Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 17 Chapter 2209: Encounter the mixed element again

Ye Mo took out a ring and handed it to Chi Yuqing. "Yu Qing, you are a little poorer. You will have a little rhyme to help you later. Your skills are ready for you. If you lack the medicine... ..."

Ye Mo said that he paused here and suddenly cried, "Little Ice is coming over."

Xiao Bingshen ran up and shouted and shouted, "Boss, I am here."

"After the Qingqing cultivation, what kind of remedy is needed, you have to deliver it in time, and you have no remedy for impurities." Ye Mo said.

Xiao Bingshen has not spoken yet, Chi Qingqing immediately said, "Ye Big Brother, I feel that the aura here is so rich that it is even more intense, even more than the Lingshi. I don't want to be able to advance even, so I need Dan. When I am taking medicine, I will ask Xiao Bingshen...I want it."

Chi Yuqing originally wanted to call Bingshen Big Brother, but she saw Xiao Bingshen's small point, and she swallowed the big brother's two words.

The three talked about the past while talking. Chi Yuqing has completely recovered, and Ye Mo did not continue to conceal the news of Tang Qianping's death, and took out the things that Tang Qianping left for Chi Yuqing.

Although Chi Qingqing knew that she had been practicing for so long, her parents must not be there, but when she heard the news and got her mother’s relics, she still burst into tears and cried again. Which parent does not hurt his child? She left the earth, her parents are always worried about her, but when her parents passed away, she could not filial piety on her side. Can she not be sad?


One day later, Ye Mo left the Golden Pages World. Chi Yuqing stayed in the Golden Pages world to practice, and Mu Xiaoyun helped.

Ye Mo did not go to the underworld to find the soul of Chi Yuqing. Let Chi Qingqing come back again. I am still very happy in my heart. At this time, he did not intend to continue to go to the underworld. Although he really wants to get rid of the insidious Cao Ze, but his purpose has been reached, it is not necessary to go to the underworld.

For him, returning to the Luoyue mainland as soon as possible is the most important thing.

However, when Ye Mo came out to find the way back, he immediately frowned, and he lost his way.

The Netherland is adjacent to the Yin and the Underworld. There is no power in the Netherland, but the Underworld is full of terrible masters.

Before Ye Yi thought to go to the underworld, there is no way. It was all about finding Chi Qingqing. Now he has found indigo, so he is not eager to find a way out. He returned to the Golden Pages World again. This time he wants to refine and refine the thirty-six Leihai Pearls. The most important thing is that he wants to refine and refine the seven golden bones.

He is about to find a way out. If he goes to the wrong place and enters the yin world, he may meet the Holy Emperor anytime and anywhere.

The Holy Emperor is the third step of the testimony. The monk he met at the beginning is likely to be the Holy Emperor. Although the leaf defaults to the fact that he once again meets the mixed emperor, he can't beat it. Not to be killed. But in Ye Mo’s heart, he still feels that he is slightly worse than the monk.

It was repaired to the point where he was. Even if the phase difference is a huge gap between life and death, he can't be careless. Refining the sacred bones, he at least has the means to save his life.

At the beginning, he refining and refining the golden bones that could not be refining for several years in the time array. Now it has become refining and it has become very easy.

One year later, in the time array, Ye Mo not only refining the ban on the sacred bone arch and the seven sacred bones, but also completely refining the thirty-six Leihai **** beads. The rest of the magic weapons that he does not often use are also fully refining, including the magical map of King Kong and the magic weapon of the Tiantian drum.

Thirty-six Lei Hai Shenzhu Ye Mo is going to give her daughter a memory of ink, so Ye Mo has not tested much after refining. However, these seven golden bones and the golden bone bow were taken in the hands of Ye Mo, but they felt an unprecedented horrible murder.

The seven arrows have not yet been shot, and the arrow with the destruction of the killing has been lingering on the seven golden bone arrows. It seems that there is a terrible ancient fierce beast that has opened its mouth, and under this big mouth, the opponent has no courage to run.

"It's so fierce." Ye Mo shocked himself, he did not understand what the bones of the bones were refining, and it was terrible.


After returning to the Netherland again, Ye Mo is full of confidence. He believes that even if he is facing the mixed emperor of the Yin Migh, it is not without the power to fight back.

Don't say that a few innate magic weapons have been completely refining, that is, the third way of the great gods' early gods is completely formed. Now the fourth gods have been looming. The magical power of the early gods has been born in his mind. With his cultivation and comprehension, this magical power has gradually improved. Moreover, Ye Mo discovered that with the perfection of the early gods, his initial smear is also becoming more and more permeable. This kind of **** pattern seems to be directly proportional to his cultivation and knowledge.

When Ye Mogang wanted to try the early gods, and then sacrificed the space shuttle to find the location of the torn space, the two bursts of the explosion broke out on the edge of his knowledge. The explosion was so terrible that it even burst into a burst of his powerful sea of ​​knowledge. In the place where the explosion broke, it seemed that even the space collapsed and disappeared.

Ye Mo stopped trying to test the idea of ​​the beginning of the gods, and the next moment he had two dawns in his knowledge of the sea. These two dawns are incomparably fast, just a few breaths, and they will come to him.

Is this a fight between two people? What kind of people fight will arouse such a terrible momentum?

But when Ye Mo saw that there was still a shimmering monk on his body, Ye Mo did not think about it. He directly sacrificed the shuttlecock and instantly disappeared into the place.

With Ye Mo’s current cultivation, although the payment is not as good as the third step of the testimony, Ye Mo’s self-confidence will not be worse than the third step of the test. The monk who is in the golden light must be a hybrid of the third step of the road. If only he is alone, Ye Mo is not afraid, but this two down, he is not a fool.

Another person can chase the monk, can you be simple? At least the man’s cultivation will not be half the difference between the monks.

"Hey, this kid is very fussing, and he even came to the Netherland. I only blame you for your bad luck. You can also be seen by the grandfather when you escape here. Kid. You are dead." The bald monk who was still escaping quickly At the same time, he saw Ye Mo. He saw Ye Mo escape and chased him without hesitation.

The man who chased the monk saw the monk chasing Ye Mo and went without hesitation.

There are no ways to see the shadows in the Netherland, and you can only feel the fluctuations of the space being cut by these three lights.

The first time that the monk chased, Ye Mo felt it, and the heart could not help but feel depressed. Is this guy crazy? The broken planet was not broken by him. The person who broke the planet has been pinched to death by this guy. How is this guy still chasing him? And the guy who chased the head monk, how can the speed be so slow? If the two guys play another game, then they can definitely escape.

"Anxious, you bastard, even dare to escape to my yin, you stand for me." The man behind his face was already gray.

This beggared monk is not angry at all, just smirked, "Green hat, when did the grandfather go to your yin world? Grandpa is chasing this kid, have you not seen it? This kid broke my house. The grandfather didn't even wear his clothes, he didn't kill him. The grandfather could hate it."

The sacred emperor, who is called the green hat, certainly does not know that the monk wants not to hate, but to want Ye Mo’s purple eyes. Purple is a congenital magic weapon, even if he is a mixed emperor, what about? Now he has no innate magic weapon. A congenital magic weapon appeared in the hands of a child, and he was let go of the condemnation. It seems that this kid is not a chemistry. How do you see him as a Taoist emperor?

However, neither the chemical road nor the Tao Yuan has been seen by this monk.


After a dozen days, Ye Mo has never been able to escape the scope of this monk's consciousness. Not only that, Ye Mo actually hurryed to the latter two people closer to him.

Can't go on like this, Ye Mo instantly cast a move, and the next moment he reached out and tore the space in front of him, and broke into another interface. In this low-level boundary, he wants to tear the space and does not need to use the purpura.

"Hey, move, there is a fart." The monk sneered, not even moving, but just a few breaths came to the place where Ye Mo disappeared, cracking the space.

After moving to the level of the mixed yuan, it is really not very useful. However, this also depends on the level of shifting. Ye Mo does not have much practice on the move. His transfer of magical powers has only a poor four. After he moved, the family had already flown the distance he had moved.

Ye Mo also knows this. He moved to tear the space.

The surnamed Shengdi who chased the last side saw Ye Mo and the monk tear the space, and did not hesitate to tear the space to continue to catch up.

The fascinating fascination of the fascinating sacred can really travel between such boundaries. Ye Moxin is extremely helpless, although he is still escaping from the space, just to try to open the distance.

In this way, Ye Mo did not know how much space he had torn, but the two people who were chased later were getting closer and closer.

When Ye Mo had already torn the space by hand, he could only use the purple scorpion to open, and he knew that he would have no use even if he escaped.

With his cultivation, it is impossible to tear the space by hand, indicating that it is already the space of the top interface. and it is full of gods, and Ye Mo does not have to guess that this is a high-level race of a race. .

The cold atmosphere here is thick, and it also bears the avenues of various yin attributes, indicating that it is likely to be the site of the underworld. However, the suppression of the yin and the world came, and the gods in Ye Mo’s body moved with the three births, and the repairs disappeared without a trace.

Ye Mo knows that this is his strength to a certain extent, and his strength is strong to a certain extent. Even if he does not have to make a three-life decision, other suppression will not be of any use to him now.

"Small mud, how can you not escape? Continue to escape..." Ye Mo has just stopped, and the bald monk has already come to Ye Mo's proximity. At the same time, the person who chased the last one also came to the front.

(The seventh / fifth plus /, thanks to the strongest book friends to force, we are still fighting together. At the same time, thanks to the bachelor's degree for continuous million coins, new の fruit, heart empty peach, sentiment 2018 and other friends million coins ticket support The eighth will be sent soon, please give the old five some time. Today, there are a lot of monthly tickets, and there are as many chapters to add, but the old five will not stop. In addition, I want to add the old five prestige. Friends, please see the end of chapter 1850.)

... (to be continued..)

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