Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 5 Chapter 669: Ignorance

When Ye Mo woke up, the sky was completely dark. He immediately sat up. The first time he checked his injuries.

The injury was very heavy, but fortunately he had previously reserved a 'Lian Sheng Dan' in the mouth, so the injury was restored in the first time, otherwise, he does not necessarily wake up now. Although the meridians have broken a lot, but he has ‘Lian Sheng Dan’, recovery is only a matter of time.

As for the injuries such as trauma and broken bones, it is not a injury to Ye Mo. Only Dan Tian and the meridians are injured, which is the most dangerous for him.

Ye Mo first took out two ‘Lian Sheng Dan’ and swallowed it. This only checked the situation around him. After the inspection, Ye Mo knew that he was on an iceberg. The iceberg was all sea water, and there was nothing. When he thought about it for a moment, he understood the reason. It should be that the explosion of Ice Helmet Island blasted the surrounding icebergs, and he was smashed and exploded, and the result fell on a floating iceberg.

Wanting to understand this, Ye Mo sighed, fortunately, if he was still on the ice helmet island, even if it was not killed, it fell into the hands of those people.

It seems that when he discovered that the channel of Ice Helmet Island was a library, his reaction at the time was correct. If he turned around at the time, the explosion was estimated to begin in a second or two, then he had no chance to stay at this time. The iceberg is on, maybe it will have died long ago.

It was very correct to choose to enter the black hole first and then stealth and sneak out. Ye Mo estimated that he had to withdraw from the explosion to the explosion, at least a dozen seconds. And it was this ten seconds that gave him a chance.

This incident made Ye Mo more aware of how important it is to keep a cool head when it is in danger. Although this is an extreme danger, it is also a fortune for him. Sometimes, without going through these things, you will never understand that truth.

However, he can escape, except his mind is calm. There is also the merits of his own medicine and Feijian body protection. Ye Mo suddenly thought of flying swords. Shouldn't this flying sword fall into the sea like the last time?

Fortunately, Ye Mo soon discovered his flying sword, Feijian and some clay sandstones fell on his side, but now the Feijian has lost spirituality and can't fly with him at all.

Ye Mo picked up the flying sword, and his heart shouted that he was lucky. If it wasn't a flying sword, he couldn't sit on the iceberg without any missing. Feijian is seriously damaged. But now he has a five-line stone. It is completely re-refined. In addition, now that he is already in the middle of the five-layer practice, there are five elements in the middle of the process. If the Feijian is re-refined, the performance of Feijian will only improve and will not decline.

Either way. Ye Mo knows that the most important thing is to hurt himself. He doesn't know how long it has been on this iceberg, but it shouldn't be too long.

This injury made Ye Mo more determined to go to the small world as soon as possible. Outside, he tried his best to improve his cultivation, but unfortunately he worked hard, no aura, no herbs are no good.

Ye Mo was healing and thinking about the explosion. The channel is obviously arranged first, and some people who were missing in Ice Helmet Island, Ye Mo has vaguely felt that this is a conspiracy against him.

Who will specifically target him? And this big trap in the ice helmet island layout? If you have an accident from ‘Loyal Pharmaceuticals, it’s going to war. The disappearance of visitors to the island of Bahai, the disappearance of elites in the ice helmet island, and the recent passages are all traps against him, then this person is too dangerous.

The last time the Oriental habitat gave him the feeling of being on the back of the thorn was once again in his heart. The first thing he thought of was the Oriental Pond. He remembered that when Dongfangtang first negotiated with Shana to Luoyue, he was very angry, and he thought he was unsettled. Later, I saw that he was doing it to his companion Shana. From that time, Ye Mo knew that this Dongfangtang was not a simple character. If it was really this guy who made it all, then he was too terrible.

At least Dongfangtang is one of the top executives who know that he is Luoyue. He knows more about his own details than Han Xin.

There is also the passage of the island of Bahai. Ye Mo is definitely ready before the 'Beisha', but the Luoyue garrison just happened to meet. As for the 'Beisha', why should I dig that passage in the island of Bahai. He is still unclear. However, Ye Mo knows that there is definitely one thing, that is, the channel reserved by ‘Beisha’ is definitely not one, and there are still the rest, and only one of them is discovered.

Moreover, ‘Beisha’ has reserved this channel in the most important strategic position of the island of Bahai, which is very illustrative.

"Beisha..." Ye Mo said coldly, closing his eyes and starting to heal.

The broken meridians began to heal slowly, albeit slowly, but Ye Mo knew that this was only a matter of time.

Although Ye Mo has not yet reached the point of the valley, but he has a lot of things in his ring. In the process of repairing the meridians, as long as he is hungry, there is something to eat at any time.

As time went by, Ye Mo quickly felt that his meridian repair was slow and slow, and it was many times slower than the original repair.

However, it is a bit strange that although his meridians are slow to repair, the meridians after repairing are much thicker than the original meridians.

Ye Mo used to be a base monk. Of course, he knows that the thicker the meridians, the more beneficial it is to cultivation. Generally, after cultivation to the foundation, the meridians will change to a large extent. However, during the training period, even if you are promoted, it is only tougher. It will not become thicker and stronger like the current meridians.

If it wasn't for the instinct in his body that didn't increase, the realm did not loosen, and Ye Mo even thought he was promoted. Although Ye Mo would like to finish the healing session and return to Luoyue, he also knows that this opportunity is very rare. If it is not the impact of the iceberg, it is the result of the moisturization of 'Liansheng Dan' at the same time after his injury. Or it motivated his potential, a breakthrough before dying.

Anyway, this is a good thing. Ye Mo thought of this, put ‘Lian Sheng Dan’ outside, and took out a swallow at any time, and took out the only one stone. Even if he is in a hurry, this opportunity will not be missed.

Whether or not it is related to this, Ye Mo is not likely to try again, it is to be dead. So this time he must seize it. Because the meridians are widened, it means that his qualifications become more powerful, and under the same resources, he can cultivate to a higher level. It’s really a loss of the horse, and I know that it’s not a blessing.

Time has gradually passed away in the process of Ye Mo repairing the meridians. Ye Mo even forgot that he was still at sea, even on an iceberg on the sea. He almost put all his time on repairing and expanding the meridians, and everything else is no longer important.

From then on, a shrinking iceberg drifted around the sea, and Ye Mo, who was hiding in the corner of the iceberg to repair the meridians, would not be noticed.


Luo Yue.

The atmosphere of war has once again permeated here for the simple reason that Luo Yue violated the Antarctic Treaty. In the United States, the United States submitted a white report on the sanctions of Luo Yue, requesting that the United States will send troops to Luo Yuecheng for the second time.

Things are not much different from what the country expected, but it is vastly different from what the rest of the world expects. Because at the time of the vote, Russia, which had always thought that it would vote veto, voted for it, and Huaxia was as abstaining as usual. What many people did not understand is that the United Kingdom even abstained.

In this way, the purpose of the joint longitudinal will be to send troops to Luoyue is also achieved, and the United States will send troops to Luoyue for the second time. The reason is that Luo Yue, as an international disharmony factor, detonated nuclear weapons in the Antarctic and threatened the peace state with nuclear weapons, forcing Indonesia to sign an unequal treaty. It is required that Luoyue must lift the decision to establish a political power and give Senna to the people.

In the face of such rude demands, Luo Yue certainly did not hesitate to refuse, simply did not think. So the war again is inevitable.

The coalition forces sent troops to the army for 630,000, but unexpectedly, 99% of the so-called peacekeeping troops were soldiers of the country. And although the countries that agreed to sanction Luoyue in the United States have once again decided to send their troops to their own countries, they have shouted one by one, only a few symbolic soldiers, indicating that they have already sent troops.

"This group of bastards..." Huang Yinian yelled at the military meeting in Luoyue.

Everyone knows that although this is still the invasion of Luoyue by the coalition forces, it is actually a country. It is the rice country that has to deal with Luoyue. And for the reason why the country is eager to deal with Luoyue, you don’t have to guess and know some.

One is that Luoyue controls the island of Then Luo Yue will control the entire Indian Ocean. This result, the rice country will never agree. The second is that the gold reserves of the country have disappeared. Although they have seized their own mouths, there are no impenetrable walls in the world, and many countries still get some clues.

Of course, the most important thing is that the country does not dare to delay it any more. Luo Yuecai District has developed to this extent less than a year. If this is given to Luoyue time, what will they become? The country of rice has no place to stand.

Because everyone has already seen it, the development of Luoyue is mainly the navy, and the country of rice is also the most important to the navy. As a result, there will definitely be battles in the Pacific Ocean in the future.

Therefore, although this war is very stubborn, it is better than Luo Yue in the future.

In the end, the country is scared.

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