Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 6 Chapter 826: Giant egg change

Ye Mo raised his hand and killed Li Changqing. He decisively killed the stone, making the stone room, which was originally cold as an ice cave, colder.

After taking a few pills to restore the injury, he could already push Wen Gu down, but now he forgot to do so. After a long while, he looked at Ye Mo’s husky and said: “Ye’s predecessors, I have never had any grief with my predecessors. If the seniors need these two eggs, the seniors will take it away, and the younger generation will only hear the names of their predecessors. If you have any instructions, if you have a sentence, the younger generation will help the predecessors to do so..."

"Do you want me to spare you a life?" Ye Mo interrupted the words, but the tone was more than talking to Li Changqing, too much cold.

"Yes, yes, I am looking forward to the younger generation..." Ji Li will soon be promoted to the innate. Of course, he does not want to die. After he advances to congenital, he will have another life expectancy. At this time, he is willing to die.

Only when he saw Ye Mo took out a small bottle and poured out a worm like a small egg, he suddenly felt a fluster and subconsciously stopped his mouth.

He was too clear about what Ye Mo had poured out. This is ‘Dan Yu’ and he’s let go of 'Dan Dan’. Once ‘Dan Yu’ is planted, no one can take it out except himself. Even if it is to be taken out, it is quite complicated, but why is this 'Dan Yu' on Ye Mo? It is necessary to know that he has only planted seven Dan dynasty in total. These seven ‘Dan Yu’ are prepared for the advancement in a few years.

"Do you know this thing?" Ye Mo asked the 'locusts' on the ground and asked coldly.

This ‘Dan Yu’ was released and he couldn’t know, but he saw Ye Moe’s cold eyes. I know that I am likely to be bad on this ‘Dan Yu’.

Ye Mo waited for him to answer again and again coldly: "A decade ago, you killed all the people in Emeishan, and still wounded a woman with a child, and fell on that child. '丹蛊'. That woman is my wife. That child is my daughter. Counting, how do you say I will treat you?"

"Ah..." If he counts on his grief, he can't think of the man who came to see him today. It turned out to be the husband who was counted as a woman more than a decade ago. Knowing this, he just ran a few more places. I will not go to Emei to collect the blood.

Ji Li suddenly turned his heart, and he was dead today, but even if he died, he would have to fight before he died.

Just did not wait for his internal gas to be fully mobilized, a fireball has surrounded him and Wen Gu. He clearly saw that the fireball was sent from Ye Mo’s hand. A burst of fire and burning feeling came, and Ji Li was completely desperate.

"Haha..." Wen Gu, who was surrounded by the fireball, suddenly laughed. She didn't even notice that she was about to die, but she was mad and generally pointed at the scream of the fireball that surrounded her and the screaming fire: "The fire without roots, the fire without roots, the real world." The fire of the roots, retribution. Retribution, hahaha..."

After listening to Wen Gu’s cry, I suddenly felt the meaning of Wen Gu. I was really surrounded by the fire without roots. In the fire, he actually felt the bitter cold.

The fire that Ye Mo hits, there is no medium. Without any fuel, it is born out of thin air. Is this not a rootless fire?

oath. Oath, he only wants to laugh at this time. When he swears, he said that if he violated the oath, he would be burned to death by a rootless fire, but the rootless fire that he had never heard of today actually appeared. It is. He also burned him and Wen Gu two life and death.

Looking at the desperate and fierce in the fire, Feng Yanqi muttered: "Retribution. Is there really retribution? Why does God want to abandon me? Why? I was raped and used as a dog. When is the retribution? I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe in retribution, this is a place to eat people, I don't eat people, others will eat me... Brother, I am here to accompany you..."

Feng Yanqi's voice gradually lowered, and finally finally disappeared in the cold cave. Ye Mo knew that she was dead.

It seems that Feng Yanqi also had a tragic past, which caused her to be today, but she did not know about these Ye Mo, and perhaps no one would ever know. He sighed and fired several fireballs again, turning all the bodies into fly ash, and then he looked back at the cracked mask.

The egg of the 'Golden God'? Ye Mo looked at the two football-sized eggs, and there was some suspicion in his heart. He had seen a few meters long, and it was normal in the realm of cultivation. However, it was not screaming, but there was another name. However, one of the characteristics is that no matter how long they are, their eggs are the size of rice. Ye Mo has never seen a football-sized egg.

Ye Mo took a few wind blades, and the cracked mask completely disappeared. The cold inside the stone room is getting thicker and thicker. Ye Mo has already determined that this icy cold is emitted from two cockroaches. Two eggs are in the area. It can make the stone room so cold. Ye Mo really wants to know what the cockroach is.

Ye Mo walked to the edge of the stone table and reached for a scorpion egg. A cold and cold ice invaded directly from Ye Mo's palm. The unbearable icy cold almost caused Ye Mo to throw the eggs in his hand on the ground. He quickly ran the real element and dissolved the feeling of ice and bone.

Although the real yuan has been shipped to the palm of his hand, but Ye Mo is still still awkward, this kind of ice cold is definitely not acceptable to ordinary people. Ordinary people holding this kind of licking eggs, do not immediately freeze into ice cream. Ye Mo even suspected that this was not the egg of the locust, nor the ‘golden **** 蛊’.

Ye Mo knows that although he can't see what it is, it is definitely not simple. I don’t know how many years have passed since I saw this stone room. This array is still there. It is obvious that the person who arranged this array is definitely a big power.

Ye Moto held the eggs and saw nothing for a long time. His gods carefully swept into the giant eggs in his hand, but the gods were immediately blocked and could not be swept in.

Ye Mo took another giant egg with another hand. Similarly, his knowledge could not be swept.

"What the **** is this?" Ye Mo muttered to himself, and finally shook his head to put two giant eggs into the ring. Now that you don't know, go back and study slowly.

But the scene that made Ye Mo’s horror happened, and he had no way to put things in his ring into the ring. Ye Mo tried again on the stone table, and there was a way to put it. Even in the world of gold pages, there is no way to put them in.

In other words, the two eggs are rooted in the hands of Ye Mo. Ye Mo immediately ran the real yuan, and wanted to force the two giant eggs on the stone table, but when his real yuan came to the palm of his hand again, he did not hesitate to be sucked in by the giant eggs, without any hesitation. .

And even if Ye Mo does not run the real yuan, this giant egg is still absorbing the true element of Ye Mo.

Not good, although Ye Mo has not seen such a thing, I know that this is not a good thing. His true element was sucked away by the giant egg. How did this work? In the beginning, he suffered a sneak peek in the Golden Pages world.

He immediately wanted to sacrifice his flying sword and wanted to use the flying sword to cut away the giant egg in his hand. Even if it destroys the giant egg, it is not hesitating. Compared with this golden egg, Ye Mo feels that his own life is more important.

However, what really surprised Ye Mo was that his gods could not sacrifice the flying sword. It seems that even the gods and the two giant eggs formed a channel, there is no way to adjust.

At this time, Ye Mo discovered that he had fallen into a deadlock. No matter how he tried to find a way, he could only move in the same place. The real yuan and the gods seem to be feeding the two giant eggs in their hands.

As Ye Zhendan's real yuan gradually consumed, he became more and more cold, and this is not the case. The ice in the entire stone room was close to the giant egg.

Only half a day, Ye Mo feels that he wants to freeze, and there is no way to move on the stone table.

Although Ye Mo has a deep hatred, I don’t know what I have met, but there is no way.

A violent feeling passed from the stone table to Ye Mo, and Ye Mo’s heart suddenly screamed badly.

He studied the array of years and is no stranger to the law. This should be a self-destructive defensive array method. That is, once the formation method has not been destroyed by time, then after the destruction, the energy reserved in the formation will burst out in an instant and destroy the formation.

This defensive formation should have been destroyed without time, and the remaining energy of the array may break out and completely destroy this formation. The reason why it has not broken out until now is estimated to be caused by the long years and the lack of Lingshi.

At this time, the best way for Ye Mo is to leave here immediately. However, Ye Mo has no way to leave. Now he can only pin his hopes on this array of energy almost exhausted Even if it is an outbreak, it is not too serious.

When Ye Mogang thought of it, he heard a bang, and a huge popping sound came. In Ye Mo’s perception, except for the stone room where he is located, all around it collapsed, like an earthquake.

Ye Mo was temporarily relieved, the stone room did not collapse, he was still alive. But in a blink of an eye, he was anxious again, even if he was alive, these two huge eggs sucked his true element with such a cold chill, and he finally ruined on these two huge eggs.


A dozen miles from Mount Wanshan, a woman who seems to be only about twenty is carrying a huge medicine, collecting herbs in the mountains.

When the violent explosion sounded, the woman stopped and looked at the rocks and dirt that had been picked up in the distance, frowning.


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