Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 793: Recalling the danger of ink

When Ye Moyue listened to Song Yingzhu, the more he felt that the black man who Song Yingzhu said and the one he met on the ship was Yan Weiliang. After all, the defense level of the bracelet is too low, causing the injury of Song Yingzhu.

Yan Wuliang has a nickname called 'Getting Started and Killing' and is a disciple of ‘Wanmen’. The disciples of ‘Wanmen’s door are dedicated to raising scorpions, and each one is a master of raising scorpions. At the beginning, the actual controller of the 'Gen' organization was killed, and it was the disciple of ‘Wanmen’.

Because Ren was offended by him, he was uprooted, and when he died, he said that someone would find himself. At that time, Ye Mo didn't care at all. Now it seems that he is talking about the background of ‘Millions of Doors’.

‘Wanmen’s door is now being killed by two disciples, and Ye Mo does not know how many disciples there are in 'Wanmen’. However, what makes Ye Mo strange is that if the other party is really a disciple of ‘Wanmen’s door, then there is absolutely no reason for Song Yingzhu to escape.

Because ‘Millions of Doors’ are some masters of raising cockroaches, even if he is injured, it is impossible for Song Yingzhu to escape. Ye Mo frowned, and he always felt that something was wrong.

Song Yingzhu was only injured, and his blood was weak. He was not squatted. Ye Mo is sure. It is even more impossible for her daughter to remember the ink. Recalling that the ink was only two years old at the time, the other party should not even think of squatting on Yi Mo. And it seems that it is healthy and cute, and it is impossible to have this situation.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Yingzhu looked at Ye Mo and seemed to frown. He was thinking about something, and he asked some questions.

Ye Mo put his hand on the back of Song Yingzhu, and once again, the real yuan was carefully examined in Song Yingzhu. It was really that I did not find anything wrong, and I was relieved.

Song Yingzhu was searched by Ye Mo’s real yuan, his body was a little hot, and the subconsciously tightened a little Ye Mo.

Ye Mo took a shot of Song Yingzhu’s back and said, “You let me go first, I will go see it.”

Because the other party may be a ‘wanting door’ person, Ye Mo is not at ease, and must personally check it.

"What happened to memo?" Song Yingzhu was shocked. In her heart, the memory of memo is much heavier than her.

Ye Mo cautiously said: "I have some doubts that the people you met in the past were 'Wan Yu Men', and the people of 'Wan Yu Men' were mad at each other. There is no rationality. And their control is very skillful, you can It’s not easy to recall the ink. But I still have to confirm that there is nothing wrong with the body of the ink."

When I saw Ye Mo open the door, Song Yingzhu immediately became nervous. ‘Wanmen’s door’ that she heard from Master once, although it was a small hidden door, it was located in Miaojiang. However, because the means of ‘Millions of Doors’ is unstoppable, even the six hidden doors are not willing to avenge them.

Now Ye Mo said that she might have met the ‘Millions of Doors’ people, and she would not be nervous.

"You didn't sleep for one night?" Ye Mo walked into the west wing and looked at Yi Mo, who leaned on the bed.

"Dad, you are coming, I just woke up. Do you want to teach me to comprehend?" Recalling the words of the ink reveals what she has been thinking about.

Ye Mo said with a smile: "Teach you to practice is definitely to teach, today I have to go out to have something. Wait for you and your mother to go to the streets to buy some clothes and the like."

"What about the mother?" Yi Mo looked at the door and asked.

"Mom will come over in a moment, you will show me your wrist, how is your body." Ye Mo looked at the face of Yi Mo, although it can not be said to be ruddy and healthy, but definitely not like a sick person. My heart suddenly put down half.

Yi Mo's most believed person is not a mother but a father, Ye Mo, that is because the young mother has been constantly edifying, and Dad can take her to fly, let her believe that Dad is the most powerful. So although she knew that her body was very good, she did not hesitate to extend her hand.

Ye Mo's real yuan carefully and carefully searched for memo's meridians and even the whole body, but searched it twice. No abnormalities were found. Ye Mo sighed with relief and remembered that there should be no problem.

It seems that he is not guessing that there is a problem, that is, the person who is injured is too heavy. Yingzhu does not mean that the bracelet that recalled the ink blocked a thing. Perhaps it was not because of the bracelet and the memory of the ink.

Just when Ye Mo had to take back his hand, he heard Yimou shouting loudly: "Mom, you..."

Yimo completely forgot that Ye Mo was still grabbing her hand to check. She suddenly extended another hand to cover her mouth and couldn't believe watching Song Yingzhu. Mom has become so young and beautiful, is this person his mother? It seems that my mother was not so young ten years ago.

It’s Dad. It’s definitely Dad’s help for my mother’s treatment with Xianju. Yi Mo once again looked at Dad, and all eyes were small stars. For her, she had to learn from Dad.

Ye Mo was not paying much attention to Song Yingzhu because he was concentrating on helping me to check the ink. However, the scream of Yi Mo made him feel different places. It seems that there is still no place in Yi Mo’s body. .

"Mom, you have become beautiful, and my sister is in the future... No, it’s my sister..." Yi Mo began to sip, obviously she wanted to relax her mother's nervous mood. She has already seen that although her mother has become young and beautiful, her eyes are very nervous.

Song Yingzhu went to the bed and sat down. He looked worriedly at Ye Mo and asked, "How? Recalling ink is all right?"

I remembered the ink but giggled, it was because when Dad checked, it seemed that there was a heating in the body, and itchy and fun.

Ye Mo is checking the body of Yi Mo for the third time. He did not answer Song Yingzhu's words, but his face has become more and more difficult to look. He finally confirmed that the body of Yi Mo was hand-footed. To be exact, it was not the next activity, because it was just a mark.

Ye Moe affirmed that the person who is under the locust will not be lower than the murder, and it will be more powerful. It is estimated that after more than a decade, he should be even better.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ye Mo's expression, Song Yingzhu worried about grabbing Ye Mo's arm and asked if she didn't want her daughter to have any problems.

“Isn’t I have been sick in these years? Or does she have any special performance?” Ye Mo’s understanding of the locust was entirely a book about locusts, so he knew the problem with Yi Mo. But not very sure.

Song Yingzhu shook her head. She felt that it was lucky to remember the ink. From small to large, she rarely got sick. Apart from some vaccinations, even the hospital had never been there.

However, after a while, she seemed to think of something, immediately said: "Recalling ink seems to have a headache a few times, every time I have a headache, I will buy a black-bone chicken and cook it for her. After a week, she will Ok, but the number of headaches in these years is not much, only three times..."

Ye Mo listened to Song Yingzhu's words. It has already been affirmed that it is not a conventional locust that is sown by the ink, but it is even more extinct than the locust, because the thing is called Tanjung.

Tanjung is one of the locusts, although Ye Mo does not know how to get Dan, but he has seen this introduction. The squatting person will plant the scorpion into the human body, preferably with young children. Before the establishment of the scorpion, the scorpion did not cause any harm to the human body, but once it became a scorpion, the scorpion will reflex the host, devour the vitality and blood of the host, and finally purify it into a scorpion-like cockroach.

The cultivator uses this dandelion to refine a medicinal herb and then cultivate it.

This locust has the same meaning as the 'corpse corpse' that was originally bred, but the promotion of Tanjung is very peaceful, unlike the 'stomach scorpion' to rob others of the blood, so Tanjung refining The medicinal herbs not only have no side effects, but also enhance the vitality of the practitioners.

Because Tanjung needs a long period of time and has high requirements for the nurturing person, the cultivator rarely goes to raise dandelion.

The mature period of Tanjung is eighteen years. That is to say, when Tanjung in the body of the ink is in her 20s, the cultivator will come to collect it. At that time, it was the time when the memory of the disaster was remembered.

After listening to Ye Mo’s words, not only Song Yingzhu’s memory is stunned, but Song Yingzhu’s thought that she’s already escaped is completely wishful thinking. If it’s not the black man who asked her to raise her memory to the age of twenty, she would have been dead. It is.

"What should I do?" Song Yingzhu’s tears fell in a hurry. For her, it was more important for her to dispel the memory of the body of the ink.

Ye Mo took a shot of Song Yingzhu and Yi Mo said: "Don't worry, Dan Hao can make it out, remember that you are on your mother's body, facing me."

It’s hard to get rid of Dan, and it’s harder to take it out, but it’s easy for Ye Mo. Don’t say that he is now practicing eight layers of practice, and that he’s still practicing 'three life 诀’, even when he was in the middle of the training. You can also help memorize the ink to remove Dan.

Recalling the ink of Tanjung at the right shoulder near the back Ye Mo used the real yuan to seal the direction of Tanjong's possible roaming, reaching out and scratching a place on the back of the ink. Almost at the same time that Ye Mo broke through the skin of his ink, his real yuan had wrapped a soybean-sized thing from the wound and quickly threw it into the prepared porcelain bottle.

Collapsed the take out of Tanjung, Ye Mo also fed a ‘Lian Sheng Dan’ to Yi Mo, and then helped her to check it carefully until there was no problem, then let go of it. A little bit of wounds will eat ‘Lian Sheng Dan’, and it is estimated that only Yi Mo has this treatment.

Song Yingzhu saw Ye Mo take out Dan, and then he let out a sigh of relief. She patted her chest and said, "Scared me, I think of it now. The time interval of the ink headache seems to be exactly three years. I didn't expect this. The world has such an insidious person."

After picking up the Dan dynasty, Ye Mo’s heart was killing him at this time. This kind of scum, after he entered the small world, did not care about the place where the iron card was painted. But now he has to go to Miaojiang and destroy the ‘Millions of Doors’.

PS: Three more sent, the update ticket of 12,000 words is too difficult, and sent the update ticket of the three. If there is a monthly ticket, please support the fifth, thank you!

... (to be continued)

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