Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 68: Ye Mo is back

"Ye Mo, are you coming back?" A voice interrupted Ye Mo's concentration. He just looked at the blood and he didn't notice that Xu Wei had come in.

"Xu Wei, don't you go to work today?" Ye Mo looked at Xu Wei a little strangely. Usually this time is the time for her to go to work.

Xu Wei looked a little tired and shook her head and said: "The light snow was injured in the morning yesterday. Now I have not been out of danger in the hospital. I just saw her coming back from the hospital. Why didn't I see you?"

Ye Mo stunned, Ning light snow was attacked? How do you say this. Moreover, Ning light snow was attacked, how did Xu Wei know? When I thought about this, I asked: "How do you know that Ning Qingxue was injured?"

"You don't know?" Xu Wei asked strangely as he asked Ye Mo. She thought that Ye Mo came back because she was injured by Ning Dengxue. I didn't expect Ye Mo to know this thing. Where is this? ”

Ye Mo said a little strangely: "She is hurt, why do I have to know? Is she not serious?"

Although he didn't have much affection for Ning Qingxue, when Ning was light and heavy, it looked like Luo Ying, so he still cares about Ning Xiaoxue. Otherwise, he would not agree to Ning Liangxue’s request to help him.

"Light snow has always lived here, you said how I know." Xu Wei is convinced that Ye Mo really does not know Ning light snow injury, this said.

Ye Mo frowned, Ning light snow lived here? I have already left, and the show has been played. How could she still continue to live here? With the conditions of her family, is there still no place to live?

Seeing Ye Mo is somewhat inexplicable, Xu Wei had to say again: "After the light snow came, I have been living in the room where you used to live. She rarely goes out. Every day, I deal with these flowers. Sometimes I can face the flower beds. Morning to evening."

Ning light snow also likes flowers? Ye Mo looked at the flower bed somewhat strangely. He liked the flower because he planted a bead 'silver heart grass' here. Why did Ning Qingxue like to plant flowers? If she really likes it, why haven’t she seen her approaching the flower bed for more than 20 days with her?

A **** grass on the flower bed caused Ye Mo's attention. Although this grass has just sprouted, Ye Mo has already recognized that this is the 'silver heart grass'. When I saw the 'Silver Heart' moment, Ye Moxin suddenly felt excited. The soil here can not only grow ‘silver grass,’ but also let the seeds sprout.

Ye Mo immediately thought of why Ning Qingxue had to plant this kind of grass. Is she also a self-cultivator? However, Ye Mo understood that the newly sprouted 'silver heart' here should be a seed that fell before the seeds were collected. I did not expect it to sprout.

But how does Ning Xiaoxue know that this is ‘silver grass’? Still paying attention to it?

When Ye Mo is still surprised, Xu Wei has explained, "Light snow seems to care about the little grass bud in the flower bed, and it is blocked with something. Every day is looking at the grass bud, sometimes Just look at it for a day. I don't know how tired and tired. Yesterday morning, as usual, standing in front of the flower bed staring at the small grass buds, the two men suddenly rushed in outside the yard, it looks very Fierce."

Looking at Ye Mo, who is still listening to his own words, Xu Wei went on to say: "One of the men came in and said that the light snow lied to him, and he hid here to raise flowers. The man picked up a wooden stick. I want to smash the flowers in the flower bed. I really don't know what the light snow thought at the time. She actually blocked the wooden stick with her body. Although the wooden stick didn't have a flower bed, it was solid. On her back, she squirted a few blood, all sprayed on the top of the flower bed, and people fainted."

Ye Mo's face has become iron blue. Although he does not know why Ning Qingxue is a baby, he is already angry.

“Is there anybody who is it?” Ye Mo calmed down and continued to ask.

Xu Wei shook her head and said: "I didn't find out, but Ye Mo, you have to be careful. After you left, many people came to inquire about you, and also moved a surveillance computer here. I guess those people are not good people. Pay attention when you come in and out."

Xu Wei said that Ye Moxin is very clear here. The Song family should know that he killed Song Shaowen and looked for him everywhere. It’s just that Ye Mo didn’t expect to have a surveillance computer here, but at the time his own knowledge was only about five meters, and it was normal to find no camera.

Since the Song family already knew that Song Shaowen was killed by him, those who came to take away Ningxue Snow were definitely sent by the Song family to monitor themselves. I did not expect Ning Qingxue to move over. Then they should see if they will come over and meet with Ning Xiaoxue. After waiting for a while, they didn’t find themselves coming over, they wanted to take Ning Qingxue. Later, it happened that Ning Qingxue was injured in order to save 'Silver Heart'. Things.

Ye Mo will analyze the whole incident in an indiscriminate manner, and he has already determined that it is the Song family who injured Ning Qingxue. But the only thing he didn't understand was why Ning Qingxue had to give up his life to protect this ‘silver grass’ bud?

The only possibility is that Ning Xiaoxue knows that he needs the grass, and then takes care of it, even at all costs to protect this ‘silver grass’. Although this interpretation is the most explained, but Ye Mo believes that this interpretation is the most unreasonable. Because Ning Qingxue can't be so good to him, let alone a grass that he needs.

Song family, since you want to fight, then fight, if I am afraid of a Song family in your district, I will not have to practice, and the direct soldiers will be counted in the reincarnation. Whether Ning Qingxue is for himself, but since she saved the 'silver heart grass', and this injury is also related to his Ye Mo, he should be in her head.

"Xu Wei, I went to see the light snow, but you don't tell her that I have been there." After Ye Mo and Xu Wei left, they went directly to the hospital.

Although Xu Wei did not know why Ye Mo did not let herself tell the light snow, she still agreed to Ye Mo's request because she knew that there was not much time for light snow.

Ye Mo had just walked to the hospital door and met several doctors who carried the light snow lying in the bed into the car. Ye Mo stunned, and said that he wants to transfer to the hospital?

However, his knowledge of the gods swept to the condition of Ningxuexue, and immediately knew that her injuries were much more serious than she imagined. Ye Moxin suddenly murdered, and in the yard where he lived, he would like to protect Ningxue Xue, who is protecting the 'silver heart', he would never let go of this murderer.

The box held by Ning Qingxue was the box he wanted to take away this time, but then Ye Mo was stunned. His gods swept into the box and there were three bracelet beads made by himself. This thing he gave to Su Jingwen, how could it be in the hands of Ning Qingxue? And there are only three?

At the same time, my heart sighed. If Ning Qingxue put these three beads on her hand instead of putting it in the box, maybe she could avoid the disaster.

Ye Mo is planning to quietly follow the back of the 120 ambulance. He did not expect the car to leave, he heard two nurses talking.

"This girl should be a big man. You see the dean running around."

"Yeah, it is said that only one month is alive. This woman is unwilling to receive treatment. She has to go home. Although she does not understand it, it does not seem to make much difference in living in a bed for a month or a few years."

(Reminder! That ticket)

(Thank you for the generous rewards of sugarcane, Huahua's man, southern barbarian, book friend 110324224429765, shanliang731, _Vivian, Feiyeye, LJIN, thanks to the update of the southern barbarian, LJIN, Jinming ZE, and the king's maple leaf. Thank you. !)

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