Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 29: The second impression of Ning Qingxue

Ye Mo was exhausted and did not notice that Yun Bing had already woken up once. He took a sheet of blanket on the body of Yun Bing and said, "Today is a cheaper one. I originally did not want to save your attitude towards me. You, but who makes Laozi feel better today?"

After saying that Ye Mo closed the door, he once again picked up Zheng Wenqiao and the middle-aged man outside, and opened the door.

Zheng Wenqiao and the middle-aged men’s clothes were lighted up, and they packed up two people, and lifted their feet to kick the two of them. Then they were thrown on the back seat of the car and stacked together, which drove the BMW. Keep driving to Century Square, park your car in a conspicuous place in the square, and don't forget to open all the windows when you leave.


Ye Moyi went out all day. Ning Qingxue stayed in the yard and was in a hurry. He originally planned to get a marriage certificate today, but Ye Mo has not returned yet, and seems to have forgotten his promise.

When Xu Wei met Ning Qingxue in the morning, she was a little embarrassed. Ning Qingxue was so beautiful. She didn’t know how Ye Mo found it, and what she thought. She actually cohabited with Ye Mo, who is so poor, and she is not a man. Although in the impression of Xu Wei, Ye Mo is still a good person, but Ning Xiaoxue seems to be a bit too good.

Ning Qingxue’s mind is similar to Xu Wei’s. She is wondering why Xu Wei is going to be with Ye Mo, and Ye Mo seems to have hidden problems. However, of course, she is not good at asking questions. The two think they are right.

Seeing that Xu Wei has gone to work, Ning Qingxue feels uncomfortable in this strange yard. However, after waiting for a long time, Ye Mo did not come back. She saw Ye Hua’s yard actually planting some flowers and plants, which was originally thought to be Xu Wei’s, but the place where it was planted seemed to be on Ye Mo’s side.

Ning Qingxue went to look at the flowers and plants. Among them, a grass with a silver leaf in the middle seemed to be very well cared for by the people who planted. There was no other flowers next to it, but it occupied a large part.

Turned around in the yard, Ning light snow returned to the room, Ye Mo's room is very simple, except for a bed, there is only one table. The only thing that people can't understand is a small box, and a jar that seems to be boiled. As for what is in the box, Ning Qingxue doesn't know, but she doesn't have the desire to open it. She doesn't like the privacy of others. For that strange jar, Ning Qingxue has no desire to observe.

She suddenly felt that Ye Mo seems to be somewhat different from Mu Mei, but it seems to be the same as Li Mumei said. This feeling makes her very weird.

She did not know how Ye Mo knew Su Jingwen, and Su Jingwen seemed to be quite good about him. Ning Qingxue thought that when he first saw Ye Mo, he saw the tacit understanding of his dancing with Su Jingwen, and when he sent something to Su Jingwen, she even had some embarrassment in her heart, and could not help but secretly laugh.

Now she saw Ye Mo and the girl next door living together, her mood is plain. I think that Ye Mo did not hesitate to accept her 500,000 card, and as Li Mumei said, the only remaining cockroaches of Ye Mo disappeared without a trace.

She can only wait, wait for Ye Mo to come back, get a marriage certificate with him, and then let Li Mumei send a copy of his marriage certificate and a photo of private life with Ye Mo. If this is not enough to get rid of the entanglement of the Song family, she does not know how it should be.


When Ye Mo returned to the small yard of the house, Xu Wei and Ning Qingxue had fallen asleep. Ye Mo looked at the lights in the two rooms and it was closed. Go back to the big tree in the backyard and continue to practice.

Ning Qingxue heard the sound of the courtyard door and knew that Ye Mo was back. I don't know if he got it so late every night. After a while she seemed to hear the sound of the room next door Xu Wei.

The cultivation time passed quickly. In the morning, Ye Mo stood up and made a set of punches. After washing, Xu Wei got up. I greeted Ye Mo, and the expression on her face was a bit strange, but she quickly returned to normal, rushed to clean up, and went out to work in the yard.

Ning Qingxue, who had long woke up, heard the voices of Ye Mo and Xu Wei in the yard. She refused to come out. She didn't leave until Xu Wei left, and she walked out of the yard.

Ning light snow sees Ye Mo playing with those flowers and plants, and the heart said that these flowers and plants are really made by him. He is a big man who likes these things. I don't know if it is delicate or really.

"Oh, you woke up..." Ye Mo looked back at Ning Qingxue and stopped with a word. After a while, he continued to say: "How is your face so bad? Didn't you eat yesterday?

Ye Mo was originally looking at the two people who were a little dull, and then they took the initiative to find a word to talk about. However, I did not expect that Ning Qingxue really shook his head and said: "I am not hungry, I did not eat yesterday."

Didn't eat one day? Ye Mo is speechless. It wouldn't matter if he didn't eat for a day, but Ning Qingxue couldn't do it. She wasn't a practitioner. No wonder her face was so ugly.

"You wash it, wait for us to eat." Ye Mo finished talking and continued to play with his silver heart, that is his baby.

After all the light snow was done, Ye Mo took Ning Qingxue to a nearby snack bar to get a bowl of porridge, and several hoes ate.

Looking at Ye Mo in the morning, I ate two bowls of porridge, five hoes, although I didn't eat it yesterday, but Ning Qingxue just barely ate half a **** and half a bowl of porridge was full.

"Why do you have to marry me, you know..." Ye Mo’s words were not finished, and he was interrupted by Ning You don’t have to ask so much, you just need to know that this is our The transaction is just fine. "Since Ye Mo did not hesitate to accept the card, and know that he and Hu Wei live together, Ning Qingxue's mood does not know how to get worse, she suspects that she saw it at Su Jingwen's birthday party." Ye Mo, a light wind and a cloud, is simply pretending.

If Ye Mo asked this question when he met Ye Mo, maybe she would tell Ye Mo that she only wanted to get rid of the Song family. But now, she didn't want to say anything to Ye Murdo. She pays, Ye Mo performs the task, it is a simple transaction. After the transaction is over, she is her, Ye Mo is Ye Mo, and the two people are completely irrelevant.

It seems that I have noticed the tone change of Ning Xiaoxue. Ye Mo smiled and didn't care. He is not going to care about a woman, but what about marriage? This has no effect on his Ye Mo.

The marriage certificate is very simple, as long as there is an ID card, then the two can take a picture. Ye Mo sighed that when he was alive, the marriage was complicated, but he did not expect it to be so simple now. However, he saw that it seems that the divorce is simpler, and even if he is not used, he can divorce.

Ye Mo didn't have time to sigh. He and Ning Qingxue had just received a marriage certificate, and Li Mumei came over.

She wants to take a photo of life for Ye Mo and Ning Qingxue.

(Thanks to the month of Ganges, Huansen, LJIN for the reward, thank you; thank you for the support of sugar cane.)

Yesterday, 502 recommended tickets, although not comparable to the Great God, but the fifth is already very satisfied, thank you friends, the fifth is still seeking recommendation tickets, please, now is still fifteenth, my heart is flustered Friends who do not have a collection remember to help the old five collection. )

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