the King Kong Mahayana map, the green pearl that was snatched by himself. Only Ye Mo knows that even if the King Kong Mahayana figure is a cow's fork, there should be no precious pearls of the purple robe. In the face of a sermon, the emperor, where did Ye Mo dare to stay in the ring for the challenge?

Ye Mo passed the first few emperors who rushed to the ring, and he was a teleport at the same time he fell out of the ring.

A big hand has already reached out and grabbed Ye Mo's figure, but this figure is already the shadow of Ye Mo's teleport. The figure was under the big hand and it disappeared instantly.

"The rats are dare to ......" The sect of the Holy See saw that he had not caught Ye Mo, and suddenly became furious, and immediately chased the past along the space fluctuations.

Ye Moi thought that yes, this Zhengdao Shengdi not only took a fancy to the King Kong Mahayana map, but also took a fancy to the Green Pearl. Originally, when the King Kong Mahayana figure came out, he had already sent a message, and people replaced him to take back the King Kong Mahayana map. But after the emergence of the green pearl, he couldn't help it anymore.

Others don't know the preciousness of Qingzhu, but he is too clear. The green pearl is likely to be beyond the real world of the five elements of the world, not to mention the purple robe people also spit out five lines and two words, even more so that his eyes are hot. Don't look at him as the first step of the testimony, but he doesn't even have a real world, let alone the world of the five worlds that transcend the real world.

It was because he couldn't resist the temptation of this world that he suddenly shot.

After Ye Mo’s arrival, he has already seen the other’s thoughts and immediately made a teleport immediately. As a result, the Supreme Emperor seized the shadow of Ye Mo. If Ye Mo hesitated again, he was already seized by the Taoist Emperor.

"Have you escaped?" This sermon, the Holy Emperor laughed, and disappeared in the direction of Ye Mo’s teleport.

Ye Mo’s escape is very experienced. Can he not know that he can’t escape the pursuit of a holy emperor? If it is not too important for the five elements of the stone pier, he will definitely not take the high-profile grab this thing.

Therefore, after this sermon was chased by the emperor, Ye Mo chose the direction of the teleport to be opposite the Gobi Desert and enter the gate of the Shenhua Shenshan Gate.

The faint door was still open, and Ye Moke did not hesitate. After he teleported here, he rushed into the front door and disappeared in the direction of the vicissitudes of life.

After the testimony of the Holy Emperor, he caught up with this door. When he saw Ye Mo actually took the opportunity to break into the mountains of Huanhua, he was even more angry and tempted. He thought about it and rushed in. Even if he is at the end of the world, he will catch Ye Mo and take the things on his body and say it.

Ye Mo rushed into the Shenhua Mountain, and the witness who guarded the Fujian and Taiwan also rushed into the Huashan Mountain. The rest of the people, whether they signed up for the name, did not sign up, and rushed to the Huashan Mountain.

The door that was already faint, after a few people rushed in, the glory disappeared immediately. I soon heard a bang, and the door collapsed into the void, and the passage into the Shenhua Mountain was completely shut down.

Can't enter the Huashan Mountain, and Dabu has no meaning anymore. Some people who have gone out of Shenjing have flocked to the registration office.

After a while, the war on the Gobi Desert was revived, and countless attacks on magic weapons and vitality flow. Under this kind of melee, the repairs to a lower level will be affected and directly killed.

In the past few years, it has been the first time that this kind of thing has happened. When there was another testimony from the Holy See, the registration office had already been beaten. As for those who participated in the attack, they also left.


When Ye Mo rushed into the gate of the Shenhua Mountain, he immediately felt that the years flowed through his body like water. He feels like he is from birth to growth, to adulthood, old age... even going to die is a moment of passing.

Ye Mo was shocked. He didn't know if he would die if he died in this place.

Fortunately, when Ye was frightened and timid, the feeling of the foot was implemented, and Ye Mo’s heart was loose. He knew that he had already reached the Huashan Mountain.

Ye Mo’s knowledge immediately swept out and found that his god’s knowledge could only be swept within a thousand miles. At this moment, he did not dare to stay in the same place. If it was to face the ordinary Emperor, Ye Mo might stay in the same place, but in the face of a very likely Sun Yat-sen, if he stayed in the same place, it would be a dead end. One.

The first time after falling on the ground, Ye Mo was teleported again. Here, the teleport is definitely to put your head in your hand, not to mention that the space here is unstable, and there are years of breath everywhere. It is that once the teleport is in the vortex of the years, it is definitely a life of nine deaths.

Ye Mo did not have any means, he knew that the Holy Emperor would definitely catch up. There are no restrictions on the repair of Shenhua Shenshan, as long as you want to come in, you can come in. Of course, Ye Mo also has his own guilt, he believes that even if he falls into the time vortex, as long as he rushes into the golden page world, he should be safe and sound with his own chaotic world.

After several teleports, Ye Mo started a five-line martial arts and began to change direction. After an hour, Ye Mo drove into the earth under a huge ancient tree. In a very deep place, Ye Mo set up a hidden ban This entered the Golden Pages world.

It is absolutely impossible to find a place in the world of gold pages, unless it is the place where the Sermons deliberately look at him.

After Ye Mo entered several breaths in the Golden Pages world, the sorcerer who pursued Ye Mo’s sermon stayed in the last teleport of Ye Mo.

Ye Mo did not know that the other party had found his last teleport. If he knew that he would not dare to stay under the old tree, he would definitely continue to run away. In Ye Moi's thoughts, the Huanshan Mountain has a variety of years of temperament, and the space fluctuation caused by his teleportation is extremely weak. Even if it is the Taoist Emperor, it will not be possible to find it after a while.

In fact, people have found it, and only a few breaths before and after.

The spatial fluctuation of the five elements of the scorpion is smaller than that of the teleportation. In this case, the Huashan Mountain will disappear as soon as it breaks. The testimony of the Holy Emperor chasing Ye Mo’s last teleport, stood for a long time, and his gods even searched the ground carefully, but did not find Ye Mo’s trace.

"I don't believe you can go." After the testimony of the Holy See's gods searched for a moment, he even looked for a direction and chased it again.

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