“Is your mother here too?”

Listening to Lockhart’s question, Link’s brows frowned.

coldly said:

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t get me wrong, this is just a regular greeting.” Lockhart shook bangs, said with a smile, “Dumbledore has mentioned your name to me many times, Link, he said that you are an outstanding and very good child of innate talent. I have seen everything just now, and this is even more proof You have a warm and kind heart! So, in order to reward you! I will give you two sets of all of my works! Signed version!”

After that, Lockhart did not know where he took it out. A lot of books, and after signing with his fancy peacock quill one after another, were they stuffed into Link’s hands.

This action caused a burst of exclamation from the surrounding people, especially Hermione. As a fan of Lockhart, at this moment, the envy in her eyes looking towards Link has almost become substantial.

But Link himself did not have much reaction.

On the contrary, he has become more vigilant instead.

Because he knows very well that a guy like Lockhart who is more like a businessman than a writer will never do meaningless things.

The other party’s act of sending books must have other purposes.

Sure enough, after enjoying the exclamation of others, Lockhart spoke again.

“Link, one of these two sets is for you, and the other is for your mother. I have always admired her very much, after all, she actually raised an excellent child like you If possible, I hope I can communicate with her more in the future. By the way, has your mother read my book? What do you think of me?”

Lockhart said this Link looked towards his eyes immediately became dangerous.

Because the other party’s words to develop Madame Foley into a fan are almost undisguised.

This made Link’s mind automatically come up with words such as’being rich, eating soft rice, cheating money and sex’.

‘It’s you, Lockhart! ‘

Link murmured in his heart, but with a mocking smile on his face, he said unceremoniously:

“Ah, of course she knows you. And every night we When listening to Four Gump TOP10 (a very famous weekly funny show on wizard radio), she will always mention you, “Lockhart this guy is a big liar, and the only thing he can know is probably Obliviate cursed. “What do you think she meant by this? Huh? Mr. Lockhart.”

Link continued to learn from Snape and added to his tone at the end.

And this time Lockhart’s expression finally changed.

I saw him look at Link with sullen eyes and protruding eyes. For a while, he interrupted the embarrassing atmosphere with a loud laugh.

“ha ha ha ha! Your mother is so funny! Ha! Ha! Sorry, it suddenly occurred to me that I have something to leave first. See you at Hogwarts, Link. Oh! Of course there is You, Harry!”

Lockhart walked away dingy, leaving behind a lot of fans who didn’t know what to do.

And Link sneered when looking at the other’s slightly embarrassed back.

Link didn’t understand where Lockhart had the courage to fight Mrs. Foley’s idea. Who doesn’t know his dirty tricks in the upper wizard circle?

Everyone just didn’t want to offend people for nothing, so they didn’t expose him that’s all.

“Link! How could you be so rude to Mr. Lockhart!”

Hermione’s voice awakened Link from his contemplation. After Link heard the reputation, he saw Hermione unexpectedly. It was an angry face.

“I’m telling the truth, Lockhart is a liar for reputation.”

Link shrugged said.

And the words around hearing this Harry and Ron also echoed.

They also don’t have any good feelings for Lockhart, especially Harry. He instinctively hated Lockhart’s forcibly rubbing his heat just now.

“Heavens! Even if you don’t like Mr. Lockhart, don’t you need to slander him like this?” Hermione said excitedly, “and he is not only a great character, but he will be our Defence Against the Dark Arts next semester. Professor! You won’t have a good result if you offend him like this!”

Now Harry and Ron are silent.

Because if Lockhart really wears small shoes for them, it would be really uncomfortable. For the specific plot, please refer to Snape’s approach.

And Link sneered again and again.

Young wizards like Harry and Hermione might think Lockhart is a great character.

But in Link’s eyes, he is at best a cultural businessman with small wealth that’s all.

When it comes to social class status, he does not even have the qualifications to give shoes to most pure-blooded nobles.

How can he retaliate against Link for such a guy?

Wear Link shoes at school?

Or is it like some internet celebrities in later generations to launch fan online violence?

Link feels that he is afraid of these two options. You have to know that he has the handle in Link’s hands now. As long as Link is willing, he can ruin Lockhart at any time.

And even if he dares to do this, Link will not be afraid.

Because the former Link is protected by Snape and Professor Sprout, Lockhart can’t use it at all.

As for the latter.

Even if Lockhart dared to do this, Link estimated that his fans would not dare to implement specific actions.

These so-called fans are just ordinary person that’s all. They may dare to send letters to curse Harry Potter or even Dumbledore.

But they absolutely dare not do this to Link.

Because Link’s surname is Foley, and the Foley family is not only powerful and wealthy, but also has a Death Eater background.

When they wanted to come, decent people like Harry Potter and Dumbledore wouldn’t bother them just because they cursed in a few letters.

But Link is not necessarily a guy with a background in the Death Eater family.

If Link is really pressing, maybe there will be a dark wizard coming to find their trouble on the 2nd day.

It’s like what Mrs. Foley said before.

Good people are always bullied these days.

shook the head, Link no longer wants to argue with Hermione.

He knows very well that Hermione, who is currently in the enthusiasm for star chasing, can’t listen at all.

So then Link quickly changed the subject, and finally after talking with Harry and the Weasley family for a while, he quickly returned to the black gold demonic beast.

After Link’s back gradually disappeared from everyone’s sight, Mr. Granger smashed his mouth and asked Hermione:

“You took my treasured autograph before The poster was given to the young man?”

At this time, Hermione’s emotions have not yet completely calmed down, some replied in anger:


Granger looking thoughtful clicked nodded.

He is not a fool.

When it comes to IQ and EQ, as a dentist, he is much higher than Mr. Weasley.

He has determined one thing through his observation of Link and the others just now.

That is, the Link family must be rich and powerful, and Link himself has been well educated and is an excellent child.

And if my daughter really wants to gain a foothold in the Wizard Society, a world that obviously discriminates against muggle wizards, such a friend can obviously provide a lot of help.

Thinking so, the expression on Mr. Granger’s face became a little struggling.

But in the end he gritted his teeth and said to Hermione:

“This Link is a fan of basketball and football, right? To be honest, I have a lot of signature sneakers and so on. , How about you find a chance to give others a few more?”

Hermione: “?”

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