Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 730: Into 5 Yuncheng

"Yeah. M [read the novel is ~~]" Mu Xiaoyun, who has a flushed face, is like a kitten who is curled up in Ye Mo’s arms. She believes that Xiang Gong said to take her away, she will definitely take her away. .

Ye Mo knew that 'Hongmeng made a decision' requires a lot of cultivation resources. After he taught this technique to Mu Xiaoyun, he gave Mu Xiaoyun and even the gold ticket to most of his refining medicinal herbs and spiritual stones. Also gave Mu Xiaoyun. He himself only left a few 'Pui Yuan Dan' and some ordinary medicinal herbs. In addition to the useless 'Yan Dan', even if the "fine Yuan Dan" that Mu Xiaoyun can't use now, Ye Mo also gave it. Give a few to her.

Mu Xiaoyun knows the preciousness of Lingshi, but Ye Mo said that ‘Hongmeng’s decision to make a decision’ requires too much cultivation resources, and she must do it as soon as possible.

"Ye Lang, what if they let me learn the practice of the ice lake?" Mu Xiaoyun thought that Ye Mo had left, she would enter the core area of ​​the ice lake, which means to cultivate the real ice lake Law.

Ye Mo said with a smile: "You only have to practice the practice of "Hong Meng made a decision". As for the practice of the ice lake, there is no need to practice. Just look at it. At that time, you only need to simulate the icy lake's moves with real gas, which does not require any time. ”

"Well..." What Ye Mo said, Mu Xiaoyun is um, Xiang Gong is going to leave, and his words should be remembered all.

The two men Qingqing me and me, the sky is completely dark. Mu Xiaoyun was too hard during the day, so after eating at night, she went to bed and fell asleep.

Ye Mo did not sleep. He added Mu Xiaoyun's flying sword to ‘Geng Tiejing’ and re-refined it. Then he refining a few pots of medicinal herbs into Mu Xiaoyun's ring, and he stopped.

He does not know how long he will go. If it is half a year or a year, he does not want Mu Xiaoyun to suffer from cultivation because he has no medicinal herbs.

The sky has once again lit up, Ye Mo did the breakfast, then went to the bed, looked at the sleeping Mu Xiaoyun, bowed her face and said softly: "Xiao Yun, I am gone, hello 97net good practice Don't send me. [Read the novel~~] Remember to eat well and then wait for me to come back."

After Ye Mo turned and left the room, his knowledge has swept to Ji Yilan who came from afar. For Ji Yilan, Ye Mo has nothing to say, he just set foot on the flying sword, directly rushed into the clouds and left the ice lake.

Ye Mo certainly knows that Mu Xiaoyun has long woken up, but he knows that Mu Xiaoyun does not dare to face the scene of leaving alone, and there is no point to break her.

Mu Xiaoyun ran barefoot to the door and looked at the flying sword that the sky could not see. There was no way to control his tears. She woke up in the middle of the night last night. She wanted Ye Mo to go to bed and take her to sleep, but she knew that Ye Mo was doing what he thought he had to do.

In fact, when Ye Mo refining Dan in the middle of the night, she never slept and looked at him.

Just because the * sailing text * and Mu Xiaoyun together, so Ye Mo's alchemy is very concerned about the heart, did not see Mu Xiaoyun has long woken up. However, when he finished alchemy, he immediately knew that Mu Xiaoyun had woken up.

"Xiao Yun Shimei, you are..." Ji Yilan came early, she wants to persuade Ye Mo today, let Ye Mo know how to fool Mu Xiaoyun here, is a stupid thing. But when she came over early, she saw Mu Xiaoyun standing barefoot and standing in tears at the door.

Mu Xiaoyun wiped the tears that couldn't be wiped out at all, sobbing and saying: "Yang Gong has already left..."

"Ah..." Ji Yilan said with amazement, but immediately understood how big a good thing was.

It should be that Mo Ying figured out, he knew that it was wrong to leave Mu Xiaoyun here, so he took the initiative to leave the ice lake. I did not expect him to be a general-minded person. Thinking of this, Ji Yilan’s opinion on Mo Ying is much better.

However, Ji Yilan immediately thought of it. Mo Ying, an ordinary person, left the icy lake. In the overlapping place of the mountains, this is simply looking for death. [Read the novel to ~]

However, Ji Yilan looked at Mu Xiaoyun, who was still in sorrow, but did not dare to say his own thoughts. In case she said it, Mu Xiaoyun went crazy and chased the Mo Ying. What should I do? Ji Yilan knows how much Mu Xiaoyun is dependent on her and her baby. Besides, Mo Ying’s death is also a good thing for Mu Xiaoyun. After a long time, she has contacted many handsome heroes, and she will gradually forget her singularity*.

"Small rhyme, is this table to eat?" Ji Yilan saw that the table in the middle of the room had already been done early, and the poached egg on the snow-white disk was as beautiful as the pearl falling on the jade plate. There is still a cup of drink that can't be seen in a cup of coffee. In addition, there is a dish of green vegetables and a small bowl of fine rice porridge on the table.

The color and flavor, together with the faint scent of the food, let Ji Yilan who had not eaten breakfast could not help but swallow a mouthful of water.

"It's your job to do well, then..." Ji Yilan asked in amazement. In her opinion, Mu Xiaoyun was so sweet and lovely. Breakfast must have been done by Mu Xiaoyun, but today she obviously just got out of bed, and this is the guess that Mo Ying did. ——~~~

Mu Xiaoyun nodded. "Well, it was Xianggong who was here and gave it to me."

Ji Yilan suddenly had some insights, and did not think that Mo Ying, the man who looked very rough, was so careful. Is this the reason why Mu Xiaoyun likes him, or why he cannot do without him? However, Ji Yilan quickly shook his head, which is impossible.

Mu Xiaoyun calmed down his mood and let Ji Yilan sit down. He went to wash and changed a suit. Then he came out and said: "Yilan Shijie, if you don't have breakfast, let's eat together. Here. There are still a lot of rice porridge."

"Okay, okay." Ji Yilan had long wanted to eat something on the table, but Mu Xiaoyun did not speak, and she was too embarrassed to take the initiative. Besides, it's just some ordinary rice porridge poached eggs, not worth the money.

However, when Ji Yilan took a bite out of the mouth, the mouthful of the poached egg, she immediately knew that this is definitely not something ordinary people can make. She subconsciously looked at Mu Xiaoyun who looked down and asked for a "small rhyme. Are you a shield?"

"No." Mu Xiaoyun shook his head.

Ji Yilan once again picked up a green vegetable, but she almost swallowed it. Ji Yilan must have been able to burn such a delicious dish even if the chef.

But she did not ask again, the dishes on the table were quickly eaten by Ji Yilan. Some of her little embarrassed look at Mu Xiaoyun said: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyun, the food you burned is really delicious, I have eaten a lot."

"It doesn't matter, I will burn it back to me when I come back." Mu Xiaoyun shook his head.

Ji Yilan just wanted to talk again, and suddenly felt that there was a heat in the body, and her internal gas seemed to be solidified a little.

Looking at the surprise of Ji Yilan, Mu Xiaoyun said, "That is normal, Yilan Shijie, you don't have to worry. Xianggong likes to put some medicine in the food, so it is good for cultivation."

"Ah..." Ji Yilan looked at Mu Xiaoyun shockedly. Although Mu Xiaoyun said it was easy, but Ji Yilan knew that the person who can put the medicine into the food is a cow. Isn't she a pharmacist? Do you want to talk to you?

I thought about Ji Yilan or shook his head, or did not tell you what it is. It is not good to let the extravagance of Mu Xiaoyun's cultivation.

"Xiaoyun, now you are leaving the icy lake, or else, you and I will move inside to live." Ji Yilan finally remembered the main purpose of today.

Mu Xiaoyun nodded. When she left, she told her this way. She needed to work hard to cultivate, and then waited for him to come back to Wuyuncheng. It was also a small city in the hidden door. This city is three hundred miles away from Wuyun Mountain. These people, except for some businessmen, are mostly Guwu disciples who come to collect Wuzhishan around the Wuyun Mountain, and some disciples who do not develop in the martial art and want to find cultivation resources here.

Although Wuyun Mountain is rich in various kinds of medicines, it takes five years to get in, and there are quotas. However, there are several endless mountains around Wuyun Mountain. These mountains surround Wuyun Mountain and are also rich in many herbs. And sometimes, there are some extremely precious herbs. Therefore, many martial artists who cannot enter Wuyun Mountain to collect medicinal materials collect herbs in nearby places.

To enter these mountains to collect herbs, * sailing text * is a certain danger, but also need some protection measures. In addition, although the toxic fog of Wuyun Mountain is concentrated in Wuyun Mountain, there is also overflowing near Wuyun and many precious herbs are close to Wuyun Mountain, so we must collect these For medicinal herbs, you must be prepared.

Many people who have collected medicinal materials will be charged as soon as they leave the mountain. All these needs have been brought together, and Wuyuncheng has been formed for a long time. Therefore, whether it is time for the five-year period to enter Wuyun Mountain, Wuyuncheng is always full of excitement.

After leaving the ice lake, Ye Mo went directly to Wuyun Mountain. For other people, it may take more than a week for the ice lake to go to Wuyun Mountain, but it is only an hour for Ye Mo.

The toxic fog of Wuyun Mountain will not dissipate in four or five months, but Ye Mo cannot wait for a few months to go in with others to find medicine.

Half an hour later, Ye Mo saw Wu Yuncheng. He dropped Feijian and entered Wuyuncheng.

The reason why Ye Mo entered Wuyuncheng, one is to buy some common things, and the other is to inquire about Wuyunshan. For Wuyun Mountain, he only knows that there is a poisonous fog, and the rest of the grid is unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to do some homework before entering Wuyun Mountain.

Only Ye Mogang entered the Wuyun City and was attracted by a burst of noise.

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