Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 3 Chapter 337: Revenge

Ye Mo regained his knowledge of the gods. For this constant phone call, Xie Zhen argued that he really did not look at it. He is waiting for the one-eyed dragon and Han Tsai, and if this one-eyed dragon is not qualified for the task of his own account, it is useless to keep it.

The time for the one-eyed dragon to go out is not very long. After an hour, he has returned to Ye Mo’s room with Han Tsai again. It was only that he looked at Ye Mo’s expression and became more awe. Ye Mo knew that his own fireball would shock him.

"Ye predecessors, the task has been completed." The expression of the one-eyed dragon became awe and careful.

Ye Mo nodded and said: "Yes, now you can paint the pattern of the old nest."

Eye dragon, you can sit down, take out the white paper and the pen quickly huā a rough sketch.

Ye Mo took the drawings and looked at it. It was different from the one given by Chen Qing last time. It seems that the nest of the '地煞' should not be the place where the two people painted, but these two places must be two dens.

Seeing Ye Mo staring at the drawing and frowning, the one-eyed dragon immediately said: "The predecessors of the leaf, the killer who performs the mission in the field, will report the task every day. If there is someone who does not report the situation back at night, then the person behind will already know the killer. Something went wrong. At this time, I will go to Hong Kong. When the seniors arrive, that person should have left."

Ye Mo smiled. "I am sure that he has not left when he arrives. You don't have to worry, but I have a task to hand over to you both. If you do well, you won't have to call my predecessors in the future. Go directly to my company to do things. If you can't do it well, I won't say anything extra."

"Yes, the predecessors, Yang Jiu and Han Tsai must complete the task." The one-eyed dragon listened to Ye Mo's words and immediately became a joy. He is already a good character, how can he not know that Ye Mo is worried about both of them. What Ye Mo said now is that if they have completed this task, they can go to Ye Mo’s company and explain that they are really seen by Ye Mo as their own.

If you don't say anything else, you can rely on Ye Mo's horrible skill. They also think that it will not be too bad to follow Ye Mo. And don't worry about locusts.

One clapped his hand and said: "The opposite 206 has a guy named Xie Yuzheng, because he wants to do something to one of my friends. So this guy was beaten by me. But I have something tonight. There is no way to accompany him. You two will entertain him well. I guess this guy is going to call people. If they do too much, they will kill me and help you."

Yang Jiu immediately said loudly: "Predecessors can rest assured that this kind of jumping clown, I am sure that it will be destroyed between the hands." He worried that Ye Mo looked down on his ability, because after Ye Mo came in, they almost had no room for resistance. If Ye Mo looks down on his skills, he will definitely not give him too much things in the future. Therefore, he must perform and show his true ability. To tell Ye Mo, in addition to his Ye Mo, others are in the eyes of his land killer. It is a dish.

"Well, I may come back tomorrow. As for what you are doing, I will see it. My friend is Su Jingwen, who was the one you are going to kill. Well, I will go first." Ye Mo said When I finished, I turned to the private room and disappeared without a trace.

Looking at Ye Mo's disappearing back, Yang Jiu wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed. Ye Mo's pressure on him was too great. In particular, the last sentence of Ye Mo, almost let him kneel down, they still came to kill Su Jingwen.

"Nine uncle, this Ye Mo's predecessor is really amazing. I have never seen anyone who is better than him. And the fireball is a symbol, simply, simply..." Hanzi was a long time, and there was nothing out there.

When Yang Jiu was silent for a while, he said seriously: "Han Tsai, Jiu Shu, I went to the south and the north. I have experienced countless dangers and I have seen many monks. I have seen even the ancient martial artists, even I personally killed them. After a yellow-level warrior, but no one has ever been on this leaf."

"Nine uncles..." Hanzi looked at the sheep nine hesitantly.

Yang Jiu interrupted the words of Han Tsai and continued: "Han Tsai, this can also be seen as our opportunity. Ye Mo's predecessor is definitely the most powerful person I have ever seen. If he can really kill the king, we I will sell this life to him, and I will not make any more thoughts in the future. Only by following the strong can we become stronger. He is definitely not an ordinary person."

I remembered the fireball that Ye Mo gave him, and Yang Jiu’s heart was awkward. There are many strange things in this world, but he has never seen a paper sign that can turn a big living person into a fly ash, which is simply beyond his own thinking.

"Nine uncle, then we are now?" Han Tsai looked at the serious sheep nine, and felt that this is not a bad thing, maybe it is really a rare opportunity in life.

Yang Jiu pendulum said: "As for whether this is an opportunity or a **** for us, it depends on this mission. Su Jingwen was originally the target we want to kill, and now it is the object of our protection. It can be seen that this Su Jingwen is definitely not a friend of Ye Mo's predecessors. So simple, maybe it’s a woman of Ye Mo’s predecessors. We must not make mistakes in this mission.”

"Yes, Jiu Shu, I will listen to you." Hanzi is not stupid, stupid people can not enter the ‘the cellar.” He obviously also knows the importance of this mission.

The sheep nodded at nine o'clock and said: "This time we succeeded, we can follow Ye Mo's predecessors. If we fail, we only have one dead end. Therefore, even if we die, we cannot let this mission fail."

"Nine uncle, I think it is better to go ahead, and the name will be directly like this." After finishing Hanzi made a beheading posture.

Yang Jiu snorted, "Now can we blatantly kill people? Maybe we just killed this surname Xie, and we were all harassed by the police. Once we were checked by the police, thank you. There is also the same party to Su Jingwen, Su Jingwen how to do? Our goal is mainly to protect Su Jingwen, not to kill this Xie Yuzheng. Besides, it is to kill, and can not let anyone know."

Half an hour later, Yang Jiu and Han Tsai followed Xie Zhen and ran out of 'Wei Xian'. They could never think of it. Two hours ago, they also planned to kill Su Jingwen, but two hours later, they were already protecting Su Jingwen. The bodyguards are so amazing.


Ye Mo found Su Jingwen, who was sitting in a *coffee shop. He didn't know Su Jingwen's thoughts on Xie Zhenzheng, so he did not go up to disturb her.

In Ye Moxin, Su Jingwen has always been a friend of hiss, and he is still a friend who can know each other. He has not thought too much about it. As for Su Jingwen at the door of the box, he was completely her words.

However, he felt that Su Jingwen had no meaning to the cousin who thanked her. Su Jingwen’s xìng is not the gentle and good speech on her face. There is a kind of stubbornness in her heart. If she is looking for something, how can you say it, she will stick to her opinion. Moreover, she has her own opinion. The subjective Xie is too strong. It is very difficult for such people to let Su Jingwen like it.

Ye Mo walked to Su Jingwen's car, opened her door and put a few fire **** in her seat. This quietly left, although he believed in the words of Yang Jiu, but nothing can be completely believed, he still left Su Jingwen self-protection means.

If Su Jingwen is hurt because of his affairs, he will not be able to forgive himself.

Su Jingwen sighed and walked out of the *coffee shop. She didn't know why she wanted to say that. It wasn't because her cousin thanked her, but she was afraid that Ye Mo would hear her and she would look down on her Su Jingwen. Another point is that Ye Mo heard his cousin, would it be right? She has misunderstood. However, this kind of thing can't take the initiative to explain with Ye Mo, which makes her very difficult.

Although her cousin's attitude and vicious words made her very hurt, it was not the most important. Even she was completely out of mind, because she completely recognized what kind of person is the cousin. If she said that she had apologized for her refusal to her cousin, she has no apologies at all. She can't even believe that what she met today is the gentle cousin on weekdays.

Su Jingwen opened the door, and some were absent-minded. At this moment, she actually wanted to go to Ye Mo again, but she didn't have the courage. The first time she could say that she met by chance. What could she say the second time?

Well, Su Jingwen was staring at the five fireballs on the seat, and suddenly it was warm. Yemo came, but he saw that he was not in the *coffee shop, he did not go in, but he still cares about himself, leaving five fireballs. He was afraid that his cousin would have a bad thought about her.

Although I know that my cousin will not make a fire on myself ~ ~ but Su Jingwen still clings to the fireball, I feel very jì Ye Mo.

"Selling the singer, the evil, the vegetative, my body is awkward, and the two are completely cured." Su Jingwen seems to have heard her first encounter with Ye Mo. It was that the 'Qing Shen Fu' saved her mother, and now she remembered that she was somewhat warm.

"At that time, he must have been so deliberately called..." Su Jingwen murmured again, already knowing that Ye Mo had already heard her words, and then deliberately shouted her.


Ye Mo set foot on Feijian and has already flown to Hong Kong like a meteor.

The organization of ‘the land’ is too vicious to kill people and sit still. This organization, one minute does not die, Ye Moxin will not feel comfortable for a minute.

Flying to Hong Kong, Ye Mo felt a little bit of difficulty. This distance is a little far away, and his repair is still a bit lower. Ye Mo found a place where no one was, and dropped the flying sword. He prepared to take a break, release the locusts, and then track the locusts to find the scorpion king of the ‘the scorpion’. ! .

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