Faced with Newt’s invitation, Link without the slightest hesitation clicked nodded.

From the hand that Newt used to appease the curly-winged demon just now, it can be seen that the other party is a knowledgeable and experienced master. Link is happy to communicate with such people, which can make him gain a lot. Surprise joy.

And Dumbledore, who had been watching silently before seeing this, also took Link’s hand and led it to the podium in front of him.

Order of Merlin has too many strict rules regarding etiquette, not at all, so the other guests did not return to their seats, but all walked onto the podium and surrounded Link. .

Next, it seems to be to show his sense of existence.

Fudge hurriedly stood beside Link, clutching Link’s shoulders with a smile on his face, and began to talk endlessly.

The surrounding guests also agreed and listened carefully.

This makes Link rolled the eyes.

He really hates this kind of boring speech.

When Dumbledore saw this, he rubbed Link’s hair with a smile. Although he was the strongest presence among all the players in terms of fame and strength, he did not at all stand up to grab Fudge’s limelight. .

Until Fudge finished his speech, Fliffe, who is today’s protagonist mother, came to Link.

She looked excited, her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

And the most concerned about Link is the pretty silhouette in a white off-the-shoulder gown next to Mrs. Foley.

Link’s eyes are a little straight.

In the past few days, he naturally tried to find Emily, but it was a pity that Emily was sent to St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for a closed recuperation by Mr. Victoria. This is the first time he has seen Emily in so many days.

Speaking of something uncomfortable, Link really misses Emily.


Link whispered to say something, but Emily smiled and put a finger on her lips. A gesture of silence was made.

Then she walked quickly to Link’s side and held Link’s arm affectionately.

Seeing Link, he was taken aback for a moment, but as he felt the familiar fragrance beside him, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This is also very good, everything goes without saying.

And Dumbledore, who has been observing here on the other side, also came to Link at this time.

With a smile, he took out a wooden box from his arms and opened it to reveal the Order of Merlin, Third Class medal inlaid in a layer of purple silk.

“Link, thank you for your contribution to the magic circle.” Dumbledore said with a smile, “and also welcome you to join the Order of Merlin!”

Just say Dumbledore Take out the Order of Merlin, Third Class medal from the box and put it on Link’s chest.

When she saw this, Mrs. Foley finally couldn’t help it, she covered her face and started crying excitedly.

The guests around were obviously accustomed to Dumbledore’s short speech style, and they immediately applauded and cheered.

For a time, the entire auditorium was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

At this time, Link, which is surrounded by happy laughter and cheerful voices, is in a trance.

Looking at Emily and Mrs. Foley beside him, as well as those guests, he always felt that this situation was a bit familiar.

It’s like… He seems to have experienced a similar scene somewhere!


At night, the awards ceremony of the “superstars gathering” is finally over.

But Link doesn’t want to end like this.

After finally seeing Emily, Link is also going to coax her like Mrs. Foley said.

Unfortunately, Mr. Victoria, who accompanied Emily over here, seemed to be very resistant to Link. He took Emily out of the venue as early as Dumbledore completed the award of Link.

This makes Link inevitably resentful.

Of course, Mrs. Foley is even more angry.

She is extremely disgusted with Mr. Victoria’s nonsense behavior. Link believes that if it weren’t for the relationship that was in a good mood today, Mrs. Foley estimated that Mr. Victoria would regret what he did on the spot.

Finally, Link exchanged the Floo Network names of their respective addresses with Newt, and agreed to return to Foley Castle after a visit the next day.

Although it was late at night, Mrs. Foley, who was a little overly excited, didn’t mean to continue sleeping.

She opened a bottle of Starlight wine with Unicorn corner powder and sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace to have a drink. She kept repeating: Take a sip and take a look at the Order of Merlin, Third that belongs to Link in her hand. Class medal, and the action of two giggles.

Seeing this Link is also quite emotional. Although he can’t empathize with him, he can still understand the difficulty of some Mrs. Foley raising a’mentally retarded’ son alone as a single mother.

Now that this’mentally handicapped’ son has finally become a talent, how can you make her unexcited?

sighed, Link not at all went up to discourage him, but ordered the little button to take care of Mrs. Foley and then returned to the room.

Of course, Link, who has also become a senior immortal cultivator under Snape’s training, will naturally not go to bed so early.

After returning to the room, he immediately took out two pieces of letter paper and began to write a letter.

These two letters are addressed to Snape and Professor Kettleburn respectively.

Link feels that these two professors all played a vital role in the development of their own magic potion, especially Snape.

Then the Order of Merlin, Third Class medal I got now naturally also has one of them.

In fact, Link had sent a letter to invite them to participate in the ceremony a few days ago.

But unfortunately, Professor Kettleburn refused Link because he wanted to go to Romania to check a Norwegian Ridgeback named Norbert.

It is said that this dragon just arrived in Romania last year. It is very fierce, so Professor Kettleburn is very interested in it.

As for Snape, he didn’t reply at all.

“hu~ hu~”

Link cautiously will dry the two letter papers filled with his sincere gratitude, and then Link will put them together with him at the ceremony. The GIFmagic photos of the medal were put together in two envelopes, and then they were delivered to the owl in the castle.

Since Link wanted Snape and Professor Kettleburn to receive the letter tomorrow morning, it decided to choose the more expensive fast delivery service.

In this mode, the task of this owl is only to send these two letters to the nearest magic post office.

After arriving at the post office, a dedicated wizard postman will deliver the letter via Floo Network, broomstick, or Disapparation.

Looking at the owl slowly disappearing into the night, Link finally lay back on the bed.

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