Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 360: 3rd bracelet

The thirty-sixth chapter of the third bracelet

Thanks to the friend from the tower reading Meng Tangyan, a special trip to reward the show, thank you!


This year's Yang chūn season, compared to the people who traveled in groups, the global medical yào industry is not a season for leisure travel, and even this is a very tight season. Uploaded by friends ==(""7*

There is no other reason, because it is a stream snake that is born out of the world.

'Luoyue yào industry' broke the profit-making rules of the medical yào industry. Everyone knows that it is a huge profit, but this profiteering is strictly covered by the manufacturer, or the salesman, or it is sub-charged. Pit the people.

Compared with other medical yào industries, the profits of ‘洛月 yào industry’ are ten million times. This profit has broken the rules of interest of any industry. There can be no such commodity that can sell such profits in the past, or no one has heard of such a profiteering product. Moreover, this profit is even known to everyone, but there will be no regrets to buy, and even commented as cháo.

It is conceivable that if the company yào company can have a relationship with ‘洛月 yào industry’, then the profit of this company will definitely rise. But the hateful thing is that the ‘Luoyue yào industry’ root does not need a partner. Any company that wants to cooperate with ‘Loyue yào industry’ is rejected. Even merchants who want to sell ‘洛月 yào industry’ products are rejected, and their own things are sold by themselves.

Just as the global doctors yào company was sighing with this huge cake, ‘Luoyue yào industry’ actually released the news of Yanjing’s global bidding. This news suddenly attracted all the doctors in the world. For a time, Yanjing became the focus of the world, and the grand occasion was comparable to the World Cup held here a few years ago.

why? Because this time, 'Luoyue yào industry' not only wants Yanjing to hold a global bidding, but also chooses a partner who can cooperate, and also brings a large number of 'Meiyanwan' for sale, and even takes the opportunity to throw out the product '健体丸'. "This" is a kind of all-round Dan Pill launched by 洛洛Yyo industry, which can relieve fatigue, eliminate the discomfort caused by various work pressures, and remove at least a dozen diseases. It is a disease, a disease, and no health.

If there is such a Dan Pill six months ago, it must be ridiculed and criticized by all people, but as long as it is thrown out by ‘Luoyue yào industry, there is quality guarantee.

Because ‘Luoyue yào industry’ is a gold signboard, their ‘Yanyanwan’ has no way to counterfeit. The great benefits of ‘Yangyanwan’ will of course bring a lot of counterfeit products. But as long as these counterfeit products are available, they know that this is a fake.

First of all, there is only one real ‘Yanyan Pill’ selling place, which is the special store of ‘洛月 yào industry’. The second real ‘Yangyanwan’ entrance is instant, without any impurities, which is already the proposition of world scientific research.

When the third real ‘Yangyan Pill’ opens the bottle cap for the first time, three unreal words “Yangyan Pills” are displayed on the top of the bottle, and before eating yào, these three words can be sucked into the mouth, and the effect will be. At this point, no one can make a fake, so there is no fake in the market for the high-margin things like ‘Yanyan Pill’. Almost all the cottage giants, can not be ‘Yangyanwan’ cottage.

Ye Mo also affirmed that he used the three elements of the Gathering Method to make no one can imitate.

Therefore, this time, Yanjing’s ‘Luoyue yào industry’ tendering meeting, many people did not come to the tendering conference. They all came to buy ‘Yangyan Pill’ and the product ‘Healthy Pills’. To know the ‘Yanyan Pill’ on the black market, the price of a bottle has been fired to about 200,000, which is entirely due to the insufficient production capacity of ‘Luoyue yào industry’. It can be seen how big the business opportunities are, even if you buy one or two bottles of 'Yangyan Pills', it will be a big hit.

What is popular among the common people is not speculation, real estate speculation, but speculation ‘Yan Yan Wan’. ""

Therefore, for the tendering meeting of 'Luoyue yào industry', there is no yào industry company to pay attention to, many companies have sent strong teams to Yanjing, Huaxia's Xianlin system yào, Ning's yào industry, Donggu yào Industry, far north yào industry, and so on, there are two hundred homes, as well as South Korea's Korean yào, period yào industry and other American Toro yào industry, ska yào industry, etc...

After the tender information of ‘Luoyue yào industry’ was released, Yanjing was already overcrowded in just one day. These people include not only some yào industry groups, but also many individuals and groups. In total, these people are all coming to make a fortune. If it is not a lot of yào industry company Yanjing has an office, it is estimated that they are difficult to find.

For a time, Yanjing’s law and order was very tense, and even the police on the streets were much more.


The original Ye Mo intends to let himself go to Yanjing and the Tibetan family to meet, but think that he has not been to Ye Ling and Ye Fengfeng, it is better to go to them.

Ye Mo and Luo Yi arrived at Yanjing the next day, because together with Luo Yi, Ye Mo did not choose to fly the sword, but flew directly to the plane. At the same time, Ye Mo taught some of the names and identification methods of Ling yào to be lonely. Compared with other people, it is really fast to learn these speeds and comprehension skills.

When Ye Mo rushed to the ‘Luoyue yào industry’ Yanjing’s foothold ‘Yu Trade Hotel’, the collectors Yan and Yu Miao and others had already waited for him. This security is mainly responsible for Yang Jiu and Han Tsai, as well as two brothers who were originally under the hands of Fang Nan. Because the progress of Kung Fu is good, they have followed.

Xu Ping did not come over because he wanted to keep the snake to take care of the production. If Ye Mo didn’t say hello, Fang Nan was prepared to come in person, but since Ye Mo brought it down, it’s safe and lonely, and the lonely man’s skill is Far higher than Fangnan, and the Tibetan family is also a yellow master.

Although it is implicit martial arts, her life in the city is even longer than Ye Mo, and she is not rich. Therefore, it is very clear for the rise of 'Luoyue yào industry' within half a year, and it is also clear how the CEOs of this yào industry company are worth. Although she knew that Ye Mo was the real boss of ‘洛月 yào industry, she saw some respect for Ye Mo and others, and she was still a little shocked.

"This is..." Ye Moluo, I don't know if she should have her full name when introducing.

Lonely and active interface: "My name is Lou."

Ye Mo nodded and continued: "The building is from now on, and is responsible for the acquisition and appraisal of our company's yào materials. As long as it belongs to the rare yào materials we are looking for, it is the responsibility of the building. The building is arranged, and she will be directly responsible to you later."

"Yes, Ye Zong." After two years of precipitation, Yu Miaozhen has already recovered from the original blow. Now, she is very fulfilling. She also feels very jì Ye Mo, no longer have to worry about being counted all day, or being cut by a knife. She likes this quiet and busy life, and does not like the kind of **** days.

“Ye Zong, what standards do we need to find a cooperative company?” The collector is also very satisfied with the current life. After he came out of the army, he first discovered the goal he really wanted to pursue. For Ye Mo, who can create ‘美颜丸’, he admires from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Mo Shen yín said in a moment: "The strength of the company's acquisition of yào materials, of course, the company's technical capabilities must also pass. These can be from their tenders, if the collection and hoarding yào material does not pay much attention to the pure West Yào enterprise, you don't need it."

"In fact, some of the larger companies, such as the domestic far north yào industry, the lotus peak yào industry, etc., are more concerned about the hoarding of the yào materials, and we have also some of their hoarding yào materials, there are indeed many yào we need The material of “Nine Hearts Oral Liquid” of Yuanbei yào industry is pure yào material production, and does not contain western yào ingredients.” The collector immediately replied.

"You can handle this. I will go to my brother and sister. If there is time, I will come over." Ye Mo will not care about these trivial matters, and he will give it to the collectors and others.


Yanjing is still bustling and bustling, and there will be no slight change since the Song family was kicked away. Ye Mo was silent when he passed the ‘Drunken Eye Bar’. He remembered the Nie doubles. Last time he gave a ‘Lian Dan’ to her, I don’t know what happened to her.

"I have already arrived in Yanjing, light snow, you came together with Mu Mei, Yanjing is not even in the place. Well, your mother is still in the United States, she needs something to come back later." A middle age The man was on the phone while walking, and he was still anxious.

Light snow? Ye Mo immediately noticed the middle-aged man. Just when he suspected that this person was who he was, how did he know that there was also a light snowman? The man’s next sentence made him fully understand.

"Light snow This time we 'flying yào industry' success or failure, if you can't relate to 'Luoyue yào industry', we are really difficult... However, don't worry, When we first arrived in Ganzhou, didn’t we have nothing? Even if it’s bare-handed, how can we go... they’re going to go across them, we don’t mess with them...” The middle-aged man’s tone Helpless.

It turned out that he was the father of Ning Qingxue, and he should be his cheap old man. It’s just that he doesn’t get up very well, and he’s even awkward.

Ye Mo was the first time to see Ning Zhongfei, a man who got a lot of momentum. However, at this time, he seems to be very tired, and people are not too big, he should come to participate in the 'Luoyue yào industry' bidding activities.

However, when Ye Mo’s knowledge swept into the black bag in the middle-aged man’s hand, he suddenly stumbled. This middle-aged man’s black bag actually has a bracelet, and it is exactly the same as the bracelet he and his sister Tang Beiwei’s hand. What is going on?

Generally, the same bracelet will only appear one pair, but now there are three.

(Recommended book "Super Wish Exchange System" (Book No. 239052).)

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