Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 17 Chapter 2137: Shenwen re-construction

Ye Moqiang forced his own knowledge, and at the same time as the two gods smashed out, the purple scorpion also slammed down.

At the beginning, the **** pattern adds a knife mark.

At this time, this piece of emptiness has been distorted. The two sacred sacred lines have no target, but the four sacred emperors present in the scene feel that these two early sacred lines are rushing to them.

In the early days of a long hair chemistry, I finally couldn't help but feel the horror of my heart. I turned and took a light, and disappeared without a trace. Ye Mo’s repairs can’t be seen by him, but he can kill a chemical road in one breath. Six fertile roads can be simple?

"No timid, even if he has a very early **** pattern? He is already the end of the strong. As long as the three of us join hands, it will surely kill him." The thin chemist man snorted, talking to the dragon tooth **** India has already protected him.

The other two also sacrificed the defensive magic weapon. Although they did not escape, they did not take the initiative to take the initiative, but first protected themselves. At the beginning, the gods were fierce, and they ignored the time and space. No one would care. I haven’t spent thousands of years in cultivating to the path of chemistry. If you are simply killed by the previous shackles, then it is the ultimate.

Although the three did not go, but the power of the previous team has disappeared.

The two early lines of the gods directly rushed to the middle of the obesity road where the speech was a little trembling. Ye Mo had already seen that the middle of the obesity road was the most taboo for the early gods.

Sure enough, the obese metamorphosis saw two early sacred lines screaming at him, and even a twisted knives came to him, and he couldn’t care for anything else, bringing a light. I disappeared instantly. He must be able to kill the seriously injured Ye Mo even if his companion. He may also be hit hard by the beginning of the gods. Even killed.

In a blink of an eye, they escaped from the two, and Ye Mo did not hesitate. The original slightly delayed and long-scarred slashes directly slammed into the other end of the chemistry road, but the thin man was avoided. This time, the Thunder is generally in the past, and there is no delay in the half.

In the late stage of this chemistry, there was no smashing away. A black ruler was created, and the black ruler almost formed a black horizon, trying to block the two lines of the beginning. At the same time, his defensive magic weapon is still making a second line of defense. Obviously, this person is extremely jealous of the early gods.

"Boom..." At the beginning, the gods were on the edge of the black ruler and instantly twisted. This twisted ripple seems to suddenly disappear into the void and disappears, as if it disappeared in the horizon of the black scale forming the amount, and it still seems to be still in sight.

Ye Mo upgraded to the cultivating road in the void, and integrated the void into his own avenue. At the beginning, the gods were more like a fish in the void.

Seeing that these two lines disappeared, the face of this chemical path changed immediately. The reason why I was afraid of the beginning of the gods was because he understood that the early gods ignored the time and space. Now the two early lines of the gods suddenly disappeared in front of his black ruler, but in his feelings, they existed. This made him feel vigilant.

The emaciated chemist man saw Ye Mo did not attack him. He had originally protected his own dragon tooth **** print and suddenly made a burst of embarrassment. In a flash, a giant peak of tens of thousands of feet was formed, and the initiative was crushed to Ye Mo.

Even so, he still once again offered a defensive shield to protect the whole body. Apparently he said that Ye Moqiang was at the end of his mouth, and his heart was still worried about the beginning of the gods.

When a faint sacred pattern overflows from the black ruler and appears behind the black ruler, this chemistry can no longer hold back its horror. This is not the most shocking to him. What shocked him most is that Ye Mo’s body is full of vitality, which is not something that a serious person can have.

In the late stage of this chemistry, I couldn’t take care of anything else, and brought my own black ruler into a black line disappearing without a trace. Once the beginning of the gods can cross the space, it means that the other party's early gods are close to the big. Even if this kind of supernatural power is the Daoyuan Shengdi, he dare not underestimate. In the latter stage of his chemistry, he wants to kill these two gods, which is simply a dream. What's more, the other party is not seriously injured. A seriously injured person can exude such a strong vitality. That is a strange thing.

However, after the escape of this chemical road, I felt that it was wrong. At the beginning, the gods were so fierce. Even if he escaped, he should be chased to seriously hurt him, or the distorted space would bind him. Why didn't he hurt him now? Although he had doubts in his heart, let him return to fight with Ye Mo again, he has no such courage.

Seeing that the last companion also left, the thin sacred sect of the Holy Land immediately showed panic. He also felt the rich vitality of Ye Mo, and he could still care about his companion’s timidity. Even the dragon tooth **** print that had just been blasted did not want to see the result, directly grabbed the dragon tooth **** print, and turned it into a light smoke.

Although the two early lines of the gods crossed the black ruler, but the power has already been greatly reduced. If the sacred emperor does not leave, he will be the most likely to be slightly injured, even if he is seriously injured, let alone kill him.

Ye Mo slowly sighed. If the two men did not leave, he wanted to keep his own life, and he must definitely take out the sacred bone bow.

But Ye Mo didn't want to take out the sacred bone bow. Once he took out the bow and arrow, he had to shoot the other side. Otherwise, it is not a trivial matter to expose the sacred bone arch in such a place.

Ye Mo has already known that he is sure that he will not expose his bow and arrow. But in front of the rest of the people, once exposed, it is not that simple. The sacred gold bone bow is something that even the Holy Emperor wants, and this kind of thing can be easily exposed. Although many fairy emperors know this bow and arrow in the fairy world, no one really realizes the terrible things of this bow and arrow.

Don't say that the holy gold bone bow, even if it is thirty-six Leihai Shenzhu, Ye Mo did not intend to take it out. Unless he is sure to kill all 11 people, or he really has the ability to protect himself.

At the beginning, the gods are fierce, and after all, it is a supernatural power. Even if it is spread out, it is just a jealousy. This is completely different from the treasure of the golden bone bow. If the thin sacred priest does not leave, Ye Mo will definitely give thirty-six lei beads. Then desperately kill the late stage of the chemical road with the black rule, and finally use the sacred gold bone bow to kill this thin road.

Since both of them are gone, there is no need for him to desperately. Once he killed two people by this means, he himself would have a chaotic tree and could not recover in a short time. Maybe he will shake his foundation of cultivation.

Fortunately, the last two escaped, Ye Mo also knows that there is a relationship with the chaotic tree. Although the chaotic tree can not repair his broken meridians at one time, it exudes a powerful vitality, which will make his injury recover and scare away his opponent.


Eleven of the Holy Emperors died seven and fled four, and Ye Mo was also faltering. Qingrui was in a hurry and had already controlled the time and space shuttle. He took Ye Mo into the shuttlecock, then controlled the shuttle to a little bit and speeded up. She knew that Ye Mo was seriously injured. If the four people returned, it was a dangerous thing.

Ye Mo did not hurt this time, and he handed over the time and space to a few controls, and entered the Golden Pages World to recover his injuries.

If it is someone even if it is the martyrdom of the martyrdom, the meridians are broken into pieces, and if you want to recover, you need the top **** grass or the long-term retreat.

For Ye Mo, who has a chaotic tree, he only fully recovered in just half a year. After Ye Mo’s injury recovered, the gods swept to the shadowless control. The shuttlecock had already walked normally on the way to the virtual city, and no longer went out. He simply picked up a yellow, middle, and plum fruit and began to realize his income in the virtual air.

The entrance of Huangzhong Liguo is very sweet, just like the supreme Qingshui springs into the avenue of the road, flowing in Ye Mo's body.

Huang Zhongli’s fruit seems to be able to touch Ye Mo’s sentiment, and the law of vanity has become a fusion of Ye Mo’s thoughts and Ye Mo’s sentiments, while helping Ye Mo to grasp those who want to touch but cannot touch The magical rules.

At this time, Ye Mo once again entered the epiphany, completely ignoring everything around him. This is a problem that has rarely occurred since Ye Mo’s three births, but now he has appeared twice because of his epiphany.

(The first one is sent, and the bottom of the monthly ticket is supported!)

... (to be continued..)

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