
Link was a little confused, and didn’t realize what was going on for a while.

In other words, he couldn’t believe that Emily would suddenly stabbed him.

He didn’t open the harem everywhere like the protagonist in some light novels, so why should he get a hatchet!

Link roared inwardly.

And at the next moment, Emily gave the answer.

“Mike you monster! Give me Link back!” Emily cried and said, “I don’t care why you want to be Slytherin’s heir, and I don’t care how many people you kill in Hogwarts! I just want my Link back!”

Hearing this Link was shocked, and then I felt a little wronged.

Although he is indeed not the original Link, he is not Mike either!

The most important point is.

Why does Emily dare to believe that he is heir!

“I am not…heir, and I am…not Mike!”

Link gritted his teeth.

“Lying! I saw it!” Emily cried with tears, “just the night I was attacked! You waited for me on my way back, walking out of the darkness with a smile Come out, let Basilisk attack me!”

‘Ah! So this is ah! ‘

‘It was the Emily who heir pretended to attack me. ‘

Link instantly felt a bright brain, and the original doubt about Emily’s change in attitude disappeared instantly.

Indeed, if this is the case, it makes sense that Emily will have such a reaction in the follow-up.

“I will save Link!”

Just as Link’s inner thoughts changed, Emily’s expression suddenly became firm again.


Emily’s fingers gently twitched a mechanism on the handle, and then Link felt that the part where the dagger was originally inserted was another moment. Cramping.

‘Is it sucking my blood? ‘

Link instinctively gave birth to such a conclusion.

However, next moment, the curly-winged magic yo-yo that has been hidden between Link’s neck finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

It screamed and earned Link’s collar, and with a fierce flap of its wings, it slapped Emily out.

Emily screamed and fell to the ground, and at the same time the dagger was taken out by Emily.


Link was holding his wound and couldn’t help groaned, while his other free hand quickly removed a bottle of powdery white potion from the armed belt. , Drank half of it, half poured on the wound.


As soon as potion touched the wound, there was a terrifying sound of chicken breast being thrown into the pan.

Link himself is also deathly white, curled up like a lobster.

And while Link was dealing with the wound, Emily got up early.

She seems to be unwilling to give up, waving wand and constantly releasing control spells like’Stupefy”Incarcerous’ to Link.

It’s a pity that the curly-winged magic yo-yo with anti-magic skin is not a decoration.

Whenever Emily threw away a spell, the yo-yo can move past with almost the speed of instant movement, blocking the attack for Link.


Another Stupefy was blocked by a yo-yo, and unlike before, the yo-yo at this time seemed to be hurt.

It opened its mouth and showed two fangs, and it roared silently at Emily.

When Emily saw this, there was a little fear in her eyes.

She naturally knew that this was the final warning from the Curly Wing Demon to her.

However, reminiscent of the happy scene when she was with Link, she still held up wand firmly in the end.


The curly-winged monster screamed and rushed over.

After being beaten in vain for so long, he is really a little angry.

Just when its fangs were about to make intimate contact with Emily’s forehead, Link’s voice rang.

“Hold on!”


Emily was blown off by the gust of wind, and the dagger in her hand was even more I got out, fell to the ground and made a crisp voice.

But this is good news, because it means that the yo-yo still keeps his hands at the last minute.

“ga ga!”

Sometimes the curled-wing magic yo-yo fell back on Link’s shoulders, and at this moment, he moved towards Link and screamed dissatisfiedly.

And Link ignored its thoughts temporarily.

I saw that he wiped the sweat on his face first, then slowly stood up.

At this time, the wound on his abdomen has healed. Although there is still a bit of pain when moving, it is not a major problem.

The effect of concentrated white fresh juice is so powerful!

The only drawback is that it hurts too much.

If you can choose, Link prefers to choose other slower but more gentle treatments.

Slightly calmed down, Link looked towards Emily on the opposite side.

The young girl’s eyes still have tears, and the expression on her face is even more distressing and desperate.

“Emily,” Link’s tone couldn’t help but slow down, “You were cheated by that heir, he…”

Link’s voice stopped abruptly because of borrowing From the Super Feeling Curse, he could clearly see that a powerful magic power was approaching quickly not far away.

“Be careful! Emily!”

Link yelled out instinctively.

The ebony wand instantly bounced into Link’s hands. Link swiped wand with a fierce wave, and a thin transparent shield instantly enveloped Link and Emily.

next moment, a huge force penetrated most of the magic ceiling and transparent shield in an instant.

“cough cough!”

Link coughed from the dust.

At the same time, the culprit who destroyed the observatory finally revealed his figure.

That is a humanoid thing.

The reason why I use things to describe it is because it only maintains a human form that’s all.

The vast majority of its body is covered by countless thick black mists, which are surging violently, not only covering its appearance, but also giving Link a sense of chaos and absurdity.

However, Link can clearly perceive the evil aura emanating from the opponent’s body through the magic power vision of the super-sensing curse.

This smell is a bit similar to Voldemort that I encountered last year.

But it is younger and more energetic.

The black silhouette hooked her finger suddenly, and Emily floated beside him at the next moment.


The wind suddenly appeared.

Link did not hesitate, raising his hand was a Sectumsempra shot out.

However, the strange thing is that the previously invisible invisible blade did not exert any effect.

Straight through the black silhouette within the body!

‘Is there no entity? ‘

Link understood in an instant.

But it was too late at this time.

The black silhouette took Emily and jumped directly from the observatory. At the last moment of the jump, it turned his head and took a deep look at Link.

Although the black silhouette has no facial features, it can’t make expressions either.

But Link always feels that the other party is laughing at him.


Link roared to the edge of the ruins of the observatory, but at this moment, the silhouette of the opponent and Emily were long gone.

Fortunately, Link can still perceive the disgusting magic power breath of the other party, just like breadcrumbs that lead the way, extending towards the Forbidden Forest.

“Forbidden Forest?”

Link whispered softly, but the speed in his hand was not slow.

I saw his arm randomly dig into the Extension Charm bag, and a brand new Nimbus 2000broomstick appeared in his hand.

Ms. Foley compensated him last year.

Riding on the broom, Link flew to the Forbidden Forest with the curled-winged magic yo-yo.

And above the head of a man and a beast, the thin crescent moon is watching this good show with great interest.

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