Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 392: Where to repair

\"How?" Ye Mo asked subconsciously to Shi Xiu. _ color & rainbow & text & learning) WwW. NgWeNXuE. M 奇书屋 without pop-up window m

Shi Xiu seems to think of his own family experience, and some said awkwardly: "Cha Ci Town belongs to Xitong County. My father was locked in Xitong County."

Ye Mo suddenly said to Wu Ze: "If this is the case, go to your box and sit down. I just want to ask something."

Hearing Ye Mo said that there is something to ask, Wu Ze said in a row, but he respectfully introduced Ye Mo and Shi Xiu to their own box on the second floor.

Hu Peng looked at Wu Ze and left with Ye Mo, and his face changed a few times, but he did not dare to go forward to stop. Originally, he and Wu Ze were in the same box, and now they have not continued to go to the box with Wu Ze. He is eager to investigate the origins of Ye Mo.

Wu Ze turned out to be a small department of Yanjing, but this time he airborne with him to the county head of Xitong County, how to say that he is also a parent. This kind of entry, so respectful to Ye Mo, can not help but pay attention to him.

Seeing that Secretary Hu did not continue to stop Ye Mo, the two police officers did not dare to say anything, only to accept the team. They know that the water in Yanjing is very deep, and they will never float again if they are not careful.

It was too late for Ye Mo to be beaten to the ground. He couldn’t come to ask Ye Mo’s things. A seemingly big dispute has been slamming for a while. ‘The yellow boss of the Wutong Club is even more afraid to say that no matter whether the matter is clear or not, the boss of a clubhouse is standing on which side, it is the existence of cannon fodder.


Wu Ze and so on into the celebration of the private room is not small, but also very luxurious, a few waitresses standing on one side of the wine was waved out by Wu Ze.

\"There are few, you please sit down." Wu Ze accompanied and carefully let Ye Mo to the top.

When he saw Ye Mo sitting down, he carefully watched Shi Xiu and asked: "I ask this is..."

Ye Mo introduced: "He is Shi Xiu, my classmate, and a friend. Shi Xiu, come, you will sit next to me. Well, everyone will sit down."

Ye Mo is an involuntary entrance to the seat, but today is to build a posture, and some shelves are to be taken out. This kind of entry to Wu Ze can only make him feel awe.

\" 默少, I will introduce to you, these two are my colleague Chen Changhui, who is now in Yanjing, and the other is Zhou Ping, my colleague in Xitong County." Wu Ze will leave the remaining two into Ye Mo Introduced a bit, but did not introduce Ye Mo.

Chen Changhui and Zhou Ping Zhou Ping bothered and greeted Ye Mo, and learned that Wu Ze called Ye Momo less. They were all entered through the officialdom. It is not easy to know where Wu Ze’s old fox is respected.

After a few toasted each other, Ye Mo went straight to the subject. He smiled and asked Wu Ze: "How did Wu go to Xitong County now?"

Wu Ze was originally a vulgar old official fritter. The reason why he was able to catch Li Qiuyang’s pony tail was to rely on a review and observation and argumentation. Ye Hao Ye Ming obviously did not want to come to the private room with him. Later, Shi Xiu said that his hometown is Xitong County. Ye Mo came. He still doesn’t know why Ye Molai’s reason is definitely with his friend. relationship.

Now that Ye Mo has asked, Wu Ze said with a smile: "I have been in charge of the environmental planning work of Chang'an District under the care of Yang Shao. This time I transferred to Xitong County, but I was the county magistrate, responsible for the West. Zhou County is the executive deputy magistrate of Xitong County. He was originally my old classmate. This time I learned that I went to Xitong County and specially invited me to celebrate. He is now responsible for Health and urban planning."

Knowing that Ye Mowen’s question is definitely related to Xitong County, Wu Zeqian said it directly, and even his own position was said.

Zhou Ping saw Wu Ze talking to Ye Mo. He was generally careful about speaking to his superiors, and he clearly stated his position and his duties. He was even more scrupulous about Ye Mo, and he did not dare to speak. An executive deputy magistrate, at the place is a parent, a word of enthusiasm, but in the Yanjing area, a brick can fall to the corner of the department level, where he dares to ask.

Seeing Ye Mo’s indifference, Wu Ze continued to add: “The original Hu Peng was going to be downgraded with me. He was originally the secretary of the Mayor of Qiu, and this time he was transferred to Xitong County and served as the deputy magistrate. Mainly in charge of business."

After listening to Wu Ze’s words, Ye Mo said with a sigh of relief, suddenly said to himself: “In this case, Hu Peng will not have to go down...” He would not care about the Mayor of Qiu, it’s true to him. I did not put any Mayor Qiu in my eyes, and I did not even look at that Hu Peng.

\"Right." Ye Mo suddenly raised his head and said to Shi Xiu: "" Shi Xiu, how about going to Xitong County as a deputy magistrate?"

After that, Ye Mo felt that his idea was good, and he said a few good words in succession.


Almost at the same time that Ye Mo said this, Shi Xiu and Zhou Ping were shocked. Just a joke, a deputy magistrate is not a family, even a deputy magistrate of a small county, but also through a multi-party game, and then balanced. And this is not the main thing, mainly whether you have this qualification. Huaxia officialdom, in addition to whether you have this ability, the most important thing is whether you have this qualification, the seniority is the most important.

Even Wu Ze felt that Ye Mo was playing the piano, but he did not dare to say it. Ye Mo has the ability to do it. If you can arrange your own important government departments, then you are not in a mess?

Ye Mo has not experienced the officialdom, but in his opinion, the revision is originally a deputy. Now, when a deputy magistrate is just a deputy level, there are only two levels before and after. Of course he thought it was no big deal.

\"This..." Wu Ze said carefully, "In general, this is not allowed." He did not know the original level of the repair, but it was not good to say too much, just to explain the general Case.

Ye Mo said with a hand: "" Shi Xiu was originally a sub-disciplinary level. Now go to Xitong County. As long as you have made achievements, when a deputy magistrate should have nothing."

Wu Zeyi heard that Shi Xiu was originally a deputy subject. He indulged for a moment and said: "In fact, if Shi Xiong was originally a deputy, if he made a grade, he could be promoted to a department level, and then precipitate for a while. It can also be promoted."

Wu Zeyi had to hand over Ye Mo, so although he had some pressure to answer Ye Mo’s words, he still spared no effort to help Ye Mo. Say to speak as close as possible to Ye Mo's preferences.

Ye Mo appreciatively looked at Wu Ze and said: "" Let Hu Peng withdraw, give his business deputy magistrate position to Shi Xiu, and then let the repairs and recruit a few businesses to Xitong County. ......."

Although Wu Ze wanted to make a match with Ye Mo, but after listening to Ye Mo's words, my heart still kept defying Ye Mo. Although this young man came to a great extent, he did not go through his mind. How many businesses are you recruiting? Is it so good? Do you ask a few to go to Xitong County to open a store called investment?

Ye Mo did not care to continue to say: "Well, these businesses must have some fame, right, and so will let Luo Yue Pharmaceutical settle in Xitong County, and..."


Ye Mo’s words were not finished, and it’s not too light for the scene. ‘Los Yue Pharmaceutical’s presence in Xitong County? ‘Lo Yue Pharmaceutical’s presence in that place is also a great achievement.

\"Mr. Shao, you, what did you say is true?" Wu Ze could not control his excitement and stood up. If Shi Xiu really recruited Luoyue Pharmaceutical to Xitong County, he would be his official. Oil, also dare to let Shi Xiu be a deputy magistrate.

Just kidding, 'Who does not know the red fire of Luoyue Pharmaceutical, as long as the establishment of a special store in Luotong Pharmaceutical in Xitong County, it can immediately drive the tourism of Xitong County and drive the rest of the industry in Xitong County.

This specialty store can be different from other specialty stores. If there is another processing factory of Luoyue Pharmaceutical, the soaring of Xitong County can be seen immediately.

Ye Mo looked at the stunned couple and patted Wu Ze’s shoulder and said: "I am of course true, more true than real gold."

Wu Ze said excitedly: "If you can really take the investment of Luoyue Pharmaceutical to Xitong County, I will fight this county magistrate, but also force the brother I can First put Shi Xi to the position of the chief of the business department, and then temporarily serve as the deputy magistrate, but temporarily set the position at the department level, and then rise up."

Ye Mo said with a hand, "I would like to thank Wu County Governor for his kindness, but it is certain that you need to help with the repairs, but you will not have to take care of the position of the deputy magistrate."

After that, Ye Mo took out the phone and he was thinking about who should call for help. However, Ye Mo took out the phone and thought for a long while, but did not think of a help that could help, and could not help but sigh that the officials he knew were too few.

\"You will give me the call of Li Qiuyang. I will call him." After thinking for a long while, Ye Mo still felt that he should call Li Qiuyang. He has the ability to arrange Wu Ze to be a county magistrate. Some energy. After finishing the call of Li Qiuyang, he is ready to contact Han Zaixin. Although he knows that there is no connection between Lao Han and officials in this place, he always knows not to enter.

\"Okay, okay." Wu Ze excitedly reported on Li Qiuyang’s phone call. Of course he knew how his master’s admiration for Ye Mo.

Shi Xiu has already stayed on one side. He hasn't understood it yet. How is Ye Mo's energy so big? Can a county magistrate handle a few calls? This is beyond his imagination.

To be continued)

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