Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 4 Chapter 398: Calling the port

Chapter 303, Calling the Port Road

\"Really you?" Ning Zhongfei looked at Ye Mo who stood in front of his eyes in surprise. He did not expect that the person he met that day was really Ye Mo.彩@虹文¥学%网M

When Lan Lan looked at her husband's tone and manners, she immediately knew that Ye Mo was the young man that her husband said he met. And looking at the posture, they may be related to the fact that they can win the bid.

\"Sorry, uncle, thank you for the bracelet." At this time Ye Mo is also embarrassed to call Ning Zhongfei Ning brother, but their own old man, so the brother of the brother is not very kind.

\"I was originally Ye Mo, I also said who helped me. Right, the last time our company won the bid should be your help?" Ning Zhongfei did not think that the person he met last time was really Ye Mo. This young man is very good. Why does his wife want to stop her daughter from being with him? When I think of my daughter, Ning Zhongfei’s expression has once again collapsed. It was an excellent thing, but it was not good because of her daughter’s disappearance.

\"What happened?" Ye Mo found that the blue eyes were as red and swollen as Li Mumei, and Ning Zhongfei’s look was very strange, and there was no joy in winning the bid.

Ning Zhongfei sighed and did not speak.

The blue eyes were red, and I thought of the missing thing of my daughter. I couldn’t tell. Li Mumei was on the side and quickly said the cause and effect of the matter.

\"What? Is the light snow missing? Or is it missing along with the passenger plane? What the **** is going on?” Ye Mo’s face changed immediately.

\"Because the light snow learned that I had something in the United States, I immediately rushed to the United States and went out in the middle." Blue 芋 wiped his eyes and said. She is very pleased with the position of light snow in Ye Moxin, but some things have been done, and it is too late to regret it.

Ye Mo was in a hurry and couldn't wait to go to the place of the accident immediately, but it was not good to be in the face of the blue dragonfly. He had to say: "You didn't have anything at the time, didn't you call them after they let you out? Light snow?"

Lan Lan stunned and said subconsciously: "I called, but the light snow has already got on the plane. How do you know that I am fine? You know they let me go? Is it something you help in the United States?"

Lan Lan immediately reacted. If it wasn’t for Ye Mo’s help, how could she come out so soon?

Ye Moyi waved his hand, \" These are secondary. You manage the company's affairs well, and light snow will be handed over to me to find it."

\"Sorry, Ye Mo, I used to be a mother who did not do well. I apologize to you." Lan Lan stood up and said to Ye Mo.

Ye Mo has already left the room, and even the blues are too late to answer. For him, things have already happened, and apologies are secondary.

\"Brother, how can you make our company become the king of the king?" Looking at the back of Ye Mo's disappearing, Ning Zhongfei hurriedly asked.

Ye Mo has already disappeared. Even if he hears it, he will not return to answer Ning Zhongfei specifically for this question.

Lan Lan wants to fly in Bai Ning, and asks her son-in-law to be a brother. Ning Zhongfei is also the first person, but she has no mood to manage these, but she is worried that Ye Mo can find her daughter. How will Ye Mo find it? Should he not charter the past?

Lan Lan did not answer Ning Zhongfei, but some people answered. The lonely man who just came over looked at Ye Mo’s disappearing back and secretly sighed and said: “Because he is the boss of our Luo Yue Pharmaceutical, you said Does he have any way to make your company a king?"

Liao Yu saw from his back in the hurried back, he cares about Ning Xiaoxue, I don’t know what the younger sister thinks, Ning Qingxue is such a good person, even if it is his own younger sister, can’t say sure Pass her.

\"What? He is the boss of Luo Yue Pharmaceutical?” Ning Zhongfei, Li Mumei and Lan Lan are almost simultaneously called out. This answer is very surprising.

But because of this answer, let them all understand why there is no competition at all. 'Hida Pharmaceutical will become the king of Asia. The original bidding is their son-in-law.

There are such powerful son-in-law, it’s ridiculous that they are still dying to go to San Francisco to ask for a company to cooperate with others. This is really speechless.

Ning Zhongfei looked at his wife, this is his first dissatisfaction with his wife. If it is not blue, there will not be so many things. If Lancome does not oppose Ye Mo to help the light snow to restore memory, they have long known that Ye Mo is the boss of the Feifei Pharmaceutical. Where do I need to go to the United States to ask for help? Finally, I made so many things.

Under the blue scorpion, she suddenly felt that she was not doing it in a bad way, but she was too unsophisticated. When the light snow misunderstood Ye Mo, she not only did not explain it, but also continued to add vinegar to let light snow not touch Ye Mo. But now look at Ye Mo's heart wide, still came here, and even did not talk to her.

Lan Lan felt extremely embarrassed. Her husband had said that the light snow was decided by her own, but why did she intervene?

Ye Mo certainly didn't blame Lan Lan, and he didn't have time to blame her. Then again, Ning Xiaoxue is her daughter after all. He is going to investigate the route from Hong Kong to the United States, and he will look for it along this route.


Ye Mo has already appeared in Hong Kong's 'Shasha territory. He is looking for Jiao Yiyi. Some things he has to find some local snakes to help.

Jiao Bianyi did not think that Ye Mo will come to his site, and it is still a private estate. He is glad that he happened to be here today, otherwise if the people under his hand don't slow down Ye Mo, he will be finished. The last time Ye Mo met the snake in Sanya, the snake grew his eyes, and later he was praised by Jiao Bianyi.

\"Predecessors, I did not expect you to come to visit, no wonder today, the magpie is always called, the original is coming to the noble." Jiao Bianyi immediately put all respectfulness on his face.

Ye Mo knew that these people were afraid of him, but he did not care. This world is like this. He nodded and said: \"焦帮主, I am really asking for help in some things today. I am here for you. I am asking you to call all the friends on the road in Hong Kong. I have something to ask."

Jiaobian Yixin was shocked. Now, 'Nanqing and 'Iron River are small, his 'Xisha vaguely became the boss of the underworld of Hong Kong, so he is most worried about what is not open-minded people offended Ye Mo, let Ye Mo A big thunder. But now Ye Mo said so, he did not dare to be scornful.

Jiao Xiaoyi's ‘Xisa is the most powerful gang in Hong Kong, but he has not yet reached the point of saying a word. Therefore, the post he sent out was written by Ye’s predecessors in the ‘Xisha’s ‘Bamboo Night Private Estate’ to convene all the friends on the rivers and lakes.

If you are in other places, the words "Ye predecessors are likely to be unknown, but within the Hong Kong gangs, no one does not know the predecessors." At the beginning, Ye Mo was in the ‘Zhu night private estate directly destroyed the amnesty. The thing has not cooled down, and the left leaps not to listen to Ye’s predecessors. Three days later, someone saw his body in Thailand.

On the Hong Kong Road, you can scream with XI Xisha, but you can't scream with Ye's predecessors because you don't have that qualification. Some people even rumored that 'the cellar was also destroyed by the predecessors of the leaves. Even the giants of the cellar can kill. Who else dares to offend this leaf predecessor?

So after the post of Jiao Bianyi was sent out, in less than two hours, almost all the Hong Kong gangs came over.

All the gang leaders, the underworld, no one dared to scream in front of Ye Mo, and after they saluted Ye Mo, they found a seat and sat down.

Soon, the venue provided by Jiao Bianyi was already full. Nearly a hundred people sat in the venue and they were silent, and they were a little uneasy waiting for Ye Mo’s words. I don't know who this leaf predecessor wants to take.

Ye Mojian was in such a short period of time, so many people came, and even more people came than he saw last time. Tielan Mountain is also here, but looking at him, it seems that this ‘Issue Yokohama’s recent experience is very unsatisfactory.

Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction and said: \"Tonight, I am sorry, Yemou apologizes. I am here today, there is something that needs your help."

\"Ye predecessors, there are things you please tell me, I will definitely go all out. It is my pleasure to help my predecessors for me." Jiao Bianyi immediately stood up and said.

\"Yes, Ye predecessors, I ‘I’m a small helper, but this kind of thing definitely does not dare to fall behind, the seniors told me.” Another young man stood up and said with a fist.

With the attitude of people, the people behind have stood up and expressed their willingness to serve.

Ye Mo certainly knows that these people are not so respectful to him, but he is very afraid of If you want to help these people, you must also come up with something that they are yearning for. .

Ye Mo waved his hand and waited for the noise below to calm down. He slowly said: "A few days ago, a plane flying from Hong Kong to San Francisco was missing midway. I think everyone should not know. Let's go."

It turned out to be this matter. After Ye Mo asked, many people present were inexplicably relieved. I have answered many people that there are already too many people investigating this matter.

Ye Mo went on to say: "My wife, Ning Qingxue, is on this plane. Now I need you to help me investigate. Who is this plane? If you can investigate the purpose of these people, it is the most it is good."

Ye Mo knows that there are a lot of things that the official may not be able to find out, but instead the confuses on these roads are checked.

After listening to Ye Mo’s words, I’m talking about it again. It’s such a thing. It’s no wonder that Ye’s predecessors called them all over, even though his wife was on the plane. Many people even knew for the first time that Ye Mo’s wife was Ning Qingxue.

Waiting for the silence below, Ye Mo said again: "Of course, if you need your help, it will not be white, I will also give some rewards."

(third more! ask for a monthly pass)



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