Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 602: 2 sneak attacks

Six hundred and two chapters of the second sneak attack

The heart is too excited, the injury is too serious, and when I saw Luo Ying, Ye Mo finally could not hold on, he fainted.

The woman who wanted to get angry saw Ye Mo actually fainted, and then looked at the injury on his body, immediately knew that he was caused by excessive injuries. Although she did not know who the seriously injured man was, she felt faintly familiar.

And this man has been stroking the stone pool, to know that the meaning of this stone pool is only Ye Mo. Is he Ye Mo? The woman suddenly stopped, she remembered the man’s eyes just now, and Ye Mo was so similar? Is it really Ye Mo?

She untied her own scarf and revealed a beautiful face. It was Ye Mo who was looking for a long time, but Ye Mo was already in a coma.

Luo Ying carefully looked at the man on the ground, as if he was familiar, but he was unconscious at the moment, but he did not have the familiarity just now. She carefully touched Ye Mo's face with her hand, and found no trace of easiness. Perhaps she wanted Ye Mo too, so I saw the wrong person.

Although some disappointment, Luo Ying still moved Yemo out, took out the medicine, and simply applied the damaged part of Ye Mo. I gave Ye Mo a bowl of soup and fed it in, and I was relieved. His body is strong and there should be nothing.

Although Dantian was damaged and the injury was serious, Ye Mo’s strong physical fitness and strong resilience have been reflected. Although it is some common medicine, it is absorbed in Ye Mo's body.

He opened his eyes and found himself in the small room, but the injury was much better than when he first came. Is Luo Ying saved me, Luo Ying? Did she recognize me?

Ye Mo was shocked and immediately got up to see Luo Ying is absent. He finally found Luo Ying, and really did not want to lose her. Fortunately, he looked up and saw the busy Luo Ying outside the house, she is building a small hut.

There is also a small stove next to it. There seems to be some porridge with herbs in it, giving off a hint of medicine.

Ye Mo smiled a bit, and it seemed that Luo Ying wanted to wait until he woke up and moved himself into the small room. He didn't want him to stay in her place.

Ye Hao must tell her that he can't say it, but he can still write.

Ye Mo climbed up. In addition to being hungry, his injury was much better than yesterday. If this is the case, even if you can't recover Dantian, you can't restore your knowledge, but you have to recover to an ordinary person.

Ye Mo stood at the door and looked at his back to his busy Luo Ying. Is it yeah? Non-yeah? When the person who misses the day and night is in front of him, he can't believe it. He even wants to lick himself, isn't it true?

Luo Ying’s busy figure formed a landscape in Ye Mo’s heart. He didn’t even dare to break this silence. He was still afraid. If he broke this silence, everything would turn into nothingness. He once again became nothing.

Suddenly Ye Mo shuddered, and he saw an extremely embarrassed eye staring at him. She is like a ghost, she is like a ghost staring at Ye Mo, Ye Modun has a cold sweat, he has regretted, regret that he should not come here, after coming here, actually brought disaster to Luo Shadow. This sorrowful Tao Gu actually found it here. It seems that afterwards she remembered that she had nowhere to escape, only to come to this place.

All of them were cold and cold, and they smiled at Ye Mo. Her eyes looked at Luo Ying, still busy, with a hint of chill in her mouth.

Not good, she even hated Luo Ying, it must be hated Luo Ying saved herself and broke her business. Ye Mo immediately shouted, to remind Luo Ying, but he actually found that he could not make the slightest sound.

The shadows of the dust in his hands are already moving, and Ye Mo simply can't think about it and directly flutters on Luo Ying's body.

At the same time that Ye Mo rushed to Luo Ying, Luo Ying woke up. After all, she was a yellow-level warrior. She immediately subconsciously stepped back. Ye Mo rushed into the air, and this time the dust fell. Solidly hit behind Ye Mo.

Ye Mo is not the black bear. He has no ability to block this blow, let alone he has been seriously injured.

The "噗" is a bit of blood spit out. This almost nearly shifted Ye Mo's internal organs and hexagrams. He was already suffering from internal injuries and it was even worse.

Looking at Ye Mo’s blood and falling to the ground, and holding the dust standing behind him, Luo Ying has completely understood. This is a sneak attack on her, and she was blocked by the man who saved herself.

"Who are you? Why do you want to do it to us?" Luo Ying's voice is a bit loud, she is really angry. She is also a quiet person, and the worst person in the martial art will not start a stranger for no reason, and she does not know this priest.

It is conceivable that if it wasn't for the injured young man, she was also injured now. Although she is very talented, but because of Ye Mo’s relationship, she has lived in this place and has never practiced it. She is still in the middle of the yellow period. If it is an ordinary person, this will be seriously injured.

"You shouldn't save him, so you have to die." Both of them said that the tone of the aunt was very dull. It seems that this is a matter of righteousness.

After all, he said that he did not touch Luo Ying, but went to Ye Mo and wanted to search on Ye Mo.

Seeing that all of them were going to move Ye Mo, Luo Ying snorted and took out a yellow Ling belt and hit the Tao.

"Hey, are you actually practicing ancient Wu?" They all sneaked away, and some looked at Luo Ying with some surprise. You can use Huang Ling as a weapon, and you must be a person with internal gas repair. Although the woman in front of her eyes can't be tied, it's not easy.

"Please go now, you can't move him." Luo Ying is very disgusted with this Tao, the tone is very simple.

"Then I will clean up you first. In this small place, there is such a woman who is so beautiful. If you look at it, you will know that it is not normal." All of them said that the dust in their hands had already been beaten.

Her current strength and internal gas are not even one percent of the peak time. She and Ye Mo are being smothered by the array. Although the result is better than Ye Mo, but after several battles, it can be said that now Ye Mohao is not much better.

In her opinion, Luo Ying is only practicing the ancient Wu, and at most it is barely enough to reach the edge of the yellow level. However, when she and Luo Ying played against each other, she discovered that this beautiful and unspoken woman was almost the same as her, even slightly stronger than her, definitely not the beginning of the yellow. If she is not experienced and has many moves, she may have lost.

Luo Ying rarely played against people, and this fight began to be forced to step back. However, as time passed, her movements became more and more sophisticated, gradually getting from the disadvantages to the standard, to the upper hand.

All of them know that her inner air is not enough for her to overcome this woman in front of her. She really can't figure out that in such a remote place, there is such a woman, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"Girl, you and the young man have never met each other, why should you be in his head? If you can let me take him away, I can give you a local level of ancient Wu practice, plus a 'sheng Xuan Dan'. ”

All of them said that when they had no way to defeat Luo Ying, they began to adopt other strategies.

Let Ye Mo take it away first. As for this woman, after she has recovered her strength, she will come again and then simply kill.

Luo Ying did not say a word, just a blind attack. She didn't know that Ye Mo was lying on the ground. If she knew Ye Mo, don't say ‘ Sheng Xuan Dan’, even if she is a singer, she can say ‘ Sheng Xian Dan’, she will also kill her. There will be an unhurried attack like this.

Seeing Luo Ying ignores himself, but attacks himself on his own. He wants to force himself to leave here. All of them are also angry. She screams: "What do you want? For a person you don't know." Is this worth it? And I tell you the truth, the person lying on the ground ate my poison, only forty-nine days to live. I took him away, he can still live and stay with you~www.mtlnovel .com~ is definitely dead."

After listening to this, Luo Ying’s attack was eased and seemed to be considering the old words. Ye Mocha just opened his eyes at this time, although the body is like a burning pain, but he has no way to alleviate this pain.

Dantian was injured and there was no way to run a real gas injury. He could only wait. Fortunately, Luo Ying's repair seems to have not improved, but it is not easy to be injured, but Luo Ying has the upper hand.

He saw that Luo Ying listened to what he said, and he did not know what he said. He even eased the attack. His heart suddenly became shocked and the dark passage was not good.

Seeing that they all gathered up the dust, Luo Ying did not continue to force, but also put away the Huang Ling in his hand. Ye Mo was in a hurry. He knew that the innocence of the aunt was awkward. She had a short knife. Ye Mo clearly saw that she had cut the black bear with a short knife. At this time, she put away the dust, definitely not to talk with Luo Ying, but to continue to sneak into Luo Ying.

Luo Ying has no fighting experience, and does not understand these. She is too easy to believe in others.

Ye Mo, regardless of whether he would attack Luo Ying with a short knife, the kind of anxious and excited, he actually stood up again and rushed to Luo Ying. No matter who you are, you can't hurt Luo Ying.

If anyone knows the best, then Ye Mo, who has not been with her for a long time, is absolutely at the forefront. When Ye Mo had just rushed out, the same scene happened again. The only difference is that this is a short knife that sneaked into Luo Ying.

It can be said that the action of Ye Mobi is even faster for a second, and the short knife of Dao Gu is almost out of the back of Ye Mo.


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