Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 17 Chapter 2061: Recalling the dead city of Mexico

‘Tai Shi Dao Zhiguo’, Ye Mo opened his eyes and looked at his empty palm. Just a dark gray fruit was automatically refining in his sentiment, and finally the name of this fruit was called the beginning of the Tao.

For those who don't modify the lines, the beginning of the pattern is simply worthless. However, after Ye Mo realized this fruit, he obviously felt that his **** lines became clearer. Although it is still two gods, the power of the two gods is quite different from the previous one.

At the beginning of the road, it was really a matter of practicing the early gods, and Ye Moxin became more and more happy. The plant has a total of 56 fruit on the fruit tree that he planted into the world of gold pages. If fifty of the early stalks are all refining, he believes that his early marks will become extremely powerful. Great magical power.

It was felt that a primordial fruit leaf had been used for more than a year, and Ye Mo did not use the time array. He is afraid that the time array will affect his perception of the fruit, which is useless.

Later on the way to the Nirvana forbidden land, Ye Mo constantly tried his own magical powers, while constantly feeling his own early gods. His supernatural powers and the early gods pattern rose rapidly, although he could not be promoted to the cultivating road, but the powerful feeling of supernatural power made Ye Moxin feel great. At the beginning of the road, Ye Mo only used five, and stopped using it.

This kind of fruit can only make his gods a little solider before his cultivation is up, and he can't add more lines or make the power of the gods bigger. If he continues to use it like this, it is a waste.


When Ye Mo was still in the cemetery of the gods, in a place in the literary world, Yi Mo was controlling his flying magic weapon to fly fast.

When the first fairy city appeared in the memory of the memory of the ink. She is very excited. Soaring to the present. She finally saw the first city.

She doesn't even know how she is flying. I only remember that she was in the sand river of Xijiezhou, and suddenly felt the breath of flying. She only had time to leave a book and flying swords, and she was taken away by the flying clouds.

Then she appeared on a ruin, and she even suspected that the ruin was the battlefield of the ancient war. Fortunately, I have seen all kinds of things in Luoyue in the past few years, and I don’t feel too scared. She immediately left the ruin, and after flying for a few days, she saw the first city.

After remembering the city, I saw it. I am happy immediately. She has soared to the present and has not seen a fairy. Since it is a city, there must be immortals inside, she can ask about the situation of those immortals.

But as Yi Mo is getting closer and closer to the city, her heart is getting more and more panic. The city actually revealed a dead air, or no life feeling, which made me have some confusion in my heart. In the world of immortality and in the realm of comprehension, in the realm of comprehension, she has enough strength to adapt to anything. But in the fairy world, her strength is the bottom. Any immortal can kill her.

Recalling the ink to go outside this fairy city, you can still see four clear characters "Bai Qiong Xiancheng". There is no one at the gate of the city. Recalling the ink of the gods sensed thirty-six Leihai beads, carefully approaching the gate of the city.

These thirty-six Leihai Shenzhu, or the twelve that Ye Mo gave her, plus Lu Wuhu helped to refine. In the memory of the memory of the ink, these thirty-six Leihai gods, Lu Wuhu refining is a fake. In fact, her thirty-six Leihai Shenzhu were all fakes, but she didn't know it.

The prohibition at the gate of the city is also wide open, but some bloodstains that have dried up have made the memory of the ink have a very bad feeling.

When Yi Mo went into this fairy city, he suddenly stayed. This is a real city of death. She can't see a living person. The streets of Xiancheng and the fairy shops on both sides are all bloodstained. Xianpu and Xianlou are sloping in the west, although not as serious as the place she came, it is clear that there will be a ruin after many years.

A burst of lifeless death came in, and I remembered a cold war under the consciousness of the ink. A fairy city where her gods are less than one-thousandth of a thousand, so there is no one, so it is terrible.

Who is this person in Xiancheng killed by all? Or caused by the war?

However, Yi Mo soon knew that this Xiancheng was not caused by war, but because of a sudden situation.

The reason for this judgment is that Yi Mo not only saw one or two storage rings on the street, but also saw some scattered fairy crystals. The level of these fairy crystals can be much higher than the lower grades that she used before. I don’t have to ask anyone else, and I know that this is definitely the top grade.

This fairy city is very strange. I remember that there have been many strange places in the ink, but there is still a feeling of coldness. She quickly picked up the fairy crystals on the ground and quickly picked up the storage rings.

Although it made her extremely uncomfortable here, but there are so many rings and Xianjing here, she is really reluctant to leave, these are cultivation resources.

After half a day, Yimo has collected hundreds of storage rings, and this has quickly withdrawn from this fairy city. She believes that if she continues to squat, she is likely to pick up tens of thousands of rings. But at a very young age, Song Yingzhu taught her, and people must be content, otherwise they will suffer from greed.

Of course, part of the reason is that she stayed in the city and felt that she was uncomfortable. It seems that the next moment, she will become a dead end.

After leaving this fairy city, Yi Mo sacrificed his own flying magic weapon to speed up the speed. The farther she wants to go, the better.

It was not long before Yimo left Binqiong Xiancheng, and she felt a shudder in her body. A terrible and extreme smashing machine swept from behind, and at this time, the memory of the ink was not transformed, and the speed could not be fast.

This terrible murderous momentum makes memorizing only one feeling, that is, as long as she touches this momentum, it will die.

Under such a terrible power, I recalled where I dared to continue to escape and quickly fell. At the same time, the gods swept out, and her gods had just swept to Binqiong Xiancheng, where no one was alone, and saw a huge worm opening her mouth.

The worm is extremely disgusting, with countless long legs, and its head has nine. A viscous liquid hangs from the nine heads of the worm, and I remember that the ink felt a surge in the chest and almost spit it out.

The worm was just swallowing up over Binqiong Xiancheng. The silhouette of Binqiong Xiancheng immediately became a ruin. At the same time, Yi Mo felt that there was a depression in the place where Binqiong Xiancheng was located. Even her gods were swallowed up by the depression. She suddenly understood that the place where she was flying was in ruins, and it was originally swallowed by this nine-headed worm.

Recalling that ink is not a fool, she soon knows that she is in danger. She is trying to get through the nine-headed worm. It is absolutely impossible. When the nymph is sucking, she will have no The chance to survive.

She is not afraid of death, but it is too disgusting to be eaten by this disgusting nine-headed worm.

The nine-headed worm has just swallowed up everything in Binqiong Xiancheng, and it really **** on Yimou’s mouth. The powerful space collapses and makes memorable desperate. She has no ability to block half points. For a moment, she had five flavors in her heart. She is looking forward to flying to see Dad every day, but now she has not been in the semi-annual time, she was eaten by a worm.

The desperation of Yi Mo has not yet been revealed, and a dark red long mans with tens of thousands of feet has already banged. Yimo suddenly felt that the suction on her body had disappeared completely, and then she saw a gray shadow followed by the Changhong Jianguang.

The nine-headed worm saw this sword light, and the half-point did not stop. Even the memory of the ink was too late to swallow, and another vortex was rolled up and disappeared. The gray shadow, with the sword light, also chased down.

Yi Molian did not see clearly who saved her, she was shocked by this terrible repair. The nine-headed worm and the gray shadow are earth-shattering repairs. Even if she is repaired to increase by a million times, it is not as good as others.

Feeling that his own life is not half-protected in this place, Yi Mo no longer dares to stay, sacrifice his own flying magic weapon, and change direction and quickly escape. For her, how far is it to escape. At the same time, my heart is also secretly glad that if she stayed in Binqiong Xiancheng for a while, she was already swallowed by the nine-headed worm.

... (to be continued..)

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