Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 7 Chapter 890: Peak circuit

When Yan Yan’s words fell, the scene suddenly became silent. After a while, the wind accumulated and laughed. “Don’t say that a young man can’t be a six-pronged master. Even if he is, let a six-person Ling Dan’s representative. We 'Xianbaolou' to go to the competition... Yan Elder, you really dare to think. (m) Maybe you think right, don't wait for the game to end, my 'Xianbaolou' will be famous."

At this time, Feng Ji’s heart was overjoyed. The reason why he took this matter out of the big picture was that the person recommended for Yan Yan could not get the top ten of the Hall of Fame. He could use this to suppress Yan County. However, I did not expect that the development of the matter was smoother than he expected. The competition was actually a rookie that the seven spirits did not reach.

Yan County’s face was gloomy and did not speak. Of course, he understands the meaning of the 8,000th chapter of the wind, and the person who participated in the competition is a six-pronged master. The outsiders will know that 'Xianbaolou' has no foundation, not only will it Laughing at 'Xianbaolou' may even affect the business of 'Xianbaolou'. This will be a huge blow to the ‘Xianbao House’.

Yan Yan has been in Hezhou City for so many years. It is not a fool. The original ‘Xianbaolou’ has attached great importance to the competition, but he has not paid attention to this point. However, from today's posture, these elders, even the big butlers come here for the Alchemy Hall of Fame competition.

Moreover, ‘Xianbaolou’ participated in the Alchemy Hall of Fame competition. It is not only one person recommended by him. A total of five people participated, which is not recommended by him, and there are also four people.

Listening to Yan Yan’s words, not only is Yan’s face ugly. It is the face of the big butler is also very ugly. He stared coldly at Yan County and said, "Yan Elder, as for the entry of the Broken Leaf City Alchemy Hall of Fame 'Xianbaolou', now you are handed over to the elders of the wind. Accumulation, this alchemy Hall of Fame temporarily increased before Ten awards, no matter how much you pay, let me 'Xianbaolou' occupy a position in the top ten."

After he finished, he looked at Yan Yan and said: "Hezhou City, the 890th chapter of the peak circuit, you will put it down first. There will be people from the headquarters to arrange the past."

Yan Yan’s heart sank and knew that he should be tired of his uncle. Not only was his rushed out of the branch of Hezhou, but his uncle was also affected. Originally he only wanted to get the top ten places if the person he recommended. Uncle is definitely good, too, I didn’t expect it to be a problem.

Yan County did not refute, but stood up and said: "Yes. Big butler."

Yan Yan also had to follow: "Yes, I will hand over immediately."

The big housekeeper said, "The handover is no longer necessary. There will be people who will arrange for the past. (Baidu search: net, see the novel is the fastest update) You will go back first."


There is no Lingshi in Ye Mo, and the jealousy of Tong Wusheng, a person who is left in the inn is not worried. Although the aura of Broken Leaf City is sufficient, Ye Mo has no intention to cultivate. He is already building seven floors, even if it is an uninterrupted cultivation, there has not been much progress in a few days.

It took only three days for the Alchemy Hall of Fame competition in Broken Leaf City, but he has not yet got the exact news of Yan Wei. He felt that things seemed to change a bit, but he didn't know anything about this Dansai. Without Yan Yan, he could not participate at all.

Just as Ye Mo was fidgeting, Yan Yan sent a message. It didn't take long for Yan Wei to come to Ye Mo's residence.

Ye Mo did not wait for Yan Yan to speak. I felt that his face was ugly, and his expression was low. It was obviously something unhappy.

"Ye brother, how can you live in such a remote place?" Yan Yan knows that although Ye Mo's Lingshi is not much, he is definitely better able to live better than the average monk.

Ye Mo posed his hand and did not answer Yan Yan’s words. Instead, he said directly: "Yan Xiong, what happened in the end, I have seen your worries before, now it seems that things are more serious?"

Yan Yan knew that his mood was written in his face. He didn't want to hide Ye Mo. He sighed and said: "I'm sorry, Ye Xiong, the things to enter..."

He did not explain the reason to Ye Mo, because even if he explained, there is no way to change anything, and Ye Mo can't help him.

Ye Moyi heard that it was like this, although his heart was very disappointing, but fortunately he had roughly guessed it before. He did not ask what Yan Yan was, but took a picture of Yan Yan’s shoulder and said, “Yan Xiong, I know that this is definitely not your reason. I am very grateful to you.”

Seeing Yan Yan still a little embarrassed, Ye Mohe smiled and said: "Yan brother, if I personally participate in the Alchemy Hall of Fame competition is it?"

Yan Yan understood Ye Mo’s mind. He shook his head and said: “It’s not that private participation can’t be done. In the identity of Ye Xiong’s six-pronged spirits, it’s a matter of course to participate in the Alchemy Hall of Fame. It’s only a month before the private participation in this competition. Registration, but now only three days away from the Alchemy Hall of Fame, time is too late."


After a long time after Yan Yan was sent away, Ye Mo was still thinking about how to participate in the Alchemy Hall of Fame competition. Obviously, although he has already arrived at Broken Leaf City, he can't represent ‘Xianbaolou’.

Ye Mo was upset and he didn't care to enter the Alchemy Hall of Fame. Because if you can't participate in the Alchemy Hall of Fame, he can't go to Shayuan. There is no way to go to Shayuan Medicine Valley, there is no way to get some precious spirit grass. Even if his alchemy level is even worse, there is no shortage of spirit grass.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Mo felt that he could not sit still. He walked out of the inn and asked about the registration place of the broken leaf city Dabi. He wanted to go to the place where he signed up to ask, even if there was only one hope, he did not want to let it go. If there is no hope, he will find a way to return the spiritual stone of Yan Yan, immediately return to Hezhou City, and then leave his own state with Hezhou.

The Alchemy Hall of Fame was registered in the Danhui Building in Broken Leaf City. Ye Mo did not spend much time to find it. Although it was only three days before the game, Ye Mo came to know that the registration was only the last day.

Ye Mo touched the six-character Ling Dan medal of his body, and he was very grateful to Yan Wei. If there is no Yan Yan, he does not have this medal, and it is even less qualified.

The registration office is a girl who is very shy and looks good. It makes people feel good at first sight. Ye Mo squeezed in and found out his medal saying: "This sister, I want to sign up for the Alchemy Hall of Fame. Can I do it now?"

The girl never seemed to have heard her call her, and suddenly she stunned and her face soon had some blush. However, she immediately said: "You wait a moment, Cui brothers will come soon, you will ask Cui brother."

Ye Mo did not directly refuse. I am happy in my heart, maybe there is a play. However, he now also sees that this girl should be an assistant, so she can't be the master.

"This friend invited, may you come to sign up for the Alchemy Hall of Fame?" When Ye Moxin thought that there was a play, the voice of a middle-aged man interrupted Ye Mo’s thoughts.

Ye Mo looked back at the middle-aged man with doubts. The man was of medium build, his face was sharp and angular, and his chin had a scar. It looked a bit vicissitudes. It’s just that his repairs don’t seem to be very good. There is still a distance from the completion of the foundation. There are four people behind this middle-aged man, a young girl who is less than 20-skinned, and a young man of medium build. In addition, there is an old man.

Let Ye Murdo look at the two eyes, but the old man, turned out to be the initial repair of Jin Dan. It’s just that his blood is weak, Ye Mo is not looking at the gods, and he knows that the old man’s birthday is coming soon.

"You call me?" Ye Mo looked at the middle-aged man and a few people and found that he had never seen it.

The middle-aged man hugged his fist and said: "My name is Mu Yiqing, but I also came to participate in this Danhui. If a friend does not represent Zongmen, it is an individual to participate in the competition. It is estimated that there is no way to register."

Ye Mo hesitated and said: "Yeah, I am private to participate in the competition, not on behalf of the sect..."

Because Ye Mo called a younger sister, he had been paying attention to the fact that Ye Mo’s little girl had listened to Ye Mo’s words and seemed to wake up awkwardly. She quickly said, "Oh, sorry, the wood predecessors said yes, private registration is indeed the end."

After saying this, her face was red again, and seemed to be embarrassed that she had not asked Ye Mo.

Ye Mo’s eyes flashed some disappointment, although he knew that Yan’s original words would not lie to him, but he was still very disappointed.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo said to Mu Yiqing's boxing fist: "Thank you Muxi reminded me, my name is Ye Mo, luck is really bad."

Mu Yiqing said with a smile: "The Alchemy Hall of Fame has a big ratio every ten years, and Ye Xiong does not have to care. Ten years is a blink of an eye for our monks."

Ye Mo looked at the expression of Mu Yiqing, and his heart was already clear. He immediately said: "Mu brother does not know, in fact, I did not want to enter the Hall of Fame to sign up, but because I want to get a place to go to the Shayuan medicine Valley."

Wood Yiqing flashed a hint of joy in his eyes, and sure enough. He immediately said: "If Ye Xiong doesn't mind, we can talk to another place."


An hour later, Ye Mo moved to the inn where Mu Yiqing and others lived. I was very excited.

He did not expect him to be qualified for a competition at the last minute. Mu Yiqing was the head of a small Samsung sect 'Dan Caomen'. Although ‘Dan Caomen’ is mainly based on alchemy, it is not overwhelming because there is no famous Dan teacher and no special medicine.

Although ‘Dan Caomen’ also signed up for the Alchemy Hall of Fame, Mu Yiqing knew that they were accompanying the Prince. The highest level of the whole 'Dan Caomen' alchemy is only enough to reach the four-character Ling Dan, not to mention the top ten, even if it is into the Hall of Fame.

The reason why Mu Yiqing came over was to bring her daughter and her disciples to see the world, so he reported two places for ‘Dan Caomen’.

The registration of the Alchemy Hall of Fame was not difficult, but he met Ye Mo, who did not report it. When he was willing to take out a quota, Ye Mo would not hesitate to represent 'Dan Caomen', but also As long as one enters the quota of the Shayuan medicine Valley, the two sides hit it off.

(The last two days, our monthly ticket is still a little bit worse. "The strongest abandonment" ask for monthly ticket support, rushing up... is not finished. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, you The support is my biggest motivation.) RQ! ! !

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