Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 357: Secret of intimacy

"You, do you know the existence of the hidden door?" Lonely staring at Ye Mo with a look of surprise, I can't believe it. After she finished her subconscious care, she looked around and said, "This is low:" The lonely teacher and sister even dare to tell you this, you, you..."

Obviously, she already believes that the relationship between Lonely and Ye Mo has even surpassed the last barrier.

Ye Mo smiled coldly, too lazy to refute the words of desolate, and asked directly, "If you find the entrance to the small world, how do you usually get in and out?"

"These lonely teachers didn't even tell you?" It's strange to be lonely. Since Lo Wu is willing to tell Ye Mo that she is from the hidden door, why should she hide it?

Ye Mo said in a light way, "Although I know a general, but I did not ask carefully. But you are different, you owe me, so I hope you can tell me this."

There was a sour sorrow in the heart of the LORD, and it was obvious that he could ask about the sorrow. He had to ask himself to explain his thoughts on whether he was willing to answer, but he did not value his thoughts at all.

Seeing the face of hesitation, Ye Mo smiled coldly. "I am saving you for this purpose, but if you don't want to answer me, I don't bother to ask you, even if I did a good job." ""

After Ye Mo turned and left, he was really unwilling to ask such a poor woman. He believes that there is no word to say, he can also find the entrance to the small world, and the downfall also hints at something.

"I said to you, I almost didn't even have a life, and I still care about it. But you must not look for the entrance to the small world with luck, and don't try to offend the hidden door. It must be dead.

In the deepest part of the Hengshan Mountains, there is a natural seven-star array, which is said to be seven huge peaks. As for how this formation is formed, I don't know. But the position of the seven-star array is the entrance to the small world. It's just that this entry seems to change actively every once in a while. "Looking at Ye Mo to turn around, resolutely said.

"Then how did you get in and how did you come out?" Although Luo Xiao said more detailed than Luo Yi, but Ye Mo still did not figure out.

In the eyes of Lonely, he made a firm statement and said slowly: "I heard that every 50 years, the enchantment of the small world and the outside will be loosened. In the small world, some people will come out to experience or look for something. But every time there are only 50 places out, our sects have used a few out of bounds for the purpose of sending us three people this time. All of these people have a congenital predecessor to lead the team. There are violations, and immediately killing them, even involving the martial art."

Although it was very firm when it was said, after the end, the lonely eyes were a little scared.

"That is to say that the people inside you are not able to come out anytime, anywhere, and you can't just make a fuss outside?" Ye Mo asked strangely. According to his guess, Xu Wei and Liang Xue met last time. The two Taiyi people should have come out together this time.

Luo Xiao nodded and said: "Yes, it must be sent out by the time, but because every time you can come out is three years, of course, people who come out can enter in less than three years, but can not come out again. After we came out, we couldn’t theoretically do anything to the outsiders, but there are still people who kill innocent people. In their opinion, the human life outside is no different from the ants. And, and... there is no one to control. As long as you do not harm the interests of the hidden door, how many bad things you have done outside, these will not be taken care of."

"You are being killed by others outside, and no one is in charge, is it right? And the people who are not allowed to come out of the hidden door are doing anything outside, just saying that the things that damage the hidden door are misbehaving, others are not counted. Is this the case?" Ye Mo continued to ask.

"Yes, but for some big sects, such as the three secrets, the sects like them, the core disciples are all protected, and there are usually experts who are next to them. As long as they don't do anything that damages the hidden door, what do you do? It doesn't matter. Moreover, some masters in the hidden door will also look for geniuses suitable for practicing ancient martial arts outside this opportunity to enter the hidden door, but after entering, they will never be able to come out unless the people who enter are in five. Ten years later, I got the same opportunity as us." Luo Xiao nodded.

Ye Mo seems to have some understanding of the meaning of the hidden door. He once again asks: "If the people inside the hidden door come out and practice, they will not go back. Can you stay outside without anything?"

Lonely shook his head and said something awkwardly: "No, once we stay outside, unless we die, if we don't go back in time, we will be killed immediately, or we will have problems, and even we will be tired of the teacher." ”

"But Yu Yulin said that he would find a quiet place to live with you for a lifetime. Do you still believe him? Moreover, you are dead or alive, how do people inside know that the world outside is so big." Ye Mo looked strangely at the bottom. Asked, he even suspected that this Luo Yi was lying.

Lonely bowed his head and said: "Because he is the core disciple of the Kungan School, one of the three hidden doors, there is a law enforcement elder who is a Kungan school. He has let his uncle remove the hidden dangers in our body, so we can stay. I didn’t go back outside. I just didn’t expect him to be...”

After the fall, Yang Mo did not say anything. Ye Mo sighed slightly. This is not a bit of deceiving her own taste. She just hopes that this is true. In fact, Yan Yulin’s uncle did not remove the hidden danger, or the ability to remove. The only thing that Yu Yulin’s uncle did was probably to have a 'concentricity’ in the lonely body. The pitiful woman is still fantasizing now, thinking that Yu Yulin was because of her later scriptures.

Seemingly knowing Ye Mo’s thoughts, Luo Yi did not explain, but continued to say: “All of our hidden disciples have been set up with an internal air ban. The explosion broke out and finally exploded."

"So the internal gas ban in your body has been removed, but you are worried that the law enforcement elders in the hidden door know your position. When you want to catch you, you are tired of people around you?"

Lonely nodded and said: "Yes."

"Give your hand to me." Ye Mo is a bit suspicious. He has been in contact with the lonely, but he has never felt any internal restraint in the lonely. Is it because the people in the lower air ban are repairing themselves? Too much?

It seems that Ye Mo is going to do something, or he is no longer a simple girl. Lonely stretched out his wrist without the slightest tweaking.

Ye Mo grabbed the lonely wrist, and the three real elements rushed into the lonely meridians along the lonely gods Taiyuan and the three places in the customs. The reason why I chose three searches at the same time was because Ye Mo had just caught the locusts in her body and found no locusts in her body.

And she has been in contact with Lonely and has not found it. If you want to search carefully, it is necessary to search through the whole body of the meridian xué position, which is obviously inconvenient for the lonely. Therefore, Ye Mo chose to search for the meridians on three wrists at the same time. Although it took time and effort, it was not inconvenient, and it would not miss anything.

Lonely feels that three hot and hot tricks pass through several xué roads on the wrist, slowly flowing all over the body, and there is a feeling of ramie and hot. This feeling made her very uncomfortable, but some liked the strange heat in this meridian, but the heart was deeply shocked by Ye Mo's internal gas repair too much.

Half an hour later, Ye Mo really found out that there is a true instinct, this instinct is completely different from the cultivation of the lonely, or it is not in her body. Obviously, this infuriating state is in a state of stagnation, and it is very tyrannical. Once it breaks out, don’t say that a warrior who is a sacred grade is a warrior in the middle of the prefecture, and it is not spared.

Perhaps this infuriating, that is, the kind of internal gas banned.

Ye Mo indulged for a moment, let go of the lonely wrist, he did not try to expel this infuriating, he did not have full grasp, the next gas ban is a master.

Seeing a lonely look at himself, Ye Mo said faintly: "Do you believe that the internal gas ban in your body has been expelled by Yu Yulin's uncle?"

Lonely eyes stunned, but she immediately shook her head. "I believe him before he kicks the kick, but after that, I know that everything is my wishful thinking. I even doubt it~ His uncle is not helping me to get rid of the ban, but what is in my body."

Ye Mo sneered aloud. "You are not too stupid. You have a 'concentric 蛊' in your body that has been driven out by me. I just found a different internal gas in your body that is different from your own cultivation. It can make you into a fly ash, but I don't have enough control to drive it out. Because once the control is not good, you will die immediately."

Lonely said immediately: "I don't care to die, even if I die now, I don't care. I have no way to go now. If you are willing to help me try it, I will do it. If you are very embarrassed, I am very Thank you, I am looking for a place to face alone."

After that, her eyes didn't have the kind of embarrassment that she had just been, and she was so deceived by a person she liked. She still believed him so much. Maybe she felt that she might die if she was alive.

Ye Mo looked hesitantly, if she didn't want to say where the hidden door was, he would not hesitate to leave now. However, this woman seems to be very clever, or that she knows her own personality, and even in the absence of any guarantee, she has voluntarily stated the location of the implicit door, which makes Ye Mo hesitant.

(I have a monthly ticket from noon to the present.) (To be continued)! .

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