Link’s brows frowned slightly.

The young man who appeared in front of him at this moment is not only tall and straight, but also very handsome. Especially the other pair of eyes seems to have a way to make others look at him. Trust his magic power unconditionally.

If you have to say that there is any dissonance, it is only the smile of the other person at the moment.

That smile reveals an evil, but it’s different from the evil smile that often appears in young girl comics and is described as bohemian and domineering. The smile on the other’s face is pure tyrannical and cruel. People can’t help feeling disgusted.

The appearance of such a smile on such a handsome face is like being splashed with mud on a beautiful oil painting, which is extremely uncoordinated.

After the boy stretched his waist, he finally turned his attention to Link again.

I saw him smirking and giving a gentleman’s gift to Link, and then said:

“Then please let me introduce myself, next to Tom Riddle, of course , You can also call me…”


Link frowned and interrupted Riddle’s words, which made the corners of the opponent’s mouth rise even more.

“Oh! Do you already know?” He said in surprise, “But this is also normal, after all, you are a smart person. Just like me.”

Well, Riddle took a deep look at Link, and when he saw that the other party didn’t reply, he said in an old-fashioned tone with an old friend:

“Link, do you know? I’m really happy to return to Hogwarts again. , But to my disappointment, the quality of teachers and students here is really reduced compared to my time.”

“You mean Lockhart?”

“en ? He?” Riddle instinctively looked down at Lockhart, who had been sucked into a corpse, and then kicked the opponent away. “He is really rubbish. I love vanity, bad character, everyday all time He spends his energy on something meaningless and enjoys it. The most important thing is that his IQ is not high. Normal people should be vigilant when they come into contact with a magic item that claims to be able to fulfill all his wishes. Huh? But do you know what he said to me at the time?”

“What did you say?”

Link was perfunctory with Riddle, but his eyes kept shining away Observing the situation on Emily’s side.

The opposite Riddle didn’t seem to notice, he was excited to learn Lockhart’s tone and said:

“Oh! This is very good! I want power! Don’t need too much, as long as you can make it It’s enough for me to beat Link Foley! As my student, this guy makes me fool out of me time and time again in class. It’s horrible!”

“ha ha ha ha! It’s just too bad!”

“ha ha ha ha! Funny, isn’t it? I got the so-called wishing machine, and I immediately believed it without the slightest hesitation, and the wish was so naive!” Riddle said with a big smile, “Sometimes I really doubt his brain. Isn’t it all grown up. An idiot like him deserves to be teased and used by smart people like you and me!”

“Used? Do you mean controlling Lockhart to kill the four picket team members? “

“Of course, this is one of the things I asked him to do. But since you’ve talked about this, then I have to mention another idiot, Draco Malfoy.” Riddle It seems that it’s been a long time since I talked to people so freely, and it was quite eloquent, “Do you know? When I first met him, I was actually very excited. After all, this is a true pure bloodline child, and it’s magic. The power innate talent is very vigilant and very vigilant. But after I’ve “lettered” with him through the diary for a while, I found that this child is a bit wrong.”

Riddle made a pair The disgusting expression said:

“The child, no, it should be said that the little cub actually regarded me as a diary friend that can be carried with me, and began to act like a little girl in estrus. Talk to me about his emotional trivia in the diary.”

“Of course, if that’s the case, that’s all. The most important thing is that his emotional object is Harry Potter. You can’t imagine me at that time. What kind of feeling is it like. That little cub, he would bring a Potter in every three sentences on average, or Potter with various tone changes. For example…”

Riddle coughed twice Sound, and then imitated Draco’s tone and said:

“Bro (stretched fourth beep) special! broken (second short short) special! broken (third normal) special!”

Half the imitation, Riddle finally couldn’t help laughing and said:

“Later, I finally confirmed that this Draco Malfoy, he is most likely to be GayBo y! “

“This is terrible. Now that the number of pureblood wizards is so small, he doesn’t plan to give birth to a few more, but he is still doing this kind of thing! “

“The shame of pure blood! “

Riddle finally used a tone of disgust and disgust to characterize Draco.

And hearing this Link couldn’t help but laugh.

Riddle’s story was so emotional and emotional that Draco’s daily life with Harry flashed in his mind.

And… if the two of them heard Riddle’s comments after this Wonderful expression.

But thanks to Occlumency, Link calmed down and asked:

“So you abandoned Draco because of this? “

“Please, please don’t use the word abandon, I am more sensitive to this now. And I just left because he was so rubbish! Riddle waved his hand quickly, “Huh! Even though he usually pretends to be so fierce, but that little cub species dare not even kill, then I can only find another target. “

“Well, does this mean that the Lady Lorris incident and the Emily attack incident were also done by Draco’s body?” “

Link pretended to be nonchalant and said.

And it seems that Draco complained about feelings together before, and Riddle hearing this also said without thinking:

“Those little jokes were indeed made at that time. “

After that, Riddle turned his head and pointed at Emily who was entangled by Basilisk Arkham again, and said:

“By the way, I’ll talk to you again, your little girl. My friend is really stupid. I just pretended to be you and attacked her and she believed it. Later, I told her in my soul state that there was a way to make you look like a child again. She really picked up the dagger…”

Riddle’s words stopped abruptly.

Because he was surprised to find that Emily, who was supposed to be in an unconscious state, had already woke up at some point. She was gritting her teeth and looking at him with indignation.

“what! Riddle chuckled angrily, turned his head, and clicked on Link remotely with his finger, and said, “Nice clever! “

The expression of hearing this Link is a bit regretful.

I borrow Riddle’s own mouth to let Emily understand the truth, and by the way, I can answer the last trace of doubt in Link’s heart. , This is his original plan.

Now the former is indeed completed, but Emily reveals her stuff when the latter reaches the most critical point.

shook the head, Link didn’t install it anymore.

Shook the head straight and asked:

“Why did you let Emily stab me? Could it be that you just want to rely on this method to kill me? “

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