Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 7 Chapter 866: Lingshi is not enough

And from this hoarse voice, Ye Mo can hear that this person is at least a young woman, although her box is only about a million Lingshi, but after all, it can prevent some Jindan monks from knowing. With Ye Mo’s cultivation, it is still not possible to sweep in. []

The price of 'Plastic Grass' has been upgraded from 1.5 million Lingshi to two million Lingshi, which is already very large, and the price has reached the limit price of 'Pinking Grass'. For a time, no one even offered another quotation. Finally, the woman who quoted two million Lingshi got the sapling.

Ye Moxin has some regrets. He regrets not that he did not get the "plastic grass", but he did not know the person who bought the "plastic grass". If he knows this person, he might be able to discuss it with her and help her refine her 'Peace Dan' and receive half of the reward.

After experiencing the popularity of ‘plastic dan grass,’ the next few things in the auction were very common, and the scene gradually fell into a low level.

"The next thing to auction is an unknown sitting pier. So far, no one knows what the material of this pier is. I can only say that this is probably a foreign body, I hope the buyer has Good luck. If you are leaving, this auction will not be responsible. The price of this pier is 100,000 Lingshi, and the price increase must not be less than 10,000..." Liu Wei placed a pier on the auction table, and the pier was thick. And clunky.

However, Ye Mo was almost excited to stand up. This pier was taken out by Liu Yiyi. The stone pier in his ring trembled, apparently sensing the seat on the auction table.

His stone pier was obtained from a small world. In order to avoid him, the master of Scorpio accidentally threw the stone pier and found it, and he took it with him. All along, he didn't figure out what the stone pier he got was. He didn't think that today he found something that would cause the stone pier in the ring to resonate, and it seems to be a stone pier.

An unknown thing was shouted out of the price of 100,000 Lingshi. The scene was quiet. Even the spiritual stone of the Yuan Ying monk is not flooded, no one will take out 100,000 Lingshi for no reason to buy an unknown thing. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

They don't think others are wrong, but they need to know how strong the ‘Nanshanfang City’ is. There are more than one monk. How can such a strong strength look at the eyes?

"Eleventh of the Lingshi." After a short silence, someone finally reported the price. Fortunately, he also added a million Lingshi.

Although Liu Wei said very clearly, but I heard that only one person reported the price of 110,000 Lingshi, I was still somewhat disappointed. Although it is difficult to sell high prices, it is not necessarily such a thing. If someone recognizes what it is, it is not impossible to sell a high price.

"Thirteen thousand" seems to have been promoted to 130,000 because of the beginning of someone.

When the two prices came out, the scene seemed to have been lost a stone, and they began to bid.

"Fifty thousand Lingshi."

"Twenty-seven thousand Lingshi."


It was only a moment, and the price has already exceeded 200,000. Ye Moxin secretly worried. He was afraid that others would **** this thing, and seeing the price getting higher and higher, Ye Mo knew that he had to quote.

Those who quoted, seem to have the intention of taking back what this other person can't understand. It seems that this thing will be recognized as long as it is in your own hands.

"Fifty thousand Lingshi." Ye Mo directly added from the twenty-two thousand Lingshi to 500,000. He wants to copy the person who just bought the 'Plastic Grass'.

It was only Ye Mo’s eagerness to forget that the more he was so urgent, the more people thought that this thing was great.

"600,000 Lingshi." In the moment after Ye Mo's offer, someone refreshed the price of Ye Mo.

Ye Mo was shocked. He knew that he was in a hurry. This kind of auction has a lot of people who have money. [Ye * Zi] [Yu * You] Although he is not the most moneyless one, but his Lingshi compared with others, it is not much.

Six hundred thousand Lingshi went to buy an unknown stone pier, and the scene was quiet again. Ye Mo also stopped the offer. He knew that when this time was not a quote, he had to let the people on the scene calm down.

Liu Wei did not think that this stone pier was actually bidding to 600,000 Lingshi, and suddenly she was a bit passionate. She held up the stone pier and then smiled and said: "This unknown seat has already been sold to 600,000. It is obvious that the person who bids or recognizes this is a very good baby. Although I also want the bidder to say what it is, I know that this is unrealistic."

Just as Ye Mo became more and more annoyed with her words, her words turned again. "Well, since one person recognizes this baby, will there be a second person to recognize it? The current bid is 60. Wan, is there a higher price? I have to know that the baby is only once, and when it is bought, the opportunity is lost..."

Although Ye Mo was very angry with Liu Wei's temptation, but still paused for a while, Liu Wei was called: "Six hundred thousand once, there is no one to increase the price? 600,000 twice..."

I didn’t wait for Liu Wei’s 600,000 to finish it twice. Once again, someone called: “700,000...”

A price increase of 100,000, obviously it is very likely that Liu Wei’s words have played a role, and some people have already considered this thing as a good good thing.


"Eight hundred thousand……"

The new round of bidding quickly raised the price to one million, which has already slammed Ye Mo's heart.

If you say that 'Plastic Grass' Ye Mo is not too concerned about it, then this stone pier, Ye Mo is really very concerned. Because he vaguely felt that his own stone pier is really unusual. If he can't buy the stone pier in Liu Wei's hand, he will be very sorry.

After the price reached one million, it stopped again. If you want to get back to study, one million is definitely not a low price.

Liu Wei was very satisfied with her enthusiasm. She did not think that the 100,000-seat pier was actually raised to a million by her words, which made her more and more want to know how much money this seat can sell.

"There has been a bid of one million. It shows that this is really a good thing. Unfortunately, I don't know. Well, once a million, is there anyone who has a higher price? If not, This block has nothing to do with you..." Liu Wei is not a competent auction host, spare no effort to encourage others to increase the price.

"One hundred and ten thousand." Ye Mo calmed down, he still has more than two million Lingshi, no matter what, he will not let go at the last moment.

"One hundred and two hundred thousand." The person who just made a million Lingshi seems to be somewhat dissatisfied, and raised 200,000.

Ye Mo’s knowledge was released, but the rich man who offered $1.2 million was in a box of 100,000 Lingshi, and his knowledge could not penetrate.

At the same time that Ye Mo's knowledge permeated, dozens of gods also shot from all directions to Ye Mo. It seems that they all want to see what kind of person is the one who bought more than one million yuan to buy Shidun. But what surprised the monks and even shocked it was that although this monk was a minimum-level box, their gods could not be swept away.

"1.21 million." Ye Mo did not think about it, he added another ten thousand.

"One hundred and three hundred thousand." The man apparently had a real fire and once again raised the price by 100,000.

"One hundred and thirty-one thousand." Ye Mo added another ten thousand.


"1.51 million"


The strange silence on the scene, for an unknown pier, the two monks seem to have moved the real fire. And Ye Mo’s ten thousand plus is more like trying to provoke the other’s anger.

Even the host Liu Wei does not need to add fuel, and all she has to do is listen to Ye Mo and another monk bidding.

When Ye Mo called out 2.51 million, the monk finally became completely violent, and he screamed and said: "Three million, if you still increase the price, you will take this stone pier. My hidden sword The door will be given to Jiang, and I will be happy to let you get this stone pier."

Ye Mo was silent. Of course he was not threatened by this Fei Shijiang, but his Lingshi was only three million less. If there are three million Lingshi, he will not hesitate to add ten thousand Lingshi, and take this stone pier. Now he can only watch what he wants into the pocket of Fei Cijiang, and his heart is getting more depressed.

At the same time that he needs to improve his training, Ye Mo also feels the importance of Lingshi. Although he is a very rich master among the same-level monks, but when he meets a real rich man, his spiritual stone simply does not work.

Two things he wanted were bought by He was uncomfortable.

Seeing that Ye Mo did not bid again, many people thought that Ye Mo was afraid of Fei Cijiang, because the strength of the four-star Zongmen hidden sword door is quite powerful, and it can be comparable to the general five-star sect.

Although he bought this seat, Fei Sijiang is still very uncomfortable. He spent two hundred thousand Lingshi for this seat. These are all given by Ye Yemo. He has decided that once the auction is over, be sure to teach the guy who doesn't know the heights.

Although Ye Mo did not get a seat, he already knew that Fei Cijiang, who bought the pier, was a hidden sword. He had made up his mind. Once he had the strength, the first one to go was the hidden sword. He must get his hand on this stone pier.

An unknown seat was actually sold out of three million Chinese spirits, which Liu Wei did not expect. This is already the highest price that the auction has carried out to now.

Ye Mo is very annoyed, the auction has been going on for a day, and he has not got anything.

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