Looking at the words in the newspaper, a hint of surprise flashed across Link’s face.

If the interviewee in the newspaper did not say panic, then the thing described in the article is obviously another personality of the original owner, or another Soul Body-Mike did.

This allowed Link to finally have a clear understanding of Mike’s evil degree, and also understand why Dumbledore and the others are so afraid that his polysurgery will come back again.

After all, as stated in the article, Mike is a real lunatic, a demon in human skin!

And what makes Link feel even more curious is, why did the original owner suffer from polysomnia after being attacked once?

This is simply unimaginable. You must know that even if you are tortured with evil curses, at best, you will only become a vegetable or mentally retarded like Neville’s parents. How could it be possible to directly give birth to an evil personality? Or soul?

Also, what is the identity of the person who attacked the original owner?

What kind of purpose is it to cruel a child?

shook the head, Link finally sank these problems to the bottom of my heart.

When he put down the newspaper, he unexpectedly discovered that everyone around him had focused his attention on him.

Those gazes have fear and teasing, but more are angry.

Link smiled.

Because of the thoughts of these people, it is really easy to guess.

And the smile on his face seemed to further anger the surrounding crowd.

An anxious-looking senior Gryffindor walked out of the crowd with his sleeves rolled up, and gnashing teeth said:

“You murderer! You still have a smile on your face!”

“Calm down! Link, he is not the murderer! This is just someone slandering that’s all!”

Cedric hurried forward to stop the explanation.

Not far away, Harry and Hermione and the others are also coming here anxiously.

But it was Emily who arrived sooner than them.

Different from the method used by Cedric, Emily stood in front of Link and shouted:

“Never want to hurt Link!”

As soon as this statement was made, the surrounding crowd of onlookers became agitated.

No one would have imagined that Emily, who had always been a half-school boss in the past, would stand up to protect a Hufflepuff like Link.

However, after the restlessness, more people stood up and joined the team of the senior Gryffindor.

This is normal, you, a Slytherin schoolmaster who is not very clean, stood up to protect Link at this time.

Doesn’t this make Link Slytherin’s heir more real?

Although Emily and Cedric both have a good reputation in their respective houses, it is limited to the lower grades of their respective houses that’s all.

The seniors and other house members will not buy them.

Of course, the most important thing is that the irritability caused by prolonged house arrest and the anger of the students who get along with each other day and night have caused these senior students to lose control at this time.

Now they are actually just looking for a trash can that can let them vent their emotions that’s all.

And Link is naturally the best choice.

“Come on! Catch Link Foley!”

“The murderer!”

“Heir must die!”

For a time, the angry senior students rushed up, and immediately swallowed Cedric who was blocking the front, and then rushed towards Link.

Seeing this, Emily gritted her teeth and turned to Link’s side.

“Link! Let’s run away!”

While talking, Emily grabbed Link’s arm and wanted to run towards the hall.

However, the Link dragged by her is completely motionless.

“Why do you want to escape?”

The indifferent voice of Link reached Emily’s ears, she looked up in a daze, and just hit Link’s side. The expressionless face and the look in Link’s eyes.

Emily and Snape have been dealing with each other for a long time.

She had naturally seen the look in Snape’s eyes after turning on Occlumency.

It’s just that Link’s eyes are completely different from the hollow and deep feeling at this moment.

It was not a hot look, nor was it cold. It does not fluctuate strongly, it is as warm as annoyingly warm water, not hot enough nor cold enough.

Looking at that look, Emily shuddered and couldn’t help letting go of Link’s arm.

And at this moment, the senior Gryffindor who rushed to the front has also come to Link’s side.

He grabbed Link’s collar with a smirk, dragged it in front of him and shouted:

“I caught you! Killing…”

His words came to an abrupt end, because a jet-black wand had reached the center of his eyebrows.

A weird sourness suddenly rippled from the center of his eyebrows, making him stared wide-eyed.

“Stop it! Link!”

Behind her, Emily, who had reacted, was shouting with all her strength.

However, Link at this time didn’t mean to stop at all.



A red glow suddenly appeared, and the senior Gryffindor was blown out in an instant.

Although Disarming Charm literally can only be used to disarm, but in actual use, it can achieve different effects according to the difference in magic power output and control.

And Link’s attack also stunned the originally aggressive crowd.

Most areas of Hogwarts, such as the auditorium and corridors, are forbidden for students to use magic. This is why the previous high-grade students were so violent and only wanted to use physical means to catch Link.

But now Link took the lead in taking out wand.

This made many people in the crowd laugh.

Speaking of magic battles, senior students like them are not afraid of a Third Year brat!

“The murderer Link Foley committed another murder!”

“Quick! Get ready for self-defense!”

“Grab him! Put him in Azkaban !”

Along with the noise, several spells of different colors shot out from the crowd.

When seeing Link, there was a flash of blue glow in his eyes.

Under the blessing of the Super Sense Mantra, Link almost enjoys a 360-degree’view’!

In between, his center of gravity lowered, and the wand flashing red glow in his hand was swiped like a sword!

“pēng pēng pēng ……”

Amidst a series of explosions, all the curses that struck were turned into multi-colored fireworks, gradually dissipating into the air .

“Curse reversal? Or continuous curse reversal? How could he have such a skill in a Third Year!?”

“Leave it alone! Keep attacking!”

The discussion in the crowd flashed away, and was then replaced by a more violent explosion of spells.

And Link is walking in this curse barrage like a butterfly through flowers. While blocking and avoiding the curse, it will send out a few Disarming Charm from time to time to counterattack.

For a time, there were constant wailing calls from the crowd.

The innocent lower-grade students hid in the corner shiver coldly, and John and other students who had a good relationship with Link also took out wand and joined Link’s camp.

Unfortunately, their battle strength is far worse than Link. The senior students lose their battle strength with a few spells.

Link naturally noticed the situation on their side.

But the current situation does not allow him to go to support, can only increase the output power of magic power, and hit the enemy in front of him.

Just when the entire auditorium was turned into a battlefield, a terrifying shock wave suddenly exploded from the center of the auditorium, blasting everyone to the ground.

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