In the dim potion office, Link and Snape are sitting on either side of the workbench.

They have maintained this posture for a long time.

In the beginning, Link thought that Snape was going to preach to himself, so he acted as if he was taking it seriously.

At the back, Link didn’t install it at all. Everyone who was minding their own business started to check the potion on their own’armed belt’.

He is ready to end this long farce tonight.

Before this, it is necessary to be prepared for combat.

“Do you know what you are doing?”

Snape’s cold voice with no emotional change suddenly rang.

This caused the Link plugging and unplugging to test the tightness of the potion bottle stopper a little bit.

“Do you know what I’m doing?”

Link asked rudely.

hearing this Snape frowned, but he didn’t speak.

“You probably even know what I am going to do next?”

Link said softly and inserted the stopper back into the bottle.

And this time, Snape remained silent.

“Dumbledore’s idea again? What does he want me to do?”

Snape remained silent.

Looking at Snape, who bowed his head and said nothing, Link suddenly felt a little bored.

Of course, this boredom is not directed at Snape, but at Dumbledore.

Link is not a fool.

Dumbledore has disappeared for so long, and how weird the attitudes of Snape and Professor McGonagall have been recently. This is obviously what Dumbledore is planning.

Although I don’t know what Dumbledore’s purpose is, go with Tom Riddle alone is definitely what Dumbledore wants to see.

He had just tested this out on Snape.

After taking a few deep breaths, Link tied the checked armed belt around his waist, then got up and walked outside the office.

As soon as Link opened the door, Snape raised his head and looked at Link.

“Link, you will be fine.”

The action of hearing this Link was paused, but after all, there was no reply, and he opened the door and went out.


The door is closed again.

Snape alone sat in the silent office and couldn’t help covering his face with his hand.

Link found out when he was in the office with Snape before.

Today’s moon phase seems to be a rare last quarter moon.

At this time, leaving the office and walking on the corridor again, Link saw that in the night sky outside, the moon was barely hanging in the sky with only a thin trace.

Seems ashamed by Link, the crescent moon was simply hidden in a huge black cloud that was quickly passing by the sky, and he didn’t want to come out for a long time.

Well, dark and windy night, it鈥檚 a good day to kill.

Link, who had seen the moon disappeared, clicked nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to move forward.

Just a few steps away, he was attracted by the scene ahead.

In the thin moonlight, Emily is standing at the edge of the huge open arched window sill, looking up at the sky intently.

A night wind blew from outside the window, naughty caressing her black hair that had become, and then ran into the castle laughingly.

“Ah, the moon is gone.”

Emily stretched out her hand to gather her wind-blown hair, and said happily.

“Maybe you are shy to be seen.”

Link said softly his previous guess.


Emily called Link’s name softly, and smiled sweetly on her face.

I don’t know why.

Although the arcs of the two are similar, Link always feels that Emily is smiling more beautifully than the shy moon at the moment.

For a while, Link was silly.

“Link, would you like to accompany me to the observatory to see the stars?”

Emily’s voice awakened Link.

He silently looked at the armed belt around his waist, and then looked towards outside the window.

At this time, the moon that had disappeared for a long time seemed to be curious about Link鈥檚 answer, sneaking out from behind the dark clouds, and then hiding again like a child who had been peeked go back.

Seeing this, Link laughed.

“It’s still early, I’ll be with you.”


Emily jumped from the window sill back into the corridor with excitement, and then He took Link’s hand as he did in First Year, and half pulled and half pulled him towards the observatory.

Link also laughed and followed Emily’s movements.

Now that the moon has just risen halfway, he does still have enough time to watch the stars with Emily.

But the real reason for Link’s acceptance is that Emily’s attitude has changed so much today, so big that he is a little afraid that Emily can’t think about it.

After all, a female child alone in the middle of the night is standing on an unprotected open window sill, or the closest to the edge of the cliff, which inevitably reminds people of things like this.

Furthermore, it is indeed time for some things to be explained clearly. If you don’t talk about it, I am afraid it will give birth to some regrets.

In this way, the two walked slowly in the castle together.

They stepped out of the corridor and through the foyer, and then they were lifted by the kind-hearted Mr. Stairs and stepped onto the stone bridge between the tower and the tower…

The two of them did not speak along the way, but their lips were smiling. The picture of this young girl leaning against each other is so beautiful, even Peeves, who is the most noisy in the past, even after seeing it. He instinctively covered his mouth, for fear that he would ruin the picture because of his rashness.

The Observatory at Hogwarts is located on the top floor of the Astronomy Tower opposite the Owl Tower.

This is the place where Hogwarts is closest to the sky, and it is also the place for astronomy classes.

Because classes can only be held at night, Professor Sinista usually only gives one class per week to the students of each grade, and the content of the class is that a group of people take turns using the magic astronomy Telescope Glancing at the sky, then Professor Sinista next to him was talking non-stop in Nabarabara.

It’s boring to tell the truth, but the observatory itself is an extremely popular place.

There are often even senior couples who swim here at night and then linger.

The reason is also very simple.

Dating under the stars is always extraordinarily romantic.

As mentioned by these all are Cedric above, Link initially dismissed it at all.

But when he really took Emily into the observatory, he found that he was wrong.

Through the magic ceiling and walls created by the same technique on the observatory and the ceiling of the auditorium, Link can clearly see the magnificent scene in the night sky directly through the ceiling.

the sky was full of stars gleaming rays of light, like countless silver beads, scattered and densely scattered on the dark night, they even formed a magnificent milky way, just like a light The luminous giant dragon-like spans an entire starry sky.


Link couldn’t help taking a deep breath. The experience of watching Star Sea up close was beyond his imagination.

Now he understands the Senior Senior Sisters a little bit. It is a wonderful experience to be able to stay in such an environment, even if it is not doing anything!

Suddenly, Link felt Emily’s hand tightening a little bit.

He instinctively turned his head and saw that the young girl beside him was also looking up at the stars.

Her eyelashes are trembling slightly, and the bright starlight is reflected in the pair of bright eyes, whose brilliance is even comparable to Venus!

“It’s so beautiful!”

Under the stars, the young girl said foolishly.

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