Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 17 Chapter 2177: Distribution of places (He is a smart and optimistic bear)

The second 177 chapter quota allocation (He 59 League smart and optimistic bear)

(Thanks to the lord d and the smart and optimistic bear's 100,000 red, smart and optimistic bear achievement is the strongest 59th league, hegemony! Thanks to Yu Hui, book friends 140206075348643, fyh7996, book friends 6111437, YBYGG, good sleep, wait for friends Wanwan support! Thank you!)


Gong Xiang immediately stood up and said, "We have no objections. The 30 places of the Terran are naturally to be returned to the Terran. Of course, because the Terran has not participated in the quota distribution meeting of the Dogo Tower for many years. This time, the quotas can only be allocated to them as redundant places, and the next time they can be treated as a quota for the Terran."

The words of Gong Xiang sound very reasonable, and it seems to help people think about it.

Ye Mo fully understood what was going on this time and assigned him as a redundant quota. That is to say that these quotas can be snatched by the name of the challenge. The intrinsic quota, which is fixed, as long as he does not compete for the extra quota, the inherent quota of others has no power to grab the challenge.

At this quota allocation meeting, the more redundant positions he wants, the more challenges he receives and the more chances of being killed. It is no wonder that before the empty emperor said that the extra quota was evenly distributed, no one had any objections. Even if Gong Xiang intends to give him all the extra 193 places, it is estimated that no one will say a few words of disagreement.

The empty Emperor looked at the rest of the people and asked, "Do you have any opinions on Gong Xianyou's words?"

Sure enough, after the empty Emperor asked, the representatives of all ethnic groups agreed, and there was no one disagree. As a result, the quota allocation has not yet begun, and the Terran has first obtained 30 places.

If the empty Emperor looked at Ye Mo with a meaningful look, "Well, now everyone agrees that you will get back 30 places belonging to the Terran. Do you have any other requirements?"

Ye Mo listened to this empty emperor and said that he has not come up with his own ideas. It can be seen that this person does not intend to offend anyone at all, and is completely presiding over the meeting with the muddy way. Now that the Holy Emperor asked the words, he hugged his fist and said, "Thank you for the empty Emperor, I only get back to myself, there is no other request."

"Okay, in this case, the 30 names except the Terran are extra, and the remaining 163 places are evenly distributed. The representatives of each of the first three rounds are divided into three places, and the fourth round is under-represented. Where is it?"

The empty emperor means that each of the representatives of the various ethnic groups sitting in front can be divided into four places, while the representatives sitting behind can only be divided into three places. However, after the empty space was allocated by the Holy Emperor, no one stood up and disagreed.

People here have long known this rule, such as the virtual city, which wants four places and is not willing to **** someone else's race and power, has long been sitting in the front position. Those who are supposed to send out the quota automatically choose the position behind.

Ye Mo now knows what is going on, but it is not unusual.

"Ye Dansheng, we are not afraid of 30 places directly." Luo Qinghe knows better than Ye Mo, how is this quota allocated? I heard Ye Mo’s 30-point quota, immediately Said quietly on one side.

Ye Mo did not care. "It belongs to us. Of course we have to get it back. It doesn't belong to us. We don't need to **** it."

Like Wang Mo, Wang Nanshuang did not understand the quota allocation of the Daoguo Tower. However, she saw that people here are so good to speak, I know that this quota allocation does not seem to be a simple matter. Her idea is very simple, that is, others are looking for trouble, even if you only need one place, others will find it. So Ye Mo wants thirty, Wang Nanshuang does not feel wrong.

The empty emperor is very simple. After the first round of quotas have been allocated, he and the Tianrui emperor are generally sitting in their seats and no longer talking. It seems that the two of them are watching the opera.

Ye Mo’s seat was because of the front, so the Terran he represented had already occupied thirty-four places after the first round of quota allocation. At this time, Ye Mo discovered that there were some figures floating above the head of the representatives of various ethnic forces. These numbers are the number of Daotang towers just assigned, and the figure of 34 is vacant above his seat.

"My Protoss is willing to give two places to the Yin Mong, a place for the sea." The empty emperor just assigned the first round, immediately a blue face Shengdi stood up and said.

"Yongmong accept." A cold, who was concerned about the silence of the emperor, stood up and said, immediately sat down. Ye Mo’s reason for paying attention to this person is because he is the representative of the Yin Ming family. Ye Mo also intends to find this guy at the conference. It’s just that he is cold and cold, that is, the looks on his face are cold and incomparable, and people can’t see exactly what the real looks are.

After the sacred emperor of the Yin dynasty finished, the number three on the top of the Protoss immediately became one, while the number above the head of the Yin dynasty changed from four to six.

"The seas agree." After the Sai emperor of the Haizu stood up, the figures at the top of the Protoss disappeared completely, and the number of the same seas increased by one.

"It turned out to be such a transfer quota." Wang Nanshuang finally understood the transfer method of the quota, the weak race can stand up and transfer the quota to the rest of the powerful race.

“Geomen are willing to transfer the quota to the Dragons...”

"The dragon is willing to accept."

"The blood family is willing to transfer the quota to the Mozu..."


At one time, representatives of various ethnic groups stood up, some were transferring quotas, and some were accepting quotas. Ye Mo three silently, they have already made it clear that the quota allocation meeting will really begin at this time. The so-called justice before is only a form.

If you are not afraid that the number of places that belonged to your own race will be taken away, many races will certainly not come to participate in the quota distribution meeting of this fruit tower.

The dragons, the phoenixes, etc., and several other races that belonged to the Yaozu, because they were too strong, were separated from the Yaozu and became the separate forces to participate in the quota distribution meeting of the Taoist Tower. There are some differences between the arrival and the imagination.

Ye Mo did not stand up and talk. He did not intend to send his quota, nor did he intend to ask for a quota. At this time, the three of them were just watching the excitement, watching other people send out quotas and income quotas.

This kind of delivery is coming to an end soon, and Ye Mo observes it very carefully. The income quotas are some powerful races, such as the Yaozu, the Mozu, the Yin, the Dragon, the Haizu, etc.. The places that send out the quotas are some of the less powerful races, such as the Zerg, the Gem, the Shadow, etc. Wait. There are also a small number of races and forces that do not send out quotas, and have not received quotas, such as the virtual city power of the virtual city commercial building.

Such as the powerful race of the Yaozu and the Mozu, the number of places in the income has exceeded twenty, and the number of places received by the Yin and the Hai people has exceeded ten.

After the number of places has been received, many people’s eyes are on Yemen’s side. So far, Ye Mo’s representative family has thirty-four places, which is already a big fat. These thirty-four places are only temporarily placed in the Terran for all the people present.

Now all the other places have been allocated. Of course, everyone has to divide the thirty-four places of the Terran.

The demon of the Mozu, the first emperor, came out and flew down on the round stage in the middle of the main hall. He first took a fist to the Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven, and then stared at Ye Mo. Said, "My Mozu will occupy five places in the Terran. If the Terran does not agree, I will represent the Mozu here to challenge the Terran."

Originally everyone's eyes were on Ye Mo's side. Now Gong is the first to jump out. The first thought of all the emperors present is that the coming is always coming.

"Ye Dansheng, I am going." Miluo Qinghe immediately stood up. He knows that he is going to die, but he dares not to go forward in the face of the challenges of other people. It is more uncomfortable for him than death. What's more, Ye Mo is the first one to be challenged because he offended the project.

Ye Mo took a shot of Luo Qinghe's shoulder. He just pointed out that Luo Qinghe would not move. He heard Xing Hong's voice in his ear. "Ye Dansheng, give him the quota, there is no reason to challenge."

Ye Mo nodded to Xing Hong to show his thanks. Then he stood up and walked over to the round table in the middle of the main hall. He said to the two half-step mixed elements, "I am going to occupy five places of the Mozu. If the Mozu disagrees, I am Ye Mo." Will represent the Terran to challenge the Mozu Holy Emperor."

The Daoguo Tower Distribution Conference has been serious since the two half-steps have arrived. There was no noisy distribution of the Daoguo Tower quota. At this time, there was a loud noise because of Ye Mo’s words.

What kind of courage did the Holy Land of this human race eat? Or is it afraid that you are not dead enough? This is the intention to so anger the Taoist strong people?

Ye Mo’s words are exactly the same as those of the Mozu’s Anyone knows that this is a strong Taoist who deliberately wants to anger the Mozu.

It is the half-step hybrid who has been keeping his eyes closed, Tianrui Shengdi, and suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Mo. He and the rest of the people can not understand, blood is indeed indispensable for the practice of the monk, but for **** life, this is not an advantage at all, but a guilty.

The horror in the eyes of the empty Emperor also flashed past, and then he returned to calm and said, "Yes, now the Devil's Emperor Gong and the Terran Holy Emperor Ye Modou fight, the losing party sends out five places."

After the empty Emperor said, the ban on the fighting platform where Ye Mo and Gong Xiang were located had been completely opened. People outside can only use the eyes to observe the situation of the game. As for the gods, it is impossible to sweep in.

At the moment when the ban on the ban was completely opened, the **** suffocation of the whole body filled the entire battle platform. This **** suffocation and his field of the Taoyuan almost completely turned this stage into his own realm. He sure that the sacred emperor in the Yemo district is even more difficult to move in his world, let alone I am fighting myself.

(Today, I published a photo of Recollection in the prestige, thanking many readers and friends for their opinions. More than 90% of the friends liked this photo of Memo, and the fifth is very happy. We can see the image of our memory. Molding is still very successful, thank you friends. The rest of the female characters will be issued one after another, please friends to pay attention to the prestige of the fifth in time. Today's update is here, good night!)


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