Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 824: The last winner

The VIIIth chapter of the final winner "I will never be a master of the big brothers. If our 'Wan Yumen' masters have already done things, 'Wan Yu Men' is already finished. [] And 'Golden God' I feel better to stay in the hands of the master." Then he expressed his position is Ren Xiqiang.

After saying that Ren Xiqiang disdainfully looked at Li Buqing who was twitching on the ground, and said coldly: "A clown."

"Oh." After listening to the words of Feng Yanqi and Ren Xiqiang, Wen Gu immediately snorted with dissatisfaction. However, she did not pay attention to Fengqiqi, but stared at the meter and said: "I only need one egg, just give me one, I will leave immediately."

After listening to Wen Gu’s words, he reached out and took out a red and dazzling locust and said to Wen Gu coldly: “The old woman named Wen, I have already endured you for a long time. You believe it or not, I just want to be free. Can you kill your life with a pinch?"

Sure enough, I saw the locusts in the hands of Ji Li, and Wen’s face changed greatly, and even the whole body was shaking.

Ye Mo’s heart moved. He knew that Wen Gu had put two locusts out. Just counting it, he just pinched four, indicating that he still had one in his body. Is this locust the one in his body? It looks a lot like it, but Ye Mo is not sure.

"You actually forced out the same mood? You said what you said. We all swear, if anyone uses the affection to hurt the other party, it will be burned to death by the fire, but you actually betray the oath..." Wen Gu trembling, not Know whether it is angry or afraid.

It turned out to be the same mood, Ye Mo has heard of this locust, this locust needs to love each other to grow each other. However, it is said that it is difficult to pull out after planting it. I don’t know how to extract it. However, if one party pulls out the same mood, it is relatively simpler to pull out the other party.

It’s a cold smile. “Yes, I sent this vow, but I’m talking about who violated it, who was burned to death without roots. But I’ve only heard of the rootless water, but I’ve never heard of no roots. The fire. So, do you think what I said is useful?"

"Hello 97net is mean. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M) "Wen Gu seems to be more and more angry.

Looking at Wen Gu’s disdain, he said: "I am mean? How did you swear by yourself? You obviously heard the words I swear. But I just said that if I violated the oath and me, who is despicable, We are all the same, we don’t have to hold each other high. You are a vicious woman, in order to let all the pure yang of Laozi give you, you actually used the locusts to eat all the things on my face, and made me The people are not ghosts or ghosts. Do you think I don't know? Shameless goods, even today there is no gold. I will kill you."

Wen Gu seems to calm down. Her face looked more and more chilly, and it seemed that she would swallow it. However, Ji Li did not carelessly staring at Wen Gu and continued: "Wan Wanmen is only a man who has been taken by you, which one is not ruined by your locusts? Xue Cihu, Yan Wuliang, Kong Xiaolai... You Do you think you are clear?"

"I killed you..." Wen Gu suddenly jumped up. Jumped directly and rushed to the point. However, Ye Mo feels that Wen Gu’s face is extremely angry, and her internal interest is as stable as a mountain.

This woman is wearing anger. This is the first feeling of Ye Mo.

Ji Li did not seem to see the warmth of the rushing, just reaching out and gently pinching the mites in his hand.

"Ah......." A scream came, so that all people, even Ye Mo, were surprised that the screaming people were not Wen Gu, but they were fierce.

How is this going?

Even if she did not know how it was going, Wen Gu had no reason to take care of her. She had already pulled out the soft whip around her waist, but when she wrestled on the ground. Brushed one of his arms.

When he was trying to avoid Wen Gu, he had already come to Ren Xiqiang. Just now, Ren Xiqiang, who said that he wouldn’t do it to the masters, almost took out the scimitar at the same time he arrived at him, and there was a knife behind it.

Ji Liming knew that Ren Xiqiang’s knife was cut, but he could not completely avoid it. He just managed to hide the key points of the knife. [WWw.YZUU point m] But Ren Xiqiang’s knife is still on the body of Ji Li, and he is suddenly as horrible as a **** person.

Ren Xiqiang saw that this knife did not pose a fatal danger to the meter. Even more hesitant, it is necessary to change again. It’s just that he’s just awkward and wants the biggest results, and he’s going to use it. He did not wait for him to change back, and he has already kicked out from an incredible point of view.

This foot of Ji Li just kicked in the chest of Ren Xiqiang. Ren Xiqiang flew a few meters and slammed into the stone wall. Spew a few blood, landed on the ground, life and death do not know.

The original Fengqiqi, who was so eager to move, actually stopped, and let the hardships in the predicament get a breathing time, and actually stabilized the figure by leaning against the corner.

Seeing the best opportunity was not grasped by Feng Yanqi, Wen Gu looked coldly at Feng Yanqi: "A good thing, why didn't you just move?"

"I, I..." Feng Yanqi, I have a few, that is, did not say a complete sentence, it seems that she is really scared.

Only Ye Mo knows that Feng Yanqi is not really unable to say anything. She does not have much fluctuations in her breath. Although she is excited, she has not reached the point where she can't speak.

However, Ye Mo secretly admired the wisdom of Feng Yanqi. If she did it, she could indeed reinvent it again. However, after recalculating, her end will not be much better than Ren Xiqiang. In the end, she may still be in a coma with Ren Xiqiang.

In this stone room, if you are in a coma, it means death. Even if it is the same door, Feng Yanqi knows that Wen Gu will not kill her with kindness.

"Wen Gu, you really have a good plan, just wait for me to seriously hurt Yan Qi, and then take advantage of the fisherman's profit." Counting a few pills, and staring coldly at Wen Gu again: "I know that I planted today. But I really want to know, when can you force out the same mood?"

"Don't want to ask me when will the locusts fall into your body?" Wen Gu sarcasm added.

I sneered and said, "That's not necessary. This only blames me for the care. I didn't think that when you came in, I made two embarrassments and re-entered the same mood in my body." 〗. I am far from the ability to kneel down."

The face of Wengu's bark was completely calmed down. She stared at it for a while and said, "The brother, the little girl didn't have the slightest place to live with you, but you never stopped again. And the three betrayed me. I killed one after another, I found that I am killing the woman behind you and killing the hand, your woman is too much. You will have a false oath, but you actually The mood is also forced out."

Having said that, Wen Gu seems to think of some of the original days. For a while, she said more plainly: "I will know the day when you forced out the same mood. I hid outside your room and looked at it. You are rejoicing with other women, listening to your vicious curse on me in front of other women, I really want to kill you immediately, but I know that as soon as I appear, you don’t even have to do it to me, just pinch it. I can easily kill me in my mood. From that day on, I will vow to let you die in the same mood, surnamed, you give me death..."

Wen Gu stopped talking, but leaped up and raised the long whip in his hand.

He looked desperate in his eyes, and he was seriously injured at this time. In the face of Weng’s full resentment, he only suffered death. But knowing that he must die, he has to fight together. He spurted another blood again. A taupe locust was spit out by him and flew directly to Wengu.

In addition to Ye Mo knows the direction of Wen Gu's internal gas, everyone did not think that Wen Gu's figure turned a corner in the middle, and the long whip in his hand was like a snake in the wind.

Feng Yanqi has already taken the weapon in her hand at this time. She is preparing to count the Wengu. Once Wen Gu is seriously injured, Wen Gu must be countered. As long as she calculates the retreat of Wen Gu, she can count on Wen Gu.

Once Wen Gu was counted by her, there were five people on the scene, and she was the only one who had the strength to take the eggs of the Golden God. As for Ye Mo, it has long been ignored.

Originally, Ye thought about killing people, but since they had troubled themselves, he might as well look at the excitement. However, when he saw Wengu’s movements, he knew that Fengqiqi would be unlucky.

Surely, Feng Qiqi did not think that Wen Gu would have the first enemy to deal with, but instead to deal with her such a rookie that can be solved at any time.

"噗", Wen Gu's long whip hit the front of Feng Yanqi.

The clothes on the front of Fengyanqi were instantly broken by this whipping. A welt that could not see the depth was stretched from the shoulder of Fengyanqi to her thigh, which was shocking under the blood.

Feng Yanqi almost did not even have the ability to resist, he was beaten on the wall by this whip, the same fell to the ground, his face was blank.

The bright red blood flowed out of the wound of the whip, and soon the blood became dark red. It can be seen that the whip is not so simple.

Feng Yanqi licked her wound, but she knew how the wound could not hold. There is no such thing as hate in her eyes.

Wen Gu just pulled back the whip from Feng Yanqi, and the awkward locust has already gotten into her body. Wengu 'Teng Teng' step back ~ ~ bark face actually became dark red, but she immediately spit out a blood, while reaching out to dig a locust in his heart, and Do not hesitate to put the locusts in the mouth and chew.

Blood ran down from her mouth and looked horrible.

The cockroach cockroach was chewed by Wen Gu, and he himself was spurting out of blood. He couldn’t help it anymore.

"Haha, I want you to see, who is the winner, who is me, is me..." Looking at the fiercely, Wengu laughed, like crazy. She knew that the final winner was her.

However, her laughter came to an abrupt end, and the whole person rushed out and fell into the arms of Ji Li. Squirting a **** smear with internal organs, and then looking back and looking at the unclear Li Weiqing.

Li Buqing slowly stood up, just now he was a boxing eager to forget the shape of Wen Gu. He is still the least feared of the five people, the most looked down on him, whispered: "The last person to win should be me."

PS: By the way, ask for a monthly ticket!

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