“bang! ~”

The dim-blue beam, which is as thick as a bucket, flashes with an electric arc, and shoots straight into the jungle.

The huge power carried on it destroyed everything along the way and directly added a brand new scar to the flame-torn Forbidden Forest.

And Link, who barely avoided relying on the blood of Borias, looked at the light beam that passed him with a serious face.

The formidable power of Riddle’s strike was far beyond his expectations.

Even Link also thinks of a classic move in previous animations-the super-electromagnetic gun!

Riddle standing in front of him now is nothing more than a soul that’s all split from Voldemort’s youth. Logically speaking, the opponent should be dead and only the strength of Voldemort Seventh Year.

That means… Is Voldemort already able to release this kind of curse when he was a student?

‘This is simply a monster! ‘

Link couldn’t help thinking like this, but the movement in his hands didn’t stop.


The wind gradually rose.

Two more Sectumsempra spells of pure energy form were shot.

However, the result at this time is completely different from before.

I saw Riddle holding Wand’s hand and lifting it at will. The invisible two Sectumsempra in midair turned into two silver white fireworks out of thin air.

Not only that, Riddle shot a dim-blue beam in his hand, and the landing point was precisely aimed at the running Link.


Link smashed his mouth irritably.

At this moment, Riddle in his soul state obviously possesses a certain perception ability similar to that of a supernatural curse, which means that his phantom potion and Sectumsempra will be invalidated.

Fortunately, the speed and mobility brought by the opponent’s Borias blood still exist.

“dong! ”

Link stepped on the ground, and the ground that had been burned to the semi-crystalline collapsed instantly. At the same time, Link himself also took advantage of this thrust. Moved out of the shooting track of the dim-blue beam.

At this moment, however, Link noticed that the smile on Riddle’s face had become more hideous.

This made him feel a little bit bad.

Sure enough, the next moment the blue light beam that had been avoided by Link suddenly exploded midway, turning into a cloud of blue and white light and continuing to move towards Link and cover it away.

“Cooking sun!”

Link instinctively exploded, but still seized the last opportunity to prop up a transparent shield to cover himself.

“bang bang bang! ~”


A series of explosions completely submerged Link in the flames and dust, and was covered by Basilisk in the distance. Emily, who was bound by Arkham, couldn’t help shouting, but her shout was completely submerged in the deafening explosion.

Riddle burst into a frantic laugh.

It seems to be mocking Emily’s useless work, and it seems to be mocking Link’s overestimate one’s capabilities.

But soon he couldn’t laugh.

Because a scarlet beam has already rushed out of the sky full of smoke and dust and moved straight towards him Accio.

“Useless struggle!”

Riddle screamed and waved wand.

A strange and invisible energy reappears, pinched directly to the Disarming Charm in the air.

Just at the moment when the two were about to touch each other, the Disarming Charm exploded in advance like the dim-blue beam before, turning into a red light bomb in the sky.

“Oh? Did you learn so fast? But what’s the use!”


The huge black fog suddenly emerged from Riddle The body exploded, directly engulfing the countless light bullets that hit him.

Under the interception of this weird energy, those light bullets were all shot out in an instant!

After doing all this, Riddle seemed to get excited and began to threw away spells one after another.

And the Link, which had been swallowed by the smoke and dust, also rushed out, dodging and striking back.

The battle continues.

Countless gorgeous curses intertwined between the two, erupting.

Dragging their blessings, at this moment, this originally large open space has already been enlarged several times.

The spider silk that originally covered the ground has also been replaced by potholes and scorched earth, showing the fierceness of the battle.

But as the battle progressed, Link’s heart sank more and more severely.

Because he knows very well that Riddle is much better than him.

This kind of strength is not simply the kind of magic power that is strong in quality and quantity.

The opponent is not only magic power, even use spell skills and battle awareness are much stronger than him!

So much so that it formed an almost insoluble suppression to him!

Under Riddle’s various unimaginable spells, Link has now almost lost the ability to counterattack, and can only passively dodge and block.

And that’s it, relying on the curled-winged magic yo-yo occasionally to help him block a shot or two.

If it is normal 1v1, Link might have been torn to pieces.

‘What to do? How to do? How to do? ‘

Link in the heart frantically asked himself, but no matter how he thought about it, the ultimate way to defeat the enemy was slow to appear.

At this time, two more orange-yellow spells burst out from Riddle’s tip.

They are intertwined in midair, moving towards Link Accio in a strange trajectory without any regularity.

Seeing Link’s expression immediately became more gloomy.

He has seen the opponent’s blow, and it is completely wishful thinking to stop or avoid them midway by relying on that strange flight trajectory, so the only solution is to resist.


The translucent light shield took shape in an instant, and the two snake-shaped spells of the next moment also came quietly.


The orange-yellow rays of light exploded suddenly, and the Protego in front of Link was shattered.

The two orange-yellow beams are fused together. Under Link’s surprised eyes, they seem to have really turned into a light snake, opening their mouths and continuing to bite towards Link. .


The curled-up magic yo-yo once again drilled out of Link’s neckline and blocked Link in front of it.

It’s just that, with such a delicate body, how can it block an attack that even Protego can penetrate.


A more dull explosion sounded.

Link and the yo-yo were blown out, and they rolled on the ground for a few laps before they finally stopped.

“hu~ hu~”

Link, who fell on his back, was breathing heavily.

At this moment, there was a violent rumbling sound resounding in his ears, and his vision became extremely blurred.

As for pain.

To be honest, Link really didn’t feel much pain. At this moment, his body was more numb and warm.

But this is not a good thing.

Link is very clear that these feelings above are just temporary protection measures that’s all for the body.

In fact, he was blown up front by the curse. He should be a torn skin and gaping flesh, with a charred and embarrassing appearance.

Will there be blood coming out?

Should only a small amount of blood flow out?

After all, those who were killed by gunpowder and those struck by lightning in previous lives would not shed too much blood.

Wait… Thunder?

During his crazy thoughts, Link’s dilated pupils suddenly became solid again.

Link struggled and raised his head, looking at the curled-winged demon yo-yo in his arms.


The yo-yo cried weakly.

At this moment, its original azure black carapace has been completely blackened, but fortunately, the fragile flesh wings are not at all hurt.

“Yo-yo…can you still fly?”


The yo-yo’s cry became firmer.

At the same time, its two small paws also pressed on Link’s chest, and stood up with difficulty.

When he saw it, a smile appeared on Link’s scorched face.

“Then, we will fight back next!”

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